Bohemian Rhapsody (Post-release)

What did you think of Bohemian Rhapsody?

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Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

That makes no sense. If just the first half is Freddy and the second half about the band, the entire trailer needs to be redone. .

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding here - according to Sacha, the original script he was hired to do had Freddie die halfway through. That plan was obviously ditched. The film as currently written and filmed covers Queen from their beginning and ends at Live Aid - 6 years before Freddie died (and, depending on which source you read, before he even know he was HIV positive. Most sources say he wasn't diagnosed until 2 years later, in 1987).

What we are saying is that it will more likely be a "film about the history of the band" rather than a "film about the life of Freddie Mercury, with the other members of Queen in supporting roles." And my only comment was that, whether you view this as a "band film" or a "Freddie film", Freddie's illness - and how both he and the band soldiered on through it- seems like too compelling a part of the story to simply drop (but, apparently they did.)

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

And I'll add (sorry to go on, but it's so rare I get to talk Queen :)) - let's not forget hat Freddie was the first major rock start to contract HIV, in a time when there was great misunderstanding and intolerance of the disease. And he was a closeted gay/bi man, again at a time when not only was homophobia more rampant but, speaking frankly, it was anathema to the hard rock/macho world. (Remember, fans threw razor blades on stage when he grew his mustache in emulation of the "San Francisco gay clone" look, and his cross-dressing in the "I Want To Break Free" video effectively ended their career in America for the reminder of his lifetime.) All of those things contributed to his decision to hide his illness, and to his bandmates decision to do so as well to guard his privacy.

That's a rich tapestry for both drama and commentary to just skip - maybe another film in the future will address it. How I wish someone a bit more daring like a David Fincher had decided to take the reins on this film. The film may have ended up being less literal perhaps, but likely more meaty.

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

That's because even if the movie IS more band oriented, the studio knows which side the bread is buttered on. 99% of the interest in this movie is, frankly, interest in Freddie, not Queen. They're hyping it this way because that's how it's going to get the most buzz and excitement.

Ahh, the old "bait and switch". No better way to tank a movie that would have been great otherwise. :facepalm
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Ahh, the old "bait and switch". No better way to tank a movie that would have been great otherwise. :facepalm

Or, smart marketing if it gets people into the theater for a good movie that might not otherwise go and they wind up enjoying it...
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Freddie Goes to Hollywood: How ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ Finally Got Made

I think this excerpt pretty much can set ones expectations. A band movie about making their records, not Freddie's life story

In the end, they decided to center the movie around the group’s historic set at Live Aid, which is recreated in stunning detail near the climax of the movie. Great attention is paid to key moments like the painstaking recording process for “Bohemian Rhapsody,” but the story doesn’t extend beyond 1985. “We felt there was no need to go up to his death,” says King. “We didn’t want to go that dark. What we did want to do was really do get into the underbelly of Queen and how they worked together and how they put these amazing library of songs together.”
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Re: Bohemian Rhapsody


Sacha Baron Cohen was attached to the project for a while, but left after some disagreements.

The saga begins nearly a decade ago, when guitarist Brian May began mentioning a potential Queen movie that would feature Sacha Baron Cohen playing Freddie Mercury. Talks between the two camps broke down very early in the process, however; in 2016, the Borat star gave his side of the story to Howard Stern, claiming that a member of the band said that Mercury would die halfway through the movie. “I go, ‘What happens in the second half of the movie?'” the actor said. “He goes, ‘We see how the band carries on from strength to strength.’ “I said, ‘Listen, not one person is going to see a movie where the lead character dies from AIDS – and then you see how the band carries on.'” (May emphatically denied Cohen’s version of events at the time.)

“Sacha was never officially attached to this project,” King says. “I never thought Freddie could be played by a white actor. And there was never a script where Freddie Mercury dies halfway through the movie. Never. I kept my mouth shut through that whole thing, but I’ll go official on that now.”

Remi Malek's eyes are a bit different looking, and I can tell from that, but other wise, I think they picked a good person for Freddie....
Now, is he the one singing or are they just having him lip sync to Freddie's voice?

