Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm (after 2021)?

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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If anything the only thing I can actually conclude from this is that the core of SW fandom has kept Solo afloat at the BO. Everybody I know that either liked or disliked TLJ has been to see Solo now, and thats reflected here in the forum.

Disney and Lucasfilm need to reflect on this downward trend. There is a reason for it.

Star Wars is a worldwide phenomenon and this forum is but a grain of sand when factoring in general feelings. For example, the three biggest anti Disney Star Wars channels on You Tube have nearly 200,000 combined, very active subscribers and probably the same again in casual viewers and have only been around for a matter of months. Despite the fact that some foolishly brush them and the medium off, they are a new voice that has spoken loudly with the loudest of all cries, the wallet and will continue to do so.

Solo has not even matched the take of ESB even without factoring inflation and ticket prices from forty years ago, it hasnt been kept afloat as much as it has totally sunk. If change isnt brought about and the baseless attacks dont cease on large groups of fans by vocal employees and network of trash media outlets then the backlash on the next offering will be seismic.

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It's seems like the Star Wars franchise is in a downward trend. Whether Kennedy is directly responsible or not, if it continues, she'll likely be held responsible. Maybe Lucas should have gone with McCallum instead?

There is a possibility that Lucas knew exactly what he was doing appointing Kennedy. The white slavers remark and the fact he must know her very well might suggest that his displeasure with the fans who turned on him was far greater than anyone would expect and here we find ourselves today.
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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

George was a SJW before it was fashionable.


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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

George was a SJW before it was fashionable.

I love George for creating Star Wars, but you can't trust a word out of his mouth. Because he contradicts himself all the time.

Princess Leia is "the main character"?! WTF?!? :lol

He's also said Luke is the main character.

He's also said Anakin/Vader is the main character.

He's also said it's the droids' story, their adventure, and we see it unfold through their eyes.

He's also said that Jar Jar is the main....okay, I made that one up.

But, seriously, George is one of the biggest bull**** artists and history revisionists in the biz.

The Wook
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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

I remember years ago, GL having a very philosophical/religious talk about Star Wars and mythology and God. If you played that for the SJW crowd that love the new direction they'd decompensate. Um Further. They would decompensate further than thry already have.

The punchline being, we keep hearing from some of the people who love TLJ that there is NO SJW propaganda like it is a preposterous notion, but then they mention it as if its clearly there and a good thing.

That whole deny deny deny tactic, EDIT but some folks just cant contain themselves.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

You know how much I love George but even I know how he can flip like a coin.

Poor old George is getting mentioned a lot in the last few days, you know there cant be anything to promote and the well is getting dry when you have to hunt around for things like that to play the old distort and distract game. I called it a couple of months back in the Solo thread that he would be thrown under the first bus as soon as things started going south.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

we keep hearing from some of the people (like BRYAN) who love TLJ that there is NO SJW propaganda like it is a preposterous notion, but then they (BRYAN) mention it as if its clearly there and a good thing.

THIS is the headline from Bryan's post, and I'm glad you picked up on it, because I got so distracted by the absurdity of George's claim, that I missed it.

The Wook
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Pretty sure that when GL sold everything he also had a clause involving supporting the new direction. Hamill was vocal for a bit, but I am pretty sure a visit from *contract reminders* brought him back to the fold.

Imagine if Lucas said, " this stuff is vomit!" Every young girl dressed as Rey, every brooding, emo Kylo wannabe would go full-blown tantrum.

The differnce is, when the true fans didnt like it, we just took our money elsewhere.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Pretty sure that when GL sold everything he also had a clause involving supporting the new direction. Hamill was vocal for a bit, but I am pretty sure a visit from *contract reminders* brought him back to the fold.

Imagine if Lucas said, " this stuff is vomit!" Every young girl dressed as Rey, every brooding, emo Kylo wannabe would go full-blown tantrum.

No doubt that was part of the agreement. Disney wouldn't buy without it in writing.

I still love George's lone reaction to TLJ, when pressed for a comment: "It was beautifully made.". :lol The equivalent of saying after a first date, "She had a great personality.". Lmfao
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If George was talking to a bunch of executives about spending company money on manufacturing action figures I can see why he'd use the " main character" line. I assume alot of BSing goes on in those meetings. Especially early in his career when he didn't have the clout that came after the success of SW IV. She's not THE main character but certainly one of them. Come on George....


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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Its gotta be driving him mad to see his creation gutted and turned into swill. I still hope Disney's thirst for the almighty dollar exceeds their desire to take all us "behind" folk up to speed. Cuz it look like we aint wantin to ride their bus. Rogue 1 showed what a great film can do.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

You obviously watched the video and heard Johnsons own words and someone else didnt watch it and is just talking though their you know what as usual.

