13th Doctor Sonic??


Sr Member
I was surprised there is not already a thread on this (or did I miss it somewhere?).
I am not really into it at all but I have had other Sonics grow on me over time.




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I didn't like it at first but after seeing the a decent picture of them at Rubbertoe Replicas it is growing on me. I'm looking forward to the new season and how they use it since there is a new showrunner.
everyone is going through some sort of denial that it exists

Believe it or not this sentence ended with this the first time I wrote it :lol

I was surprised there is not already a thread on this (or are we all still in the denial phase of grief?).

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Just to keep things straight, I think the second image from the top is the toy that you can buy here https://www.hottopic.com/product/do...OpxRlvhYolbGdSy3VbsDDzwoQkbXhyCBoCBPcQAvD_BwE

It is cropped from Jody Whitaker holding at Comicon so I assumed it was the real one but could totally be the toy.

Maybe the shark from the Christmas special bit the cool part off and just left half of it with a crystal hanging out like Smiths Sonic :p?

It does not feel like it has the Steampunk thing going on that the other Sonics had. I am going to have to change the channel if that banana looking thing on the bottom spins :facepalm.
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Ok, initial shock over lets analyze it :)
It looks like each one might be a little different so hand sculpted?

1 - the crack looks like it is a slightly different shape
2- This loop part look like it is bigger on the center one
It looks like there is a set screw on the middle one, it that maybe the hero?

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You would think so and I think the small differences you see in the 3 from Rubbertoe have more to do with how they were put together than how they were constructed. From what I can gather someone else designed them and Rubbertoe produced them from the designs.
Ok judging from Rubbertoes site I guess it was was 3d printed so they should all be the same, no?
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I wouldn't be surprised if they were metal. Some sort of lost wax casting for the outer case in aluminium, pewter or zamak of some description. Nick doesn't seem like the guy to skimp out with materials or designs. Could also be cold cast? But the potential fragility of that makes me sceptical.

Overall though, I'm not a massive fan. I prefer it more as a tool then a fancy magic wand/tooth looking thing. Bring back the machining!
And too much Batman utility belt. Gets him out of every sticky spot ever.

There seems to be a running Dr Who theme these days = 'Its Doctor Who, so anything goes!'

To me that puts it out of the realm of the 'believable' and into the 'this is just stupid'
Well, at least it finally gets me out of..... “New sonic, now, how am I going to get a metal replica of that for under $500.00?” Mode.......

it doesn’t even look like it belongs next to the other Sonics in a line up. To me, my favorite will always be Matt Smith’s sonic.
As far as I know they have not shown any pictures of the inside of the Tardis, which is usually revamped when a new Doctor and/or Showrunner takes over, and the last couple of Sonic's sort of resembled the style of the inside of the Tardis. This is making me wonder what the inside is going to look like.
At first glance, the design suggests that the new TARDIS interior might be lumpy metal. Perhaps sort of an organic nanotech take on Gallifreyan travel capsules which would be interesting.

Later on, we found out that the Doctor makes this herself, so it probably bears no relation to the interior design.

I've read that there are leaked photos of the interior online, but the reactions don't indicate that it's likely to be as cool as I imagine.
As far as I know they have not shown any pictures of the inside of the Tardis, which is usually revamped when a new Doctor and/or Showrunner takes over, and the last couple of Sonic's sort of resembled the style of the inside of the Tardis. This is making me wonder what the inside is going to

I am sure it will look cool.

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