Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Post-release)

Great film. Some bad things:

1. Why did Krennics park so far from the Ersos house?

2. Not enough gorilla gunner...he annihilated the AT-ATs!

3. Chirruts force sensitivity was a bit too on the nose.

Other than that I thought it was excellent. As with ANH and ESB it slowed down in some parts more than I would like.

I do like how everything was linked together, however, Chirruts force power causing blasts to miss him was too much. A little more subtle and I think it would have worked well to explain how our ANH peeps escaped the Stormtroopers fire.

i think the most amazing think was the space battles!! The Corvette ramming the Star Destroyer was jaw dropping.
What concerns me most about the movie is how everyone's cheering Rogue One's ending in the only way it could, but Terminator 3 was very much reviled... because it ended in the only way it could.
Having read all of this thread so far, I'm not going to say what's already been said, but I am SUPER curious as to what happened in the original ending! Because the missing TIE-rising-at-end-of-gantry and Jyn, Cassian AND K2SO (obviously not "dead") running with the DS plans both on the beach and at the "tube station" have me super intrigued. Also, what the hell happened to this guy?:

Hasbro figure, HOT TOYS figure AND DisneyStore Elite Series figures of this guy came out before the movie (and he was exclusively revealed on the Star Wars Show), so he must have originally played an important part in the story.

On the plus side, not seen anyone mention it yet, I LOVED the OT holochess creatures in Saw's base (wooden carved pieces instead of holographic). :D

i have seen it twice now and have been saying the same thing. I wanted to see this guy in the movie. How long wil Disney be selling those figures, I wonder.
Thats funny shoebox has an article about Felicity Jones having a sequel option in her contract. I guess there leaving it open to shove Jyn into one of the other side movies . or a prequel to R1 ??!?

She even jokes R1 is set up for a sequel it has a number in it .
The man had 4 weeks to score this film.

Wow I had no idea of that. He should have had way more time. To put someone in that position is a bit cruel. I for one liked the score. It wasn't up there with Williams but it was good,although I agree about flat in some spots. Other spots though were great. The new "Imperial March" type theme was great.I wanna hear it some more before my verdict is out. Loved the movie though. :)

I enjoyed it overall. It was a solid effort as a stand alone. I think adding gold and red leader shows that they weren't being lazy when it came to fitting it in the timeline. I was mostly impressed with Tarkin, but I think they overused his character.

My biggest beef is the trailers were mostly a lie. I was looking to see how some of those shots would be used in the story and they are gone now.

While I don't have an issue with the score, I would like to think they could use more of the original themes where appropriate.

I am sure everyone at Lucasfilm will be doing a "lessons learned" session to see what worked and what didn't as they plot the course fore more stand alone films.

Now, here is a thought I still haven't fully processed. After I finished watching R1 the first time, so many of the elements I liked about TFA meant nothing anymore. I suddenly think BB-8 was dumb, Finn and Poe are characters I could care less about. I never had these thoughts until I watched R1.

Like I said, I haven't fully processed that last part yet, just sharing.
Okay Part 2!

I'm just going to break it down to the good, the bad, and the what could have been...

But first I gotta say the one thing I think they got absolutely wrong with this flick, and yet it's probably why everyone loves it...

I think Rogue One is tonally WRONG. It's not wrong for a war movie, and it's not wrong for a heist movie... but it's completely wrong for a Star Wars movie.

A LOT of people are saying they forgive the issues with the beginning cuz the end was pure O.T Star Wars...and I kind of agree with that... cuz it was only in the last half hour that it STARTED to feel tonally like a Star Wars movie.

I think Rogue One probably looked good on an outline. You hit the emotional bits... her father calling her stardust... her finding the file "Star Dust"... which also makes the Death Star into dust... You have the goal stated all the time, "Hope"... and have "hope" be the last word. But then you watch the flick and those moments don't stand out... maybe it's direction, maybe it's score... maybe it's overall look...



- The blind guy! - I liked this guy a lot. I don't think he necessarily paid off in the end, but he stood out as an interesting character.