Okay-- I was doing as you asked. I was ignoring you. But even if I can't read your posts, I can see you posting right after me, I can see you liking when other people post trying to take shots at me (YOU TELL EM BOSS), and I can see when other people quote you and you're not-so-slyly taking shots at me.

So yeah, I looked at this post, and big surprise, you're still obsessed with me.

This is a two way street, even with you blocked I can see you trying to to get my goat. If you're going to do that, I'm happy to engage you again. YOU were the cry baby that said you planned to ignore everything I said unless it was about or directed at you, YOU told me that told me to leave you alone otherwise you'd take "extra steps."

And yet here you are, intentionally trying to get a rise out out of me. You like to call me a hypocrite, but you're not playing by the rules you established. You can't have it both ways, take your pick. We going to ignore each other, or do you need me constantly pointing out the absurd and wrong things you say?

Anyway-- I missed the video in question cause I couldn't see your posts, hence me not responding with all the info. Having watched it... my answer remains the same. Do I think it's hinky that Rian gets an entire trilogy based on a one-sengtence pitch? Yes and no.

He works at a level where you get to do that. People at my level can go on with a finished script, key art, and a song and dance and get a no. But the fact he's delivered in the past gives him the ability to get millions thrown his way for a sentence. So yeah, that is kinda lame.

But my basic point remains, you guys are under the impression that not being constantly updated by these people in charge means they are hiding, have no ideas, or no progress is being made. Movie-making, especially the development stage, is slow. To assume Kennedy is in hiding and Rian has had his trilogy yanked just because you haven't heard otherwise is silly. When there is news to hear, I'm sure they will share it.

I've conceded over and over that Solo is a failure and TLJ has split fandom. But unless every Star Wars entry for the next few years tanks, you'll never convince me that your angry little fanbaby voices on the internet have any real bearing. If things do tank, I'll happily concede.

If you do nothing but visit fansites, message boards, and watch fanbaby videos that you know support your opinion, of course you;re going to think the world agrees with you.

Its gotta be driving him mad to see his creation gutted and turned into swill. I still hope Disney's thirst for the almighty dollar exceeds their desire to take all us "behind" folk up to speed. Cuz it look like we aint wantin to ride their bus. Rogue 1 showed what a great film can do.

Kathleen Kennedy produced Rogue One. She hired a director to reshoot half of it. You know, the two key points people are blaming the failure of Solo on.

Lucas already said after TFA that it felt like he sold his child to white slavers. But at the same time, he has a four million dollar pile of cash to sleep on.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

You clearly have serious issues that need to be addressed by a professional. addressing your paranoia would be a great start. To think that I would be obsessed with you and the very nature of the things you post can not be any more clear an indication of such. I cant even like other peoples posts?

To say that you didnt see my post containing the video in question is just outrageous yet typical of your attitude. I maybe a fan baby as you continually either directly label me or point out in general posts but that is far better than the straight out baby you reveal yourself to be at every opportunity.

You accuse me of playing the very stupid game that you yourself participated in with your comment about me to Kristen Jones post only a couple of pages back after you said you would leave me alone. Needless to say I was prepared for this and have a complete list of your all your statements, provocations and straight out inability to honour any of your so called commitments including your unwanted PM`s
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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Hahha-- yeah I'M the one that needs help.

I don't even recall what Kristen said, but I'm pretty sure I was on about a Wook comment not yours, you two are pretty interchangeable. I'm sure, since you're writing this all down, you could make it more clear. But don't. Cause that's creepy.

I think you take me, Star Wars, and pretty much everything WAY to seriously. If you're keeping a list of what I say and tracking it, that's off-putting to say the least. I don't claim to be perfect, I do change my mind, and yes, sometimes I get mad when I think I'm being misunderstood, or I see things I vehemently disagree with. That may make my posts seem inconsistent, but you seem to misinterpret everything I say.

But you seem to think I am some sort of monster.

That and this list you're keeping has honestly kind of freaked me out. I'm sure you're not above SWATing, or talking trash about my kid, threatening my family, or doing something otherwise IRL scary. You just seem like that type. And before you think I'm being absurd, you're the only person I've ever felt that way about. Even the Wook, who lives spitting distance from me I think, I see as ultimately harmless. You-- not so much.

So I apologize. You've terrified me into it. When I say I'm ignoring you now, I won't be lured back by the idea of a fun argument, or you baiting me. Now, you freaking scare me. There is something wrong with you, so you win by default by being terrifying
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

I've looked at the subscriber figures on some of the anti Disney and found duplicate posts ie the same people subscribing to all the "I hate DIsney and Kathleen Kennedy" focal points. It makes their numbers seem larger and exaggerates the group size.

