Phaser 1 Kit Buildup plus MM P2 Restoration

I should hope you're in safe company.

I suppose I'm the most curious how the split strip could consistently be made so perfectly round sitting in it's tube housing.
Also, the method for cutting the strip would have to be super razor saw thin or there'd be a nasty squared artifact in your triangle.
AHA!!! Uh... uh... :confused

No, I've actually thought about this.

First, you cut your strip to about an inch (ish). Then you round off one side on a grinder, so now you have a letter D. Then you slice the strip either on a bandsaw or with a razor saw, cutting into the round part of the D. Now you put it into a bench vise, round part up.

Now, IF the triangle is an opening (though it looks like I may well be wrong about that), here's how it might happen: you stick a screwdriver into the slot and wiggle it till you have the sides of the strip slightly spread apart (I'll call 'em "wings," because panty liners). :p As the wings get pulled apart during the rest of the process, that triangle could form as a point of failure -- a "crack," if you will (because panty liners). :p It would be wider at the bottom than the top because it's being spread apart.

Now you bend the wings gradually over a form, maybe a round file, or even a wooden form made for the purpose.

So, now your D has a circular outline, but not perfect. So you start test-fitting into the retaining ring, and file till it fits. Note you'll be filing the wings on the underside as well, to curve them so they fit. When it fits, you finish by filing the tips flush with the walls of the ring.

I thought that up just like Sherlock Holmes, over a long, thoughtful session with my pipe. As the bubbles filled the room, it hit me... :p
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I've been thinking this over as well. I figure since it has to rotate anyway just glue a rod into the space between the split sides, centered as best as you can. Then rotate it against a disc sander to round it off. Also it would be easier to bend the sides back if they are longer, like maybe an extra inch or so. The extra can be cut down before sanding.
Hi guys -- back after yet another interminable absence. I have 3D printed shells trickling in from Shapeways, and so far so good -- I'll post pics when they're all here. Meanwhile, I finally got a Blu-ray drive and some ripping software for my Mac, so here's some nicely sharp eye candy. You've seen these before, more or less, but these are really sharp! No grainy or chunky artifacts from compression. Enjoy!








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Bad news, guys -- all of my Dropbox-hosted photos are going to vanish on Sept. 1 because they're changing their whole scheme. I don't know when or if I'll have time to repost more than a few of them, so if you want them, now's the time to download them. For the time being, I'll go back to just posting them via the RPF uploads, and that'll have to do. Sorry about the inconvenience, folks -- and thanks a lot for nothing, Dropbox.
And still more bad news, I'm afraid. Techshop has closed its doors permanently and filed Chapter 7. Not sure how I'll be able to finish this project without it, though there's another maker space about an hour away that I can rejoin. Shapeways, of course, is there, and I'm sure I can print the brass internals at least. Gotta do some planning and make some adjustments, and in the meantime, I'm on a gig and also moving at the end of the month. Still not giving up on this phaser, but it's certainly gotten harder...
The Techshop board has walked away from the 2.0 deal. No news yet on where things are going, but they've said they're talking to other parties. They're also keeping the Chapter 7 escape hatch open for now.

Well that sucks, sorry buddy. Hey, iffin' ya wanna invest in a small mini lathe you can keep it at my place :D
Don't tempt me. :p

As it happens, it looks like the deal is on again. No details, but it looks like last week was a bump in the road and not a death event. :)
Re: John Long Phaser 1 Kit Buildup plus MM P2 Restoration

Meanwhile, none other than robn1 likes to recommend these spray colors:

Tamiya TS-48, Gunship Gray, for the P2 body

Tamya AS-27, Gunship Gray 2, for the Phaser 1

I know this is old but I have a question. Is this correct or is this backwards?
I bought both, and the TS-48 lid is much darker than the AS-27 lid.
Re: John Long Phaser 1 Kit Buildup plus MM P2 Restoration

Meanwhile, none other than robn1 likes to recommend these spray colors:

Tamiya TS-48, Gunship Gray, for the P2 body

Tamya AS-27, Gunship Gray 2, for the Phaser 1

I know this is old but I have a question. Is this correct or is this backwards?
I bought both, and the TS-48 lid is much darker than the AS-27 lid.

It was pielock who suggested Tamiya sprays, TS-48 for the P1 and TS-66 for the P2.
Hey guys, I'm late reporting this here, but Techshop finally filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, so it's definitely dead. There's an effort here in the DC area to start up another maker space, which I'm following. Nothing to report there so far. I hope to get my home hobby stuff up and running by summer, but there's not much I can do there on this project. Meanwhile, I hope this thread can at least serve as a repository of good DIY information.

- - - Updated - - -

Meanwhile, none other than robn1 likes to recommend these spray colors:

Tamiya TS-48, Gunship Gray, for the P2 body

Tamya AS-27, Gunship Gray 2, for the Phaser 1

I know this is old but I have a question. Is this correct or is this backwards?
I bought both, and the TS-48 lid is much darker than the AS-27 lid.
Thanks for catching that. I'll go back and fix this.

EDIT-- Fixed. Here's the corrected post on Page 10.
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I'm really, really sorry to hear that. But, I for one, have gotten a hell of a lot out of this thread. I appreciate all the work that you've put into it. Thank you!
Yes, also sorry to hear this. I've really enjoyed reading all the great information. Good luck getting back up and running with everything!

I'm really, really sorry to hear that. But, I for one, have gotten a hell of a lot out of this thread. I appreciate all the work that you've put into it. Thank you!

Yes, also sorry to hear this. I've really enjoyed reading all the great information. Good luck getting back up and running with everything!

Thanks guys. Maybe when I get my computer fixed (or replaced -- long, sad story) I'll revive the digital part of this thread. There's still things like the P1 vintage battery label and the 3D-printable shells that I can finish at home. Various expenses are sucking up all my disposable income right now, so I'm not sure when I can do this -- but we'll see. :)
Well, just take your time getting your computer fixed and we'll be here. I've really enjoyed this thread and I'm looking forward to more when all things are better for you.
Good news... pretty sure my computer problem is just a hard drive crash. My data is redundantly backed up, so I just need to stick a new drive in there, and I can do that. I'll keep you posted -- if this works, I will definitely be going back to the digital stuff as work permits! Yay (I hope)!