Animatronic Terminator T-800 Endo Skull / Bust Scratch Build


Active Member
Hi all T-800 fans, I'm starting to seriously plan my Model 101 scratch skull build!

The idea will be to 3D-print the skull and then fix up the print's imperfections with bondo/plaster/clay and spent a lot of time fixing the details by hand.

I acquired this 3D model where the author claims it's base is a 3D scan of the original "Stan Winston Replica". Being a scan, there's a lot of asymmetry/warpage (which I kind of like) and really bad details on the greebles. I like the idea of using a scanned object versus a fully 3D-sculpted author interpretation because it feels like it has a bit more movie lineage. If I print this there will be a lot of fixing up!

What do you guys think of the model below and how it compares to the endos in T1/T2? Any glaringly obvious inconsistencies? cavx chanfan @TheTerminator

I realize that even the real movie props varied from shot to shot.. so at some point I just need to roll with it and not obsess too much with authenticity. I've read a lot of RPF posts so no need to get into too much detail with screen cap comparisions etc...I just wanted to get some quick opinions from you guys the pros :)

Was thinking I might even make it a bit oversized so it's got a bit more presence on display. I'm going to modify and slice up the model in probably 3-4 sections so it can print with minimal supports. Also planning to document all build progress on here. Let me know what you guys think!








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That's a scanned M1 skull, possibly a recast since the details lack sharpness.
Missing parts when it comes to the jaw pistons

Thanks! Feels better to get a confirmation. Before I print this I'm going to remove the pistons, eyes, and other small details that aren't printer-friendly. Will need to study movie screens afterwards to get the details right.
Thanks! Feels better to get a confirmation. Before I print this I'm going to remove the pistons, eyes, and other small details that aren't printer-friendly. Will need to study movie screens afterwards to get the details right.
Do you print these separate?
What about the jaw. Is it possible to print that separate as well.

Even though I don't have the jaw pistons, my resin skull jaw is movable. I think it adds a level of coolness.

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Do you print these separate?
What about the jaw. Is it possible to print that separate as well.

Even though I don't have the jaw pistons, my resin skull jaw is movable. I think it adds a level of coolness.

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

Definitely! I'm going to separate the jaw completely and the final skull will have a movable jaw (that's the plan anyway). Will also make simple pistons that retract with the jaw...probably just out of misc steel or aluminum rods I have lying around.

Thinking I'll try the full jaw in a single print and slice the top of the skull down the center and then print it in two halves so the greebles (especially the round ones) print in a more optimal vertical orientation.
Great job! As the terminator mentioned, I think this design is from M1 soft vinyl kit. I bought the kit 20 years ago. Most of the recent cheap endoskull kits from asian countries are illegal recasts from this kit. One of the problem of this design is jaw actuater. I am not sure about real prop, but many endoskull props released from other companies such as Sideshow, Icons, and Hollywood collecter's gallery have one more joint on jaw piston so the jaw can move smoothly.
Great job! As the terminator mentioned, I think this design is from M1 soft vinyl kit. I bought the kit 20 years ago. Most of the recent cheap endoskull kits from asian countries are illegal recasts from this kit. One of the problem of this design is jaw actuater. I am not sure about real prop, but many endoskull props released from other companies such as Sideshow, Icons, and Hollywood collecter's gallery have one more joint on jaw piston so the jaw can move smoothly.

Yeah, and that particular part is identical to the one at the top, closest to the nose area. So you could simply just copy/paste that one ;)
Yes, this is a scan of the non-original (Asian copy) M1.
The vinyl there is very soft and the shapes are severely deformed. Therefore, the model can not be called an exact copy of the original from Stan Winston. Due to deformations, the proportions are severely disturbed.

This model is much more accurate and closer to the original.
Yes, this is a scan of the non-original (Asian copy) M1.

The vinyl there is very soft and the shapes are severely deformed. Therefore, the model can not be called an exact copy of the original from Stan Winston. Due to deformations, the proportions are severely disturbed.

This model is much more accurate and closer to the original.

Good catch DeltaDesignRus, your model is really well done I wish I'd caught it before. Admiring the attention to detail.

Since I've already put a fair amount of work into preparing the models for printing I'll probably stick with what I've got. There's going to be a lot of post-print cleaning up and I can modify/adjust any inaccuracies before making a silicone mold of the print. I'll consider buying your model as a reference when I get that stage here soon :) Maybe it'll be a good V2!
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