Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait - FULL FIGURE ALMOST DONE P8

Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait

This looks absolutely phenomenal!!!! The skin tones are extremely life like. Is this something you might consider releasing as a resin bust down the track?
Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait

Wow! I'll echo everyone else... astounding realism! Well done and can't wait to see it finished!

Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait

WOOOOOOOOOOW You just raised the level once again Steve.
Unreal likeness. Looking forward to seeing this finished soon.

Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait

Absolutely amazing, one of the best and most realistic busts I've ever seen! She looks so real, it's eerie!
Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait

A MASTER CLASS in silicone Human portraiture... can't wait to see the next stage, bud :eek:eek:eek
Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait

Sorry for the late reply guys, always want to come back with an update. Thanks so much for all the extremely kind feedback! I'm enjoying making this piece and enjoying sharing it even more :thumbsup

Heres the update, painted and sealed with a wig on so far.....


Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait
OH, MY GOD!!!!!!!

stupendous!! i don't even know what to write...

(couple of minutes later)... so how about you complete the face/facial hair, and then take "finished" shots of her as Alien 3 Ripley, before you go on and make her Aliens Ripley? is that possible? pretty-please? *bats eyelashes*

i've adored Ripley most of my life, and love her bald, too!
we even named our kitty after her!

your talent is utterly mindblowing.

Planning on doing exactly that actually :)

Re: Silicone Sigourney/Ripley Portrait
This looks absolutely phenomenal!!!! The skin tones are extremely life like. Is this something you might consider releasing as a resin bust down the track?

No more resin for me I'm afraid, haven't made a resin bust in years. Too easy for recasters unfortunately.

Wow, :eek

That is really erie. Perfect likeness.

Nice job. If you sell these, I may have
to get one for my Aliens collection. :thumbsup

PM on its way ;)

looking great steve. who do you use for eyes?

Cheers Rich. They're custom made by a very talented occularist in London. He doesn't want to be known though I'm afraid.
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