Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm (after 2021)?

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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If somebody who has never written, directed, produced, or been on the brain trust of the SW franchise deems only 2 of 10 films as legit, they need to come to terms with the fact that perhaps the franchise isn't meant for them, and they are not the expert on exactly who the films are for.

Not that you have to like them all to be a fan, but you'd think with numbers like that The Wook might be sharp enough to say, "you know, maybe this isn't for me."

Perhaps you havent heard, there is a boycott of Star Wars by fans.

Did you miss the massive damage control campaign initiated to save TLJ? Ignore canon. Tell people to just accept it. Oh wait, this *is* canon, now watch!

Y'know, there are lots o' people who grew up on Star Wars and disagree with the new, absurd direction. Lots of new watchers that laughed out loud over Leia space flyin.They are fans, but they also have free will and expect certain level of quality. If you want our money, deliver a product that is in-line with what we expect from a Star Wars movie. Something more than red trails behind skimmers...oh! Sooo pretty, or an 18 hour chase. Give us a decent story and we will happily give you our time and money.

So, it isnt us. And unless you all have the finances to make up for their future losses, ya might wanna reconsider yourtactics. ;)
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

She isn't flawless. Even Ben points out her greatest weakness is pining for her lost parents.

She also is reluctant to accept the destiny that The Force is pushing in her face. That is a flaw, as well. She was so stuck in her past and her own thoughts that she shrank from the Call to Adventure because she was afraid. BIG flaw. She only decided to go after it because she expected Luke to help and he was unwilling.

Things don't come to her spontaneously... they dawn upon her as she opens herself up to discovery and begins to trust that 'something in side [which] has always been there'.

She's every bit as 'virtuous" as Luke was at the beginning ;)

Well observed -- and actually rooted in the text of the films! I'll also add that Rey encounters a parade of failures throughout the two movies she appears in.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Star Wars author Paul Kemp not mincing words joining Mark Hamill, John Boyega, Rian Johnson, and Chuck Wendig in full on offense!


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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Well observed -- and actually rooted in the text of the films! I'll also add that Rey encounters a parade of failures throughout the two movies she appears in.

I've said since I walked out of the first screening... Rey refused the call the action/adventure... which is the greatest flaw any hero can have.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Star Wars author Paul Kemp not mincing words joining Mark Hamill, John Boyega, Rian Johnson, and Chuck Wendig in full on offense!

Dude they're ALL in on it. You don't get it.

Star Wars is written by KK and a bunch of suits, then they force people who hate Star Wars to create the movies so that white dudes cry.

Actually I found it funny the guy who took over Rogue One didn't like Star Wars and thought the movie was so crap he couldn't make it worse.

But JJ is the hack.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Star Wars author Paul Kemp not mincing words joining Mark Hamill, John Boyega, Rian Johnson, and Chuck Wendig in full on offense!

WOW... I'm not sure where or how this is going to end. But if the backlash continues, from both sides, and people are unwilling to budge and further entrench themselves in opinion the SW franchise might be doomed.

And that wont be good for any of us!
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

John seems to be getting a lot of support.


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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

WOW... I'm not sure where or how this is going to end. But if the backlash continues, from both sides, and people are unwilling to budge and further entrench themselves in opinion the SW franchise might be doomed.

And that wont be good for any of us!
I don't see it as being that dire. The films mostly continue to make money. (Solo notwithstanding.) The licensing is still valuable. I actually don't believe Solos performance at the box office is due to a boycott. That might be one factor, but I think having to reshoot 70% of the film made it a lot more expensive than planned, and they may have decided to not put a ton of marketing effort into things.

That said I'm not a great judge of marketing because I avoid Star Wars trailers and don't watch live tv.

I think what's more likely is that the general direction of the franchise will continue in the direction it's been moving, and the older fans will either get on board or move on.

People's complaints about the PT were, I think, more tolerated because they were about artistic choices. Unfortunately, a vocal enough contingent of folks have treated the ST to the type of criticism that basically invalidates their position. Look at the Del Rey guys tweet. Those criticisms aren't being heard and won't be.

This should trouble folks who have other criticisms more grounded in artistic complaints, because they risk being likewise dismissed en masse as "just more haters."

I do think there's a need for healthy, productive criticism of the films. But as long as a**hole trolls keep hijacking the discussion, those debates will be drowned out.

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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

It’s raining Boyega!