"One thing he couldn’t recreate, however, was Mercury’s singing voice. Most singing scenes in the movie rely on either vocal stems from Queen master tapes or new recordings by Marc Martel, a Canadian Christian rock singer whose voice is practically identical to the late frontman’s"
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody


The saga begins nearly a decade ago, when guitarist Brian May began mentioning a potential Queen movie that would feature Sacha Baron Cohen playing Freddie Mercury. Talks between the two camps broke down very early in the process, however; in 2016, the Borat star gave his side of the story to Howard Stern, claiming that a member of the band said that Mercury would die halfway through the movie. “I go, ‘What happens in the second half of the movie?'” the actor said. “He goes, ‘We see how the band carries on from strength to strength.’ “I said, ‘Listen, not one person is going to see a movie where the lead character dies from AIDS – and then you see how the band carries on.'” (May emphatically denied Cohen’s version of events at the time.)

“Sacha was never officially attached to this project,” King says. “I never thought Freddie could be played by a white actor. And there was never a script where Freddie Mercury dies halfway through the movie. Never. I kept my mouth shut through that whole thing, but I’ll go official on that now.”

"One thing he couldn’t recreate, however, was Mercury’s singing voice. Most singing scenes in the movie rely on either vocal stems from Queen master tapes or new recordings by Marc Martel, a Canadian Christian rock singer whose voice is practically identical to the late frontman’s"

I'm surprised anyone could sound like Mercury. He did have such a unique voice.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I'm surprised anyone could sound like Mercury. He did have such a unique voice.

Well, Marc Martel was a bit of an Internet sensation about five years or so ago when he entered in online audition for the Queen Extravaganza, basically a touring Queen cover band show officially sponsored b Queen. See this video of him performing. Needless to say, he won the role and played the lead for years. No one can replace Freddie, but he was a good imitation

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Well, Marc Martel was a bit of an Internet sensation about five years or so ago when he entered in online audition for the Queen Extravaganza, basically a touring Queen cover band show officially sponsored b Queen. See this video of him performing. Needless to say, he won the role and played the lead for years. No one can replace Freddie, but he was a good imitation
Wow, thats kinda creepy. If I had only heard the audio and didn't know anything about this, I would have just thought it a live version with Mercury.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Eager to see the whole thing! Saw these guys in Forêt National in Brussels when they had released the "Jazz" album (was behind the scene at the time;very approachable blokes for sure)! And I saw Marc Martel not long ago...this guy should've gone on tour with Queen and not Adam Lambert (nothing against Lambert, who's a great singer/artist).
It would've made more sense!
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Some possible insight into how things are being handled. From a speech by Peter "Phoebe" Freestone (Freddie's longtime assistant/housemate, who served as a consultant on the film) at a recent Dutch Queen convention. Remarks quoted from another forum dedicated to Queen:

Some highlights:
- We should not expect a documentary or a docudrama. Artistic license was taken but the movie should please diehard and casual fans alike and general public too.

- He suggested Fat bottomed girls may feature earlier in the movie than it was written in real life because it fit with the story arc.

- Another major artistic liberty was that the movie shows Freddie knowing he was HIV positive by 1985, as opposed to 1987.

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Eager to see the whole thing! Saw these guys in Forêt National in Brussels when they had released the "Jazz" album (was behind the scene at the time;very approachable blokes for sure)! And I saw Marc Martel not long ago...this guy should've gone on tour with Queen and not Adam Lambert (nothing against Lambert, who's a great singer/artist).
It would've made more sense!

I've been a fan of theirs ever since I can remember, but sadly I never got to see them live.

The best I got was running into Brian May coming out of the elevators in my office building. We have a radio station ( 93.3 WMMR) in the suite right next to us on our floor. He was the Preston and Steve morning show promoting some book he wrote about stereoscopic viewers. Never realized he was as tall as he was.

He is also on the editorial advisory board for Astronomy magazine and has made quite a few annual appearances at Starmus festival
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Yep, Brian May is quite the genius in Astronomy! See, all of those guys had job before Queen...just in case it wouldn't work;)
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Wow, this last trailer really sealed it for me.
I was planning to see it anyway but this last trailer makes it a must see.
I saw Queen live four times. The last time I saw them I was about 8 rows back in the center.
Freddie's stage presence and voice was second to none.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Some possible insight into how things are being handled. From a speech by Peter "Phoebe" Freestone (Freddie's longtime assistant/housemate, who served as a consultant on the film) at a recent Dutch Queen convention. Remarks quoted from another forum dedicated to Queen:


The Fat Bottom Girls part probably relates to the infamous poster for Bicycle Race/Fat Bottomed Girls that came in the Jazz album.
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