Bohemian Rhapsody (Post-release)

What did you think of Bohemian Rhapsody?

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Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Looks good. Looks like it's going to be very flattering to Queen. Not surprising since Brian May and Roger Taylor are among the producers. No John Deacon though? I know he's out of the "Queen business" now but I thought they'd consult him and then give him a credit as a seal of approval.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Remi Malek's eyes are a bit different looking, and I can tell from that, but other wise, I think they picked a good person for Freddie....
Now, is he the one singing or are they just having him lip sync to Freddie's voice?
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I'm interested in seeing this, I always thought they would have cast Sacha Baron Cohen, but Rami looks the part.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

Oh I am so on board for this. I love Queen and I think it will be a wonderful tribute to them and their legacy.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I thought I had already posted in this thread, but I guess not.

This trailer is awesome. It’s flawless mixing of the songs is unbelievable.

I’ve watched this trailer probably 100 times since it released, and each time I’m just...impressed. I can’t wait to see the film.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

If this is not at least a hard “R” then it’s not Freddy Mercury.

And that's a potential issue. No way of knowing how much the script later evolved- but Sacha Baron Cohen cited the fact that the surviving members of Queen wanted to gloss over the more controversial aspects of Freddie's life as one of his main reason for leaving the project.

I've been a diehard Queen fan since 1980; I do have concerns from the trailer that it feels a little too much like a predictable Lifetime Channel movie:

- "Freddie - you just can't do this song! It's too revolutionary and too different! No one will love your bold and incredible new song!"
- (Montage of kids all over the world grooving to "Bohemian Rhapsody")
- "It's a hit!"

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I read that SBC also left over disagreements with the band.. that they wanted the second half of the movie to be about the band AFTER Freddy passed... and how Queen has carried on..etc..

SBC wasnt having it..

he stated that: "they have dont anything since then really"... and "who watches the show after the main character dies?"..

So he left.

I think BOTH were GREAT casting choices! And of course love Remi Malek (Mr. Robot!)

Hope this is as a good I want it to be! LOL
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I read that SBC also left over disagreements with the band.. that they wanted the second half of the movie to be about the band AFTER Freddy passed... and how Queen has carried on..etc..

Yeah, I read that as well. Which leads to some confusion as to what the script actually said and how it evolved, since other reports have consistently stated that the film ended (and still ends) at Live Aid.

(Which is, in itself, a disappointment for me. If we’re watching a film about this man and his accomplishments, why then skip what is arguably the greatest test of his character in his life? That would seem to be the most interesting, dramatic part of the film to me. Freddie carried on – and made one of the finest of all the Queen albums (Innuendo) – right up to his death (including recording new music in the last six months of his life.) Why in the world would you skip that?)

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

hmm.. good point.

I didnt even think of that..

If SBC had issues with the script.. and left.

Did it not change then? (reports state otherwise as you mention).. and if that IS the case.. then why not get SBC back? (maybe too late?)

And also good points about events that happened AFTER LIVE AID too..
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I'm looking forward to it

Queen II is my all time favorite album and is probably one of the most under-rated albums ever

Some of their later albums in the 80's didn't have the same consistency, but every album still had at least a few tracks or even a whole side that was still amazing. There is even a few hidden gems on Hot Spaces

As far as the movie, I think the issue is that the movie seems confused about whether it wants to be a movie about Queen, or a bio on Freddie Mercury

This looks more like a "Behind the Music" type of movie about the band. If that is the case, then I can see why they might not be interested in doing a deep dive on Mercury's life. He was only one of the four members. And if it truly is a "band story" movie, then ending at Live Aid is actually pretty appropriate,. It was there last big performance for the world. They did do a small tour for Its A Kind of Magic, but that was only in Europe and that was amidst rumors the band was splitting up.

So from a "we made it" type of journey, Live Aid was the pinnacle

Although Freddie is a larger than life character that deserves his own movie focused on him as well, but I have a feeling this is not that movie
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I'm looking forward to it

Queen II is my all time favorite album and is probably one of the most under-rated albums ever

Some of their later albums in the 80's didn't have the same consistency, but every album still had at least a few tracks or even a whole side that was still amazing. There is even a few hidden gems on Hot Spaces

Yeah, the whole second side is a bit flawless. But here’s the thing about Queen – you could almost view them as three different bands, based on the period of time at issue:

  • 1973-1976 (Queen I to Day at the Races)
  • 1977-1981 (News of the World to Greatest Hits)
  • 1982 -1991 (Hot Space to Innuendo). (I lumped Hot Space in there because, while it followed the tone set by The Game, it kicked off a wildly uneven period).

My personal favorite period is 1977-1981 but you are right that every single album after that had some (or even a majority of) bright spots – and Innuendo was, to me, pretty much great in its entirety (yes, including “Deliliah”).

(I disregard Made In Heaven as a “Queen” album because, while good, still feels like a “Brian Roger and John” album made with Freddie’s vocals, rather than reflecting whatever idiosyncratic input and wit he would have contributed. I disregard The Cosmos Rocks simply because it is awful and deserves to be disregarded.)

As far as the movie, I think the issue is that the movie seems confused about whether it wants to be a movie about Queen, or a bio on Freddie Mercury

Although Freddie is a larger than life character that deserves his own movie focused on him as well, but I have a feeling this is not that movie

I think that’s exactly it. Roger and Brian have worked hard to keep Queen “alive” (some times better than other times) for the past 20-odd years, and I think that, despite their love for Freddie, have a hard time conceding that the story everyone is interested in ended with his passing. Hence Sacha’s comment that Brian said the second half of the movie would be about the band continuing after his death and “continuing from strength to strength”. So the film will be a “Queen” bio, not a “Freddie” bio. Which is okay – but, like I said, even with a “Queen” bio, Freddie’s illness was a major part of the story of the entire band (not only how Freddie came to terms, but how the rest of the guys did as well) so it just seems like an odd choice to omit that. (To bring it back to the RPF – it’s a little like stopping ESB after the Rebels escaped from Hoth – yes, it’s a high-point, but there’s some really good stuff that comes after.)

Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

I think that’s exactly it. Roger and Brian have worked hard to keep Queen “alive” (some times better than other times) for the past 20-odd years, and I think that, despite their love for Freddie, have a hard time conceding that the story everyone is interested in ended with his passing. Hence Sacha’s comment that Brian said the second half of the movie would be about the band continuing after his death and “continuing from strength to strength”. So the film will be a “Queen” bio, not a “Freddie” bio. Which is okay – but, like I said, even with a “Queen” bio, Freddie’s illness was a major part of the story of the entire band (not only how Freddie came to terms, but how the rest of the guys did as well) so it just seems like an odd choice to omit that. (To bring it back to the RPF – it’s a little like stopping ESB after the Rebels escaped from Hoth – yes, it’s a high-point, but there’s some really good stuff that comes after.)


That makes no sense. If just the first half is Freddy and the second half about the band, the entire trailer needs to be redone. It CLEARLY focuses on Freddy. The trailer shows nothing that hints that this is about the band.
Re: Bohemian Rhapsody

That makes no sense. If just the first half is Freddy and the second half about the band, the entire trailer needs to be redone. It CLEARLY focuses on Freddy. The trailer shows nothing that hints that this is about the band.

That's because even if the movie IS more band oriented, the studio knows which side the bread is buttered on. 99% of the interest in this movie is, frankly, interest in Freddie, not Queen. They're hyping it this way because that's how it's going to get the most buzz and excitement.
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