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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

"To the majority of Star Wars fans..." - Boyega

You may wanna check that 46% on Rotten Tomatoes. ;)

Oops! Did someone say, "Pacific Rim Uprising"? "The Circle"?

Become box office cancer, go 'head.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Perhaps you havent heard, there is a boycott of Star Wars by fans.

Did you miss the massive damage control campaign initiated to save TLJ? Ignore canon. Tell people to just accept it. Oh wait, this *is* canon, now watch!

Y'know, there are lots o' people who grew up on Star Wars and disagree with the new, absurd direction. Lots of new watchers that laughed out loud over Leia space flyin.They are fans, but they also have free will and expect certain level of quality. If you want our money, deliver a product that is in-line with what we expect from a Star Wars movie. Something more than red trails behind skimmers...oh! Sooo pretty, or an 18 hour chase. Give us a decent story and we will happily give you our time and money.

So, it isnt us. And unless you all have the finances to make up for their future losses, ya might wanna reconsider yourtactics. ;)


You don’t speak for all fandom, just like you don’t get to call your opinion objective.

I get your feelings for TLJ. What you’re saying is pretty much exactly how I reacted when AOTC came out. I swore up and down anyone who thought differently was dumb, and Star Wars was dead, and REAL fans agreed with me.

A decade and change of maturing and perspective and listening to other people has informed me otherwise. There is no ONE type of Star Wars fan.

There are OT purists. There are people raised on the PT who hold them as part of their childhood. There’s the old EU crowd that prefer the legends canon over anything on screen, OT or otherwise. There’s thesuper aggro fanbros who hate change. There’s a very wide gamut.

I will agree, that there is a lot of overlap between these various groupds when it comes to disliking TLJ, but it is not a unified front, that voice does not speak for all, and it is not representative of the whole movie-going masses.

I cannot keep seeing it— but just because angry fanboys are the loudest voice, does not mean they are the biggest. I am willing to be wrong, but it’s going to take more than TLJ dropping from TFA and Solo being a bomb to convince me of that. Your perception is skewed because you got to internet message boards and read genre fanbsite editorials.

You are 100% enmtitled to your feelings anmd opinions, and I am sure they are shared by a ton of people. But your voice is not representative of the masses.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?


You don’t speak for all fandom, just like you don’t get to call your opinion objective.

I get your feelings for TLJ. What you’re saying is pretty much exactly how I reacted when AOTC came out. I swore up and down anyone who thought differently was dumb, and Star Wars was dead, and REAL fans agreed with me.

A decade and change of maturing and perspective and listening to other people has informed me otherwise. There is no ONE type of Star Wars fan.

There are OT purists. There are people raised on the PT who hold them as part of their childhood. There’s the old EU crowd that prefer the legends canon over anything on screen, OT or otherwise. There’s thesuper aggro fanbros who hate change. There’s a very wide gamut.

I will agree, that there is a lot of overlap between these various groupds when it comes to disliking TLJ, but it is not a unified front, that voice does not speak for all, and it is not representative of the whole movie-going masses.

I cannot keep seeing it— but just because angry fanboys are the loudest voice, does not mean they are the biggest. I am willing to be wrong, but it’s going to take more than TLJ dropping from TFA and Solo being a bomb to convince me of that. Your perception is skewed because you got to internet message boards and read genre fanbsite editorials.

You are 100% enmtitled to your feelings anmd opinions, and I am sure they are shared by a ton of people. But your voice is not representative of the masses.

We get it, you try to blur facts and opinion to remove standards.

I also get that you liked a really bad movie, OBJECTIVELY BAD. No matter how well anyone cites the failures in the film, it is much easier for you to hide behind, "well, that's your opinion," vs " Whew! That was painfully stupid...anyone could see that!"

Even small children who saw the movie realized how bad it was. That is why fans of TLJ avoid discussing the actual events in the movie.

I may not speak for all of fandom, but the damage control offered for TLJ, and the boycott IS being felt and heard.

You definitely dont speak for fandom! You are on a thread posting, where it is clear that what you liked is destroying a franchise. People are getting fired and new directions are being calculated because what you like is failing.

You act as if this isnt an issue. Well, a movie just bombed because of it. So, you can keep on with your smug attitude, or you can wake up. The difference is, I want better quality vs you dont care if it kills a franchise.

Nope, not an opinion. The falling numbers prove it. ;)
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

There are definitely some fans making legit criticisms of the new movies, and there are definitely other fans just throwing poop.

