Display/Shadow Boxes/display for DL44


New Member
Hey I thought I would tap into the hive mind here at the RPF on this.

I've done some Replicas of a DL44 and I was wondering on what everyone here does for any display/storage when not cos-playing. I'm wondering if there is a particular make/model of shadow box, or some kind of display stand that people have had some experience with. I've included a pic of the DL44 I did for reference.

I was thinking of the Ikea Kasseby, as it's inexpensive, and as it's a case, wouldn't need any dusting, but I'm glad to know it's too shallow, before I bought one. The one Panaflex showed looks great, but might be a bit out of my price range, but I love the idea of the lighting..
I found this shadow box at Michael's craft store. I had to break the glass out of the front but it is the perfect size and depth for a DL44.


I made them on my mini lathe and threaded the backside so there would be no visible screws. Machine screws go through the backer board and I used washers to help spread the weight out a bit.

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