PropStore Y-Wing


Legendary Member
On display at Celebration. Many non-standard details, if there is such a thing.


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I noticed it a few hours ago and left a question about it's origins on their Facebook page. The info card says Return of the Jedi Y-wing, but no further information that I can find. The model itself has very little in common to the known original hero or pyro Y-wings. It is not the Bill George bird either. I am very interested to know more about this.
I find it a bit strange that this suddenly materialized without any proof. Not a single photo was ever found in any repository, until now. I suppose it's possible that this was hidden in some crate and just came to light now, but I wonder why it is so different from anything we've seen before...and why there is only one.

Alot looks wrong with it. The struts on the engine cowling. Where the r2 unit sits, It sits high. The piping..... Just not sure.
Looking at the model a little closer, the shape of the head looks good. It's painted on Gold 3 (a.k.a. MoM) paint scheme, some of the scratch marks mimick the original, but the white stripe on the side is considerably wider. A head cast from original molds, maybe a pyro head? I couldn't tell.

Interestingly, the droid is painted to match the one on Gold 3 as well. Silver head, dark panels, red stripe and warm white body. Only, that droid is not correctly shaped, the leg shoulders are low and there is what looks like a collar near top below the dome.

The body is put together with everything but original parts, nothing on the surface really matches. There may be pieces of 8-Rad on the neck but I'm not sure of that. Rear steering vanes look like they could be close to the original, but with my identification skills I cannot confirm that for certain either. What looks like a match underneath all the detail parts is the shape of the body just behind the droid. The facets on top of the wide part look the same. Good lines on the aft as well.

Why would ILM build a Y-wing body with little to no match to the original models? They certainly had the reference and know-how. Unless this comes from something similar than the Bill George model. Did ILM source fan builds for JEDI? This is one of them, but perhaps with a head from original molds?

What do you who know these things have to say to this? What is the story of this interesting mystery model?
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Huh. Odd. Not a single detail, except maybe the 8Rad chassis on the neck matches the original ANH filming models. I would be VERY suspicious of the authenticity of this model. Though I will say that PropStore of London is usually pretty thorough about authenticating the provenance of an item before they will say it was "screen used". We can be certain it did not come from LucasFilm, they never sell off anything, and besides, the archives belong to a Trust being held for the future George Lucas Museum, not by the Studio.
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Looks a lot like the Bill George one that has been on tour (with virtually none of the original kit parts). Same "double blue" stripe on the forward fuselage, but looks like the R5 unit with the wire antennae was swapped for an R2. That one was supposedly used in Jedi if I remember correctly. Could that be what we are looking at?
Looks a lot like the Bill George one that has been on tour (with virtually none of the original kit parts). Same "double blue" stripe on the forward fuselage, but looks like the R5 unit with the wire antennae was swapped for an R2. That one was supposedly used in Jedi if I remember correctly. Could that be what we are looking at?

Nope, that's not the Bill George Y- wing. The colour scheme on the head is the same but that's where the similarities end.
Hi all,

As stated above, this is a smaller Y-wing than the ones referenced above. It is indeed about 12" in length and as noted above is detailed as a "sister" model to one that remains in the archives collection.

The model is built around a brass tube and has a removable plate at the back with a threaded mounting support. There are lights in the engine and small brass posts on the top of the body for wires to be connected to power them. It may have been built as a one-off for a specific shot or sequence for ROJ.

Very best,
Hi all,

As stated above, this is a smaller Y-wing than the ones referenced above. It is indeed about 12" in length and as noted above is detailed as a "sister" model to one that remains in the archives collection.

The model is built around a brass tube and has a removable plate at the back with a threaded mounting support. There are lights in the engine and small brass posts on the top of the body for wires to be connected to power them. It may have been built as a one-off for a specific shot or sequence for ROJ.

Very best,

Thank you!
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