- jyn Erso - She's cute! I bought her as a bad ass... maybe more than Rey.

- CG Tarkin - Tarkin looked GOOD. When he first turned, my brain spasmed from the uncanny valley of it, but it quickly left. He was great. And he had more screen time than in ANH...Which is nuts!

- Vader in the bacta tank (is that what it's called?) Neat idea... but he must get SICK of people walking in on him while chilling out with his armor off.

- Tall Robot smart ass! - yeah I'm guessing his lines were part of the rewrite... he was good. He kind of had the attitude R2 had in the original script when R2 had lines (as I remember it anyway)

- shield gate generator - haven't seen that before! Cool.

- Death Star tests - small scale destruction... still cool.

- The look of inside the Death Star - Didn't update the comp screen graphics and all.

- O.T. Pilots showing up in stock footage - neat

- DIVERSE CAST - good on em, keep it up. FELT REAL.

- The Vader attacking - I loved it. Bad Ass. And people say it's to stark a contrast to the fight against Ben a couple of days later. But the thing with that Rogue One fight is Vader wasn't jumping around, he wasn't doing crazy sword stuff... he walked down a small corridor and messed everyone up, hacking them and throwing them around. The terror on their face felt real... when he fought Ben he wasn't as angry and the stakes for Vader weren't as high. Kenobi wasn't going anywhere... he knew it.

I'm sure there's more, and there's one BIG one I'll save for the end...


- Jyn Erso - She was kinds of one note, and that note was strangely optimistic for a girl who shouldn't feel optimism. When we meet her she seems jaded, and then that leaves pretty friggin quick.

- The NAMES - One thing about the best characters in Star Wars is they have memorable names. Probably because they're short, and sound like stuff around us. Rey, Ren, Poe, Finn, Solo, Skywalker, Hutt, ... when this flick was over I asked if anyone could name any character other than Jynn. No one could. Well my mother said, "Dark Vader". Because of that we had to describe them visually when discussing after...

- Tall robots death had no weight.

- forgettable score - I love LOST... but man, hearing LOST in Star Wars was weird. But then it really didn't feel like Star Wars, so....

- The sequence to rescue/kill Jyn's father - This whole thing was completely unnecessary to the story. Nothing was gained. If it was cut from the movie, it would literally have no impact on the story. It was like a side mission in a video game.

- I'm not sure I followed the reasoning of the order to kill Jyn's father.

- Pushing the romance to the last second to attempt an emotional beat... FAILED. But if they were just going for a "The planes going down! who wants to have sex?!?!" moment, then okay.

- Storm Troopers... what the?... I liked the excuse that they were missing their shots at Luke and Han cuz they wanted the escape... but the lack of precision here was dumb.

- CG Leia... loved the moment, didn't like the leia. She was SO CLOSE... but weird. Still kinda cool though. torn.

- Vader's cadence when he talked. No one else? didn't seem weird? Seemed weird.

- NO FUN. Again I guess it comes down to the fun of Star Wars... even in Empire Strikes Back. This had some fun, but it was obviously shoe horned in and the film was even more dark before. I really think it's the direction. I think with the same story outline, but different director, it could have worked better. All the scenes were there, but no fun...

I have this thing I call the "YOU CAN FLY?!?!?" moment. It's named from the moment in "The Iron Giant" when Hogarth and the Giant fall off a cliff and the giant finds out, to his own surprise, that he can fly. In TFA, that moment is Rey grabbing the saber from Kylo.... there was no moment like that in this. Bummer.

I'm sure there's more, but I want to go watch TFA tonight, so gonna wrap this up.


- I wanted the blind dude to use the force. He prayed for the door to open (no go)... he meditated often... but then there's the switch that needs pulling.

I FULL ON expected him to get halfway, take a hit, and then in a moment of desperation, reach out with the force and push the handle forward before dying with a smile. THAT would have been your "YOU CAN FLY!?!?!?" moment.

Anyway, that's all I can remember at this point. So here's the last GOOD thing about Rogue One.


