Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm (after 2021)?

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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Expecting Iger and or Horn to address or accept responsibility for the disastrous situation Lucasfilm finds itself in right now is the very definition of futile.

When the title President is on your business card, desk plate and office door the buck stops with you. See what I did there?
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Kathy Kennedy answers to Bob Iger and Alan Horn. In a recent interview with the elder Kasdan, he recounted his pitch to them to secure the budget for Solo.

Looking for a single scapegoat in a deeply collaborative process is futile.

No doubt, there are lots of people who contributed to these disasters. But they can ALL be traced back to KK, because she HIRED them, and they followed HER vision.

That she answers to Iger and Horn means nothing, because they have put her in charge of Star Wars. Who cares that Kasdan pitched the Solo film to Iger and Thorn?? That meeting was arranged by KK. Because she hired Kasdan to write the film.

Iger and Horn signed off on it, but the pitch meeting was just a formality. KK wanted it, and she was gonna get the green light no matter what. Don't be a fool.

Oh, and I just Iove that the part of the pitch that "sold" Iger and Thorn on the project, was Kasdan telling them that a low-level Imperial recruitment officer was going to give Han his last name, upon hearing Han say he didn't have a last name, when enlisting at the Academy. That is such a cockamamie bull**** story, to divert some of the blame away from KK, or it is true and Iger and Horn have SWIQs as hideously low as the SWIQs of KK and Kasdan. :lol

Either way, KK is to blame for the hot mess this once-proud franchise has become.

The Wook
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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Iger and Horn signed off on it, but the pitch meeting was just a formality. KK wanted it, and she was gonna get the green light no matter what. Don't be a fool.

You weren't in that room, Wook. A pitch to Iger is never a formality. He has a tight grip on all the divisions of his company, down to individual projects.

You have bent every observation to service your subjective dissatisfaction with the work, and consequently your understanding of the way this company operates is completely divorced from reality. (Also, for a guy who delights in crying "ad hominem", you're more than willing to call me a fool. Which I appreciate, as it reminds me to stop engaging with you on here. I can be forgetful when I expect better of people.)
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

The only one to give any comment on the whole Solo thing so far is the head of distribution, maybe he should be the new Lucasfilm President. Seems to be the one willing to do the work at least. Yet to hear from him why fans that arent happy with direction are being manipulated as scapegoats though.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

You weren't in that room, Wook. A pitch to Iger is never a formality. He has a tight grip on all the divisions of his company, down to individual projects.

You have bent every observation to service your subjective dissatisfaction with the work, and consequently your understanding of the way this company operates is completely divorced from reality. (Also, for a guy who delights in crying "ad hominem", you're more than willing to call me a fool. Which I appreciate, as it reminds me to stop engaging with you on here. I can be forgetful when I expect better of people.)

Of course KK and LK had to have all their "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed before going into that meeting. But Iger put her in charge of Star Wars, and unless there was something egregiously missing or wrong in their pitch, it was a fait accompli that he'd green light the film.

As for the alleged ad hominem attack, I merely cautioned you not to be a fool. The phrase, "don't be a fool", is akin to, "don't be silly", or, "don't be ridiculous", or, "make no mistake about it". Would one of those phrases hurt less?

The Wook
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Ive not read much of this thread as its a lot of bashing and witch hunting, its the internet, I get it.


if youre someone in power and looked at to lead a brand that your employer forked out $4 billion dollars for, you look for a way to make that investment look tiny by profits. Step back for a moment and consider the powers that be, whom answer to higher ups, have numerous advisors, think tanks and tactitioneers ( ® my word) had a lapse of judgement by trying to combine the two most profitable modern franchise styles being Star Wars and Marvel. Im not by any means backing decisions made but Star Wars and Marvel = $$$$. That being said the risk should have been reserved for a stand alone film and NOT the trilogy.

There is a standing, well known, never changing rule at the house of mouse, you do as youre told not as you want. There is obviously a group of people responsible for where SW is currently at. SW has been dead before and then the Prequels, which killed it again, then TFA brought it back, and TLJ killed it again. I have zero clue how SW can be saved with EP9 but JJ is one of the most creative people around and a true SW fan. What will be interesting is if he is allowed by the powers that be to make the film SW needs after TLJ.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

I still don't understand how TLJ "ruined" Star Wars. To me it looks like the fans are ruining Star Wars.

If you're one of the people that agree with the course the franchise has taken then off course you're going to see the fans as the problem, maybe you should look at all this in a more objective way and try to understand why so many people are upset.

I still don't understand how any sane human being could stand let alone like The Last Jedi, but then i suppose it takes all sorts doesn't it.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If you're one of the people that agree with the course the franchise has taken then off course you're going to see the fans as the problem, maybe you should look at all this in a more objective way and try to understand why so many people are upset.

I still don't understand how any sane human being could stand let alone like The Last Jedi, but then i suppose it takes all sorts doesn't it.

So what is the course that this franchise is taking that you don't agree with? You don't agree that should have fixed the Force and the Jedi, whom the EU left defiled.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Rey is a terrible role model for young girls. She never has to earn anything. Everything just comes to her spontaneously. She is flawless, vice-free, and the most virtuous entity in the galaxy.

