The Ultimate Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi Real Vintage Parts Lightsaber Group

This is actually pretty funny. The look on these guys faces, the pose. Some things never change.
@Chaim, I'm still using the Roman's cone but have been thinking about finding some vintage motor off something and getting it machined.
Didnt somebody here use an old lawnmower this way? Can't remember who...
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So what are you guys using for your coupling of the emitter to the grenade, also known as cone section?

Is it not this bit from the grenade rod mounting?
I haven't got an emitter handy to check the diameters but it just seems like an obvious candidate to me.

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So what are you guys using for your coupling of the emitter to the grenade, also known as cone section? Has anybody used a vintage booster bearing, yet?


I thought the found part was out of a washing machine?

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Ok, so the "cone" is unknown. I am not even convinced it is a full on cone like we are used to using. These screen caps seem to show a very large flat surface (at least as wide as the ring of holes) with either a hole, or what would have to be a very sharp edged cone to meet the diameter of the center hole, which we know to be a dark color.


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Damn... can't see too much in those photos... why couldn't this be easier?!

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I think I see a holo cylinder inside the emitter?

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And defiantly see the lines in the graflex clamp, proving to me no tape on the Death Star saber

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So how many correct female Balance Pipes are devided between you and Edraven99 from all the engines that were tracked down, Chris? I just want to know how many correct real parts lightsabers are assembled or being collected and assembled at this moment in time . . . and between how many rpf members?

Also I still miss contributions by Anakin Starkiller, parfaitelumiere, eventhough he has sold his, Kurtyboy (?) and Serenity of whom I know have been in the game ... Since at least 4 Derwent Rolls Royce jet-engines have been found, whilest I am on my quest, and scavaged for their precious parts ... there should be at least 4 x 9 = 36 female BP's in collections around the globe ... right?



Well, since I got called out :lol
Here's a little something I was working on last night. Its not my all real parts chronicles saber, but might be of interest to you guys none the less
Why do I subscribe to all this torture !!!! I so want to collect and build sabres, please stop posting your sabrer porn !!!!!! Sooo much eye candy not good for my bank balance
Such an inpirational thread! One day, perhaps... For now, I'll just live vicariously through you fine people :)

How often do Derwent interconnectors come up for sale? What's the going rate for the proper one, when they do?

Beautiful pieces, everyone! Keep 'em coming!
Thanks Westies14 ... logic dictates you'll need quite a bunch of gold-pressed latinum strips say about 400 - 900 ... when a rare female balance pipe does come up for sale ... at all!


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Now that I have your attention Anakin Starkiller ... what perhaps vintage part did you used to use for the cone to connect your emitter with the rest of the grenade?