While I didn't care for it (I'll try not to say I hated it) the one thing I applaud is that it DIDN'T RUIN STAR WARS for me (like the prequels did for a long time) In fact, it may have made it better.

When I watch ANH and they talk about the rebels stealing the plans, I will picture this movie, and think, "yeah... holy a lot went into that heist". And watching that opening shot of the Star Destroyer following them, and knowing what their last encounter was like is awesome.

Anyway...I will likely try to check it out in 2D later this week.

I can't believe I'm that guy... after I saw TFA I loved it so much it was shocking to see people tear into it.

The second this ended I looked to my friend, Jenn, who I did a TFA nerd commentary with and said "Oh man were gonna have fun with this commentary"... she rolled her eyes, "geez, yeah". She wasn't even sitting next to me, but I could see on her face she didn't like it... No one in my group did... how is this possible?
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Now, here is a thought I still haven't fully processed. After I finished watching R1 the first time, so many of the elements I liked about TFA meant nothing anymore. I suddenly think BB-8 was dumb, Finn and Poe are characters I could care less about. I never had these thoughts until I watched R1.

I had the opposite feeling... it made me want to see them MORE... they felt more like characters in a Star Wars universe than the ones in this movie....

But like I said in my post, it ALL depends on the tone you want in your Star Wars...

Is it a war movie... a gritty, violent, drama in space?

or is a fantasy soap opera in space with knights and princesses and wizards?
- shield gate generator - haven't seen that before! Cool.

when this flick was over I asked if anyone could name any character other than Jynn.

When I saw SW when I was 10, the only name I could remember was Luke. Also, I had to ask someone what Han meant by "may the Force be with you" because I wasn't listening to anything Ben was saying in his hut---my mind was reeling after having seen my first lightsaber.
In Rogue One, we see Vader in combat mode taking down Rebel after Rebel. Which begs the question why didn't Vader do the same in ANH instead of the Stormtroopers?
Even in the pseudo-military hierarchy of The Empire, Vader's role is that of a commander, not a combat soldier unless the situation calls for it. As such, in the opening scenes of ANH he's issuing orders to his troops rather than actively participating in the boarding of the Tantive IV. That being said...

...Also, in response to "Why was Vader more active in this movie?": I think we just have to accept that Ep IV, V, VI were made in a different time with different ideas. It is hard to stick with old ideas when modern day creators have new thoughts on how certain characters should perform.

In Ep IV, Lucas had the idea that sabers were very heavy and thus they were wielded as such. The first fight between Obi and Vader was very lethargic. Later Lucas would realize that the action would look better if the saber fights were more fluid. The fights became better. I'm sure the fight between Vader and Obi would have been more exciting if Lucas didn't stick with that whole Excalibur idea to begin with...
There are plenty of plausible in-universe explanations for the varying fighting styles used in the various lightsaber duels throughout the franchise, but the reality is that Star Wars (Episode IV, A New Hope, whatever you want to call it) was George Lucas' first entry in the franchise and, despite his B.S. that he always had it all planned out, he was still figuring it out as he went along. As Borzou has stated, initially Lucas thought lightsabers should be seen as so powerful that even skilled Jedi had a little difficulty using them, so he directed David Prowse and Sir Alec Guinness to keep both hands on their hilts and to treat them as if they were "heavy". It was much later that Lucas accepted it was more visually dynamic if the actors swung them around like baton twirlers in a marching band, so the inconsistencies in the first six movies are all Lucas' responsibility/fault.

