Civil War Spiderman Suit


New Member
No official suit has been released so for the premiering I will make a cross between captain and spidey. I will be ordering the suit from zentai zone and then 3d printing the lens face shell and the shield here are some pics of the shield I have currently made is 3ds max


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Sorry so another update on the suit, I have decided to abandon the mashup pattern and will be using the new MCU pattern, however i am not a fan of the eyes so i will be using tasm 2 lens, but none the less i will be modeling MCU lens fully open and narrow depending on what style people want along with the shell here is so reference for how the MCU will look with Tasm 2 eyes MCU.jpgMCU with Tasm 2 Lens.jpg
so i have printed the bottom face-shell courtesy of Ken's free STL file and have almost finished the top piece. I have a question to those who 3d print, I run PLA at 205c Extruder and 65c print bed and it has been working perfect but i use a brim and supports to insure a good print and have a question on how to clean up your prints here are my pics of what i mean
It has been a long time but I'm bound to finish my first cosplay so here are some updates. I finished the tasm 2 lens and faceshell 3d printed the Free Ken Landrum files for anyone who is wanting to see what his file looks like finished. I took a red tshirt to get an idea of how it will look with material. the suit will be printed and sewn by zentai zone but im torn between Gunhead and SuperGeek Design, both are absolutely incredible but when it comes to replica I feel like Gunhead has hit the mark mainly because his is the only pattern I have found with the black L shape that goes from the wrist down the forearm. here are some pics. Itll be a few months before I order the suit going from 145lbs to 160-170 I could post some pics of updates on that though. Thanks for the support everyone this is something i really need to finish. FullSizeRender.jpgIMG_0003.JPGKen Landrum 3d faceshell.jpg

I ended up falling in love with gunheads insomniac file and got that but yes I did resize the file and did it in Repetier Host
It was a little big in these pics so i took a drimmel cut wheel and trimmed it down.

P.S I had this sewn by herostime so just a warning the suit is now ruined because it got white frills all over it from just touching and rubbing against surfaces. going with zentai zone in december for MCU pattern. You can see them on the suit and this was day one first time wearing it.
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