If the actors/filmmakers/etc are going to comment on the poop-throwers, then they should at least acknowledge the distinction & existence of the legit criticizers too. If they won't do that, their comments aren't really neutral.
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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Disproportionality is a very long word.

So far out of the 261 pople that have scored Solo, just 21 have given it a "disappointing/bad" rating. Thats just 8% so far. So that a win for the huge majority that thought it Solo OK and actually quite good.

Like 92% of us. Thats a pretty good score.

But its been interesting reading that thread and this "Kathleen Kennedy should go" one.

Just 3 people are respouncible for nearly 20% of the posts in each. Just three. And one of those hasn't even seen the Solo film. Unsurprisingly these are people who state they have no liking for the way the SW universe has gone. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of others but they tend to hold a very much lower average of posts They've said their piece and have let go of their anger.

But its not hard to see how suddenly alot of SW fans are getting the blame for being toxic.
It would be far better and more accurate to say that if this forum is representive of the general mix ,a very ,very small percentage of the fandom could be loosely defined as "haters".

And I'm not saying I disagree with some of the points they raise, particularly in regards TLJ. And I do believe the accurate and constructive criticism of the SW universe IS being pretty closely reviewed in the light of Solo's below expectations performance.

BUT those relevant points are lost when the same people make the discussions overly personal and often any insight they may have had to offer is just lost in the spew.
Within the Solo thread there are alot of people who said they wouldn't go and actually have, based mainly on the early feedback of other members, which goes to show SW fans are pretty forgiving if you can give them even a reasonably close experience to movie expectations.

I am wondering though just how strong the boycott is though. The more people I speak to the more I am convinced its for multiple of reasons as to why Solo hasn't hit a home run, chief amoungst them being outside of the fandom general movie goers just seem to have little interest in the individual SW character stories, particularly ones that are dead in the current universe.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

[Rey] isn't flawless. She is reluctant to accept the destiny that The Force is pushing in her face. That is a flaw. She was so stuck in her past and her own thoughts that she shrank from the Call to Adventure because she was afraid. BIG flaw.

Ya know who else was reluctant to accept the destiny being forced upon him--shrinking away from it because he was afraid to answer destiny's call? A man by the name of *****, who told his Father he didn't want to be crucified--that there must be another way. *****' weakness, there, in the Garden of Gethsemane, was a "flaw" akin to the one you're attributing to Rey.

Well, my dear, yes...Rey is about as flawed as *****. Thank you for making my point for me. ;)

The Wook
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

We get it, you try to blur facts and opinion to remove standards.

I also get that you liked a really bad movie, OBJECTIVELY BAD. No matter how well anyone cites the failures in the film, it is much easier for you to hide behind, "well, that's your opinion," vs " Whew! That was painfully stupid...anyone could see that!"

Even small children who saw the movie realized how bad it was. That is why fans of TLJ avoid discussing the actual events in the movie.

I may not speak for all of fandom, but the damage control offered for TLJ, and the boycott IS being felt and heard.

You definitely dont speak for fandom! You are on a thread posting, where it is clear that what you liked is destroying a franchise. People are getting fired and new directions are being calculated because what you like is failing.

You act as if this isnt an issue. Well, a movie just bombed because of it. So, you can keep on with your smug attitude, or you can wake up. The difference is, I want better quality vs you dont care if it kills a franchise.

Nope, not an opinion. The falling numbers prove it. ;)

Newflash. I didn’t like TLJ.

Repeat: I did not like TLJ.

And yet, I still don’t agree with you that means it is objectively bad. Opinions are not fact. If one person in the world says they like something you do not, it is by definition subjective. You bring up children, basic fact vs. opinion is something children learn at a very young age that you somehow have not.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Newflash. I didn’t like TLJ.

Repeat: I did not like TLJ.

And yet, I still don’t agree with you that means it is objectively bad. Opinions are not fact. If one person in the world says they like something you do not, it is by definition subjective. You bring up children, basic fact vs. opinion is something children learn at a very young age that you somehow have not.

But Seth, he put objectively in all caps! That must mean what he's saying is really, REALLY true! Isn't that how that works?

Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Newflash. I didn’t like TLJ.

Repeat: I did not like TLJ.

And yet, I still don’t agree with you that means it is objectively bad. Opinions are not fact. If one person in the world says they like something you do not, it is by definition subjective. You bring up children, basic fact vs. opinion is something children learn at a very young age that you somehow have not.

That's funny! Because even children know that losing 150 MILLION DOLLARS is bad.

Didya see the caps? ;)
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