Now, the "Vader vs. the Tantive IV rebels" scene in Rogue One was impressive, but it was equal parts "serving the story" and "fan service". Lucas dropped the ball in the Prequel Trilogy movies by not showing us how Vader earned his fearsome reputation throughout the galaxy, and he and everyone else have been trying to make up for it ever since. So even though that scene is very different from his rather casual introduction in Star Wars, if it hadn't been included in Rogue One you can bet we'd all be talking about how they stuck Vader in the movie but didn't do anything with him instead of saying, "Wow! Wasn't that great?"
I'd like to add:
1) If you watch the footage of Vader taking down the reb's as he walks down the corridor, he does seem to be rather choppy at wielding his saber. I think that goes along with the idea of how constricting his portable iron lung really is. He seems more adept at simply using the force with pushes and chokes. Also, I do remember reading that Vader was to have been in a serious battle right before the events in R1, which is why we see him recouping in the bacta tank. Perhaps, he hadn't had the opportunity to fully recuperate when Krennic decided to show up. The fight in R1 took a bit more out of him and he never had the opportunity to get back to the Bacta spa due to being on the heels of tracking down the stolen plans. SO by the time he and Obi-Wan met up, he wasn't fully up to speed.

2) Remember too that Obi-Wan's fighting style was that of defense thus wearing down his attacker only to strike when his opponents weakness led to an opening to attack. Vader though can sense that Obi-Wan's "powers are weak."

So with that said, I like the idea that the fight during ANH was a combination of Vader being a bit worn down plus being extra careful due to the aforementioned last meeting where his former master took his legs and an arm. Add to that, Obi-Wan was out of practice and I like the idea that he had to really bury his connection to the force so as not to be discovered by the Sith. That left Obi-Wan with his powers being far weaker. Not to mention, both are about 30 years older.

So a few things here......

1) It was explained in an older article or extra feature of a movie that Vader can't fight like he used to (Episode III) because his suit is so cumbersome it's hard to move around in, hence the Frankenstein walk after his first suitup in Revenge Of The Sith.

2) Obi Wan didn't move like he used to for two reasons, A) He's old. I don't think I need to elaborate on that point any further, and B) It has been said through the Novels and Cannon Comic Books that while on Tatooine Ben had to learn to disconnect himself from the force, distance himself so to speak so that he could not be felt through the force by Vader or Palpatine.

So during his fight with Vader it was basically down to swordsmanship, and while Vader could have used the force on Obi Wan, he wasn't aware of Obi Wan's disconnection from the force and probably just assumed that whatever he threw at his old master, that Ben would just counter and match, like what happened on Mustafar.

Again, just my opinions mixed with Star Wars backstories that have been released.

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The man had 4 weeks to score this film.
And he has my sympathies, but the music was still lackluster. Not once did I feel emotionally roused. Now that's nothing against the composer--perhaps he did the best he could under hard circumstances. But it's definitely a criticism of the final product of the movie as a whole.

I'm pretty anti-special edition, but if ever a movie is crying out for some tweaks on blu ray, it's this. You have four months Disney, give us some music. (And cut away a few times when Tarkin speaks for God's sake.)
Wow I had no idea of that. He should have had way more time. To put someone in that position is a bit cruel. I for one liked the score. It wasn't up there with Williams but it was good,although I agree about flat in some spots. Other spots though were great. The new "Imperial March" type theme was great.I wanna hear it some more before my verdict is out. Loved the movie though. :)


The original composer, Desplat, had delivered something that wasn't working and he was brought in literally at the last minute. I thought it was a pretty impressive job considering.
And he has my sympathies, but the music was still lackluster. Not once did I feel emotionally roused. Now that's nothing against the composer--perhaps he did the best he could under hard circumstances. But it's definitely a criticism of the final product of the movie as a whole.

I'm pretty anti-special edition, but if ever a movie is crying out for some tweaks on blu ray, it's this. You have four months Disney, give us some music. (And cut away a few times when Tarkin speaks for God's sake.)

No need for a SE just to appease disappointed 'fans'

The film is a work of art,....get used to it

No need for a SE just to appease disappointed 'fans'

The film is a work of art,....get used to it


Love how you put "fans" in quotes, as if one must uncritically accept anything SW to be a true believer. Someone take a sharp stick and write "Admiral Ackbar" on a cat turd fast so I can eat it! :lol I'm glad some people love this movie. I hope it makes a bajillion dollars so we get more SW. And perhaps it will grow on me. But I certainly don't feel like my lifelong fandom is in question over one movie I consider blah.
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