And as my analysis of the certain threads in this forum shows, just three people are currently respouncible for a disproprtionate number of similar posts in this various forum. In one thread alone its nearly up to a quarter, thats 25%, of the total replies.And that, of the total membership of the RPF ,is a very,very,very small but very vocal number and they are in every relevant thread on this topic.

Even the combined numbers of the three most vocal anti D&K groups are a very small number of the total number of people that visit the movies regularly. As a percentage of worldwide SW fans its low. And actually within the RPF where SW fan numbers are a huge proportion of the population, the vast majority appear to have gone to see Solo and liked it.

By normal standard BO performances for a sci fi adventure movie Solo has done reasonably well. Don't think I'm telling the truth? Go to Box Office Mojo, go to "genres" and look up "Sci fi adventures." Outside of the fracnhises original sci fi has always had a hard task attracting huge numbers, just look at the BO for "Serenity", "John Carter" even Star Trek. Even the first New JJ Trek ,which was widely well recieved only did $385 million.

Yet by SW standards Solo is seen as disappointment. But by RPFer SW fan standards here it appears top be largely liked and a "success". If anything it appears to me that the SUPPORT of SW fans has really been the only factor in keeping this from really crashing at the BO.

So why is it REALLY struggling?

I don't think its the boycott. That might account for five to ten million at the most currently and digital sales will recoup a large portion of that in three months.

I don't think its because its a bad SW film.It certainly hasn't generated anything like the hatred TLJ did, go check the post review thread. There is nothing like the general negativity toward it there. On your anti D&K youtube channels then yes, but they are going to always say that because "hating" and "controversy" earns them the hits and the money.

But the trailers got nothing like the usual number of hits a SW movie normally would do.

So that says two things strongly to me.

One is that the general movie going public has little interest in SW characters early stories, even if Han Solo is arguably the most admired and well known of SW characters . They just didn't care, but the SW fans did.
So Lucasfilm and Disney failed, to a very large extent ,to understand that there really is no overall huge interest outside the fandom for SW movies that are not Saga based.

That TLJ REALLY did fail to convert and make more new audiences for SW films, otherwise the opposite would be true, Solo would have been more of a success. The more people I speak too outside of the fandom and who have watched it just because its now digitally available say the same thing, it was a mediocre SW movie and that strongly affected their interest in any othe SW films.

And that supports alot of the arguments here. That the direction D&K have been going is not the best for the future of SW films.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Lucas already said after TFA that it felt like he sold his child to white slavers. But at the same time, he has a four million dollar pile of cash to sleep on.

That quote never sat right with me, why "white slavers"? Why not black slavers or brown slavers or whatever, those were just as common a white ones mister Lucas.

Anybody that would use that kind of language is already elbows deep in the entire social justice narrative and needs to stay far away from the franchise.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Hahha-- yeah I'M the one that needs help.

I don't even recall what Kristen said, but I'm pretty sure I was on about a Wook comment not yours, you two are pretty interchangeable. I'm sure, since you're writing this all down, you could make it more clear. But don't. Cause that's creepy.

I think you take me, Star Wars, and pretty much everything WAY to seriously. If you're keeping a list of what I say and tracking it, that's off-putting to say the least. I don't claim to be perfect, I do change my mind, and yes, sometimes I get mad when I think I'm being misunderstood, or I see things I vehemently disagree with. That may make my posts seem inconsistent, but you seem to misinterpret everything I say.

But you seem to think I am some sort of monster.

That and this list you're keeping has honestly kind of freaked me out. I'm sure you're not above SWATing, or talking trash about my kid, threatening my family, or doing something otherwise IRL scary. You just seem like that type. And before you think I'm being absurd, you're the only person I've ever felt that way about. Even the Wook, who lives spitting distance from me I think, I see as ultimately harmless. You-- not so much.

So I apologize. You've terrified me into it. When I say I'm ignoring you now, I won't be lured back by the idea of a fun argument, or you baiting me. Now, you freaking scare me. There is something wrong with you, so you win by default by being terrifying

Your own words just show how bad things are for you and I really hope for you and those around you that you can get it sorted out as quickly as possible. I truly do.

I had to keep a list as your behaviour is that erratic that only your very own words and the constant need to remind you of them can begin to explain it. I really think you have great trouble telling the difference between the fiction you say you compose professionally to what you write in this forum. I honestly havent seen such over dramatisation in the worst kind of publications.

And in regards to the post where you broke your own word, again, I refer you to post # 505 in this very thread. And you have the gaul to accuse me of the very same thing.
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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Hamill said recently that he talks to Lucas all the time about the new stuff but says he will never share the details of the discussions, which says to me that they arent very positive.

It's possible Mark just respects his friend's privacy enough not to share their private discussions with the world. MH has always struck me as a really stand up guy.
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