She isn't flawless. Even Ben points out her greatest weakness is pining for her lost parents.

She also is reluctant to accept the destiny that The Force is pushing in her face. That is a flaw, as well. She was so stuck in her past and her own thoughts that she shrank from the Call to Adventure because she was afraid. BIG flaw. She only decided to go after it because she expected Luke to help and he was unwilling.

Things don't come to her spontaneously... they dawn upon her as she opens herself up to discovery and begins to trust that 'something in side [which] has always been there'.

She's every bit as 'virtuous" as Luke was at the beginning ;)
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Liking the movies does not make you less of a fan. I would never question someone's passion for Star Wars. I only ever question their SWIQ--their understanding of what things do and do not belong in a Star Wars movie.

The Wook

Since there are no published tenets of what belongs in Star Wars, each individual is left to watch ANH and ESB (by your reckoning) and then interpret for themselves what belongs in Star Wars.

Ignoring for the fact that your personal view is severely limited as it disregards 80% of the franchise, nevertheless that sums up *YOUR* individual SWIQ. Each person's recations to--and subsequent decision to allow or disregard other parts of the franchise (as you yourself do) means that each individual's SWIQ will have different parameters than yours.

Therefore, it's possible that Paul Andrew's SWIQ is perfectly strong according to his personal SWIQ experience.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If you're one of the people that agree with the course the franchise has taken then off course you're going to see the fans as the problem, maybe you should look at all this in a more objective way and try to understand why so many people are upset.

I still don't understand how any sane human being could stand let alone like The Last Jedi, but then i suppose it takes all sorts doesn't it.

Not to keep harping on the RPF's own internal polls, but 50% of us "loved" or "liked" it. Your tastes are not "right," they are merely your tastes.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Honestly whether Kennedy steps down or not is actually relevant to me in the sense that when the sequel trilogy was announced I just wanted to see Han, Luke, and Leia reunited on screen one last time, if even for part of a scene. That can never happen now. :(

Again, I just can't believe that Star Wars of all things has become so polarized. Everything is too political and now my favorite series is going down the tubes with it. What a damn shame.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Honestly whether Kennedy steps down or not is actually relevant to me in the sense that when the sequel trilogy was announced I just wanted to see Han, Luke, and Leia reunited on screen one last time, if even for part of a scene. That can never happen now. :(

Again, I just can't believe that Star Wars of all things has become so polarized. Everything is too political and now my favorite series is going down the tubes with it. What a damn shame.
Eh, this all happened back around the prequels. They were deeply polarizing and, some thought, too political.

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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

John Boyega’s thoughts..


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Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

Since there are no published tenets of what belongs in Star Wars, each individual is left to watch ANH and ESB (by your reckoning) and then interpret for themselves what belongs in Star Wars.

Ignoring for the fact that your personal view is severely limited as it disregards 80% of the franchise, nevertheless that sums up *YOUR* individual SWIQ. Each person's recations to--and subsequent decision to allow or disregard other parts of the franchise (as you yourself do) means that each individual's SWIQ will have different parameters than yours.

Therefore, it's possible that Paul Andrew's SWIQ is perfectly strong according to his personal SWIQ experience.

If somebody who has never written, directed, produced, or been on the brain trust of the SW franchise deems only 2 of 10 films as legit, they need to come to terms with the fact that perhaps the franchise isn't meant for them, and they are not the expert on exactly who the films are for.

Not that you have to like them all to be a fan, but you'd think with numbers like that The Wook might be sharp enough to say, "you know, maybe this isn't for me."
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If somebody who has never written, directed, produced, or been on the brain trust of the SW franchise deems only 2 of 10 films as legit, they need to come to terms with the fact that perhaps the franchise isn't meant for them, and they are not the expert on exactly who the films are for.

Not that you have to like them all to be a fan, but you'd think with numbers like that The Wook might be sharp enough to say, "you know, maybe this isn't for me."

I agree... his is WOOKIQ is very low. You clearly have very high WOOKIQ.

Being able to spot his lack of self awareness is a major sign of high WOOKIQ.... WOOK also has low HFAAMIQ (How films are actually made IQ)

But his "creating an irritating trolling tactic IQ" is through the roof. Hell, look how much time I've spent bemoaning the ridiculousness of telling others how much they know Star Wars.
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

If somebody who has never written, directed, produced, or been on the brain trust of the SW franchise deems only 2 of 10 films as legit, they need to come to terms with the fact that perhaps the franchise isn't meant for them, and they are not the expert on exactly who the films are for.

Not that you have to like them all to be a fan, but you'd think with numbers like that The Wook might be sharp enough to say, "you know, maybe this isn't for me."

Star Wars is the original trilogy, it always was and will always be thus.

Without the originals nobody would even remember the franchise, now i'm totally happy with people being fans of the new movies however i do have a problem with the destruction of the characters from the first trilogy in service of some political narrative.

I'm a fan and have been since before most Star Wars "fans" were born, and nobody gets to tell me it isn't for me anymore.

And I've noticed it's always the same people that say such things;)
Re: Kathleen Kennedy to step down from Lucasfilm?

For the record George didn’t care what fans or critics thought either..


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