Greatest American Hero costume for $40!


Sr Member
For those who don't know yet, there is now a Greatest American Hero suit costume available exclusively here:

Of course if you are looking for replica of the screen-used hardware, its not that. However, it is a VERY good representation of the suit and with just a couple of modifications is nearly perfect.

You can see a review of this costume at the forums:

I don't work for the company, and I'm not getting a kick-back on these, but I felt compelled to put out the word for a couple of reasons: Not only is this a cool product (This is something a lot of us have wanted since 1981.), but the customer service at 80stees is top notch and even the owner has happily chatted with us on the GAH yahoo group at lenght about it. His company has an exclusive on this right now and for the forseeable future, so I thought he deserves a plug whereever I can give him one.

I recently saw an add for an upcoming box set of the series that included (among other things) a full-size replica cape, and the (lost on the show) instruction manuel with lights. :D
<div class='quotetop'>(comicasylum @ Oct 22 2006, 12:32 PM) [snapback]1342668[/snapback]</div>
I recently saw an add for an upcoming box set of the series that included (among other things) a full-size replica cape, and the (lost on the show) instruction manuel with lights. :D

Yep- I plan on getting one of those and building the alien 'suit box' to house both.

The chest emblem looks a little small. Is it? Don't get me wrong it looks like a great suit for the price but this is bothering me.
<div class='quotetop'>(slave1pilot @ Oct 22 2006, 10:36 PM) [snapback]1343182[/snapback]</div>
I don't get the Palmdale reference.
can someone fill me in?
WHAP. ;)
Palmdale,CA is where they repeatedly met the green guys that gave Ralph the suit. Nice suit. Now if I were 140 pounds and blonde :)
<div class='quotetop'>(Jumpin Jax @ Oct 24 2006, 12:57 PM) [snapback]1344092[/snapback]</div>
Now if I were 140 pounds and blonde :)

Well, I'm 143 lbs. and it comes with the wig, so I ordered mine on Sunday night. ;)

I also went to and ordered my GAH Collectors Special Edition (for only $50) that comes with the Instruction Book. I should be all Ralphed-out this weekend for a party.

If the pants are long enough, I think I'm going to try and put elastic straps across the bottom of the leg holes and make them like spats over my shoes (which I'm hitting the Goodwil stores for tonight).

I'm also gonna trim down the buckle and maybe back it with foamcore or something as a temporary fix. If the costume is halfway decent, I'll give the suit a good overhaul after Halloween.

I'll post pics.

cool costume.

the symbol seems a little small on the chest, but damn that is a great costume for the price. i may have to buckle down and pick one up.

thanks for the link.
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