MoS General Zod bodysuit from shape wear/ compression clothing help.


New Member
Hi guys and girls.
I am needing some help with a General Zod suit. I only want to make the body suit / tights thingy that he wears for most of Man of Steel.
I don't want the armour as I already have a huge BumbleBee suit that I wear for kids charity stuff. I also have T5 Megatron just around the corner, I just want a small costume that's easy to transport.

I commisioned a custom suit design off a guy on instagram and it looks great, just like the movie except with added muscle tone for fun.
I have looked at a few places to get the design printed on lycra, but I have friends that have the rpfstudio spiderman suits and they FREEEEEEEEZE when outside in the cold or wind.
I was thinking of trying to find a heavier fabric, maybe something like the world famous Lulu lemon yoga pants, or even the 2xu sports compression type stuff. Super stretchy, but thicker, tighter and warmer. Also with the added bonus of form fitting compression so all my bits (whole body) are supported whilst looking firm and delicious. Haha!!
I know I could wear something under it but i thought this could be an interesting way of doing it.

Does anyone have any ideas where or how I could possibly get this done?? Or what material I could use?
I looked up the lulu lemon manufacturer in Taiwan but it is a absolutely massive company and i don't think they will do a 1 off suit.

I stuck in a pic of when Optimus Prime and BumbleBee met Supergirl just for fun.

Many thanks for your help.


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