E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparison

Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies

Sprayed satin black, I've had some problems with the last couple of tins my usual Wilkies Satin Black so I used Halfords satin black on this (without testing anywhere first :lol)

its come one out a little duller & more Matt than I'm used too but it looks ok I think paint certainly went on easier

Sorry pictures aren't gent great as they were taken inside under bright lights

it's currently back in the garage getting a coat of gloss on the grip (considered glossing the T-track)

once its dry I'll weather it & paint on the ejection port


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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies

Ok so I think I'm finished polishing this turd as someone put it :lol well weathering it at least

the new paint I used didn't turn out too bad, & I weathered it a bit anyway

I'm sure there are things I could have done better here (never quite filled the seam lines) it's basically just a repaint but I'm pretty pleased how it's turned out

It'll do as my Rebels E-11 :)


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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies

Thought I'd take some comparison pictures next to the Doopydoos & the Hasbro/Doopydoos

It's the smallest of the 3 but I actually prefer how it looks to the Hasbro conversion

it looks pretty close to how it looks in the cartoon just a shame they didn't make it a touch bigger

I've got another one but it's missing the mag so I may try to use a Doopydoos mag if I end up painting it, I've got another Doopydoos kit to build at somepoint & seriously considering a Deac Sterling at some point


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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

Came out great. I have one sitting here waiting for me to do something with it.
Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

Awesome Rubies Mod!
Are all the T tracks hollow or just the one on the top, just wondering how much filling would be required if the rounded tops were cut down?
Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

The Rubies turned out great. I like the detailing you did while still keeping it faithful to the series.
Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

Awesome Rubies Mod!
Are all the T tracks hollow or just the one on the top, just wondering how much filling would be required if the rounded tops were cut down?

if I remember rightly it was just the top T-track that was hollow

The Rubies turned out great. I like the detailing you did while still keeping it faithful to the series.

thanks :)

I love the Rebels & Clone wars series & their stylised looks, I think the stormtrooper in Rebels look great & I like that Rubies reproduced the look of the E-11 so faithfully

I wanted it to still look like the Rebels blaster rather than a standard ANH style E-11


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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

Had another Rubies E-11 arrive today, I ordered this & another Leia Blaster from Amazon a few weeks back

the Leia was out of stock so they just sent the E-11 when it arrived it was missing the magazine, I emailed them & they said they'd send a replacement

somehow they kept sending the wrong thing & I ended up with 3 Leia's & 2 E-11's all mailed from the U.S. I asked & they said keep them all :lol

anyway the one that arrived today was slightly different from the first one, the body was glued together not screwed (but still had screw holes) it's also got a slightly different paint job, weird

I like it when they're screwed together as they're easy to take apart, wonder how strong the glue will prove


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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

If you're careful, the glued halves can be pried apart with a common screwdriver. I wasn't that careful, and broke the right half a little, but a little glue and reinforcing plastic cleared that right up. I've started mine, but haven't fully "opened up" the plastic. I still need to get rid of the excess around the scope and rail and maybe cut a slot for the charging handle. Curiously, I had a spring laying around that was EXACTLY the right size. I think it came from a Nerf gun I destroyed attempting a repaint.

This info has certainly been helpful. I think when all is said and done, mine will probably be a little closer to the film version than the Rebels blaster it's meant to represent. But then again, it seems few of my "replicas" end up accurate in the strictest sense, but are more "inspired by".
Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

Just saw this thread and your build looks FANTASTIC!!!! I'm all for builds such as yours and for the life of me I can't understand why anyone would say otherwise. I have two rubies Han Solo Pistols in the stash and given what I have seen here I'm thinking of adding a few E-11s as well.
Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

Just bought a detail kit without the barrel
Pretty sure the barrel can be replicated with a little patience
I have seen another member bought this same kit. The full kit is out of stock and it seems it has been out for awhile
any thoughts, tips or ideas would be very helpful
I was thinking about some PVC but may also need some thin wall tubing and drill holes in it

By the way, you guys are a bad influence on the wallet
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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

anyone know where I can get a sterling replica bolt in the UK ?

plastic ones from the usa are $15 postage, havin a laugh
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Re: E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster builds - Doopydoos, Hasbro & Rubies - finished comparis

anyone know where I can get a sterling replica bolt in the UK ?
You could get one made over at the http://mp40modelguns.forumotion.net there are a couple of guys who make steel replacements for the MGC sterling and they could scale these up, But not sure about the legalities of this.

It would be cheaper to 3d print one TBH
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