Looking for a 3D scan/model of Mauser C96


I have a project in mind involving a customized DL-44 (Han solo gun) but I want to mock everything up virtually before I invest the time into making the thing. Anybody got a model I could use and modify? Anybody know if one exists? I would make it myself, but I don't have a laser scanner and I'm not too keen on getting out my calipers and making eighty thousand measurements. Any help at all would be appreciated!
I'm sure I could- and probably will a bit further down the road. I'm still in the concept phase of the project. I like to design things in CAD before I start spending money and cutting stuff up. A lot easier to, for example, say "that needs to be 3/4 in shorter" or "that part needs to be 10% smaller" when it is a virtual model rather than after I have the whole thing put together.
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