Solo: A Star Wars Story

Exact same thing could be said for the Russo Brothers, and that worked out pretty darn well for Disney.

Before Disney gave them their break, their experience was almost exclusively TV comedy shows (though, admittedly, some great ones – like Arrested Development and Community - but still mixed in with a lot of forgettable sitcoms and comedy specials). Oh, yeah-and “You, Me and Dupree” with Owen Wilson.

Yet they gave us the two best Captain America films and now what appears to be both a blockbuster and a critical success in Avengers: Infinity War.


It's a risk to give somebody a shot at aiming higher than their previous work. Sometimes it works. Other times it doesn't. I just think Disney should have been prepared and on the lookout for the problem. They clearly were not.

I'll bet many of the experienced film crew could have predicted what was coming within the 1st or 2nd week of shooting. Or they would have at least seen enough to warn the producers "we may be in trouble here."

When you get right down to it . . . I'll bet many people on this forum could have interviewed L & M for 15 minutes and predicted it before the shoot even started. So what's Lucasfilm's $200 million dollar excuse?
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Casting Alden Eirenreich was not the mistake. Thinking that fans wanted or even needed a Young Han Solo movie was the mistake, no matter who makes it. I've been saying this from the beginning.

This film will likely be a checklist of everything we already know about the character. Will it tank completely? Who knows? Who really cares? Will it be the first in a line of Young Han Solo films? Who knows? Who cares?

Will it lead to a remake of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi? Who knows? If that happens I will be disappointed. Not surprised, but disappointed. But my opinion doesn't matter and I think collectively we may just all need to acknowledge that Lucasfilm has no interest in making good movies and they certainly don't give a damn about the fans in the least. The people in charge just want to see a return on investment. This all for the money. Not art. Money.

I don't doubt that there are cast and crew who are interested in making genuinely good films but it will all come down to the almighty dollar in the end and as long as people keep consuming the products, no matter how bad they are, Lucasfilm will just keep on making them.

They made what, five, Transformers films? Why do they keep making them? Not because they are good movies, not by a long shot. They keep making them because people in China and American teenagers pay money to go the theater to watch them. The money is there so why not just milk that cash cow?

Unless a true visionary steps up to the plate at Lucasfilm, in five years or less Star Wars will be no better than Transformers. It pains me to say that but it's sadly true.
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Saw this photo of a theatre in Paris. Are these displays anywhere else?


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Do we know that the Falcon--regardless of who owns it or pilots it--will make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs in this film? Has there been any word on that? I recall hearing some kind of official news a while back, that Kessel is one of the featured planets in the film. But unless I missed it, I've not heard the actual Kessel Run referenced, or even alluded to, in any of these trailers or TV spots.

If it's true that AE has signed on for 3 films, could the infamous sub-12 parsec Kessel Run Han boasted his ship had made (in the Mos Eisley cantina) not take place in this first of three Solo movies? But rather, it will happen in the second or third Solo film. Nobody knows what kind of box office haul the movie that comes out next month will have, but if it's decent, they may wanna save some things--like the Kessel Run, or working for Jabba, etc.--for the second and possibly third films chronicling Han and Chewie's pre-ANH adventures.

The Wook
Do we know that the Falcon--regardless of who owns it or pilots it--will make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs in this film? Has there been any word on that? I recall hearing some kind of official news a while back, that Kessel is one of the featured planets in the film. But unless I missed it, I've not heard the actual Kessel Run referenced, or even alluded to, in any of these trailers or TV spots.

If it's true that AE has signed on for 3 films, could the infamous sub-12 parsec Kessel Run Han boasted his ship had made (in the Mos Eisley cantina) not take place in this first of three Solo movies? But rather, it will happen in the second or third Solo film. Nobody knows what kind of box office haul the movie that comes out next month will have, but if it's decent, they may wanna save some things--like the Kessel Run, or working for Jabba, etc.--for the second and possibly third films chronicling Han and Chewie's pre-ANH adventures.

The Wook

The Lego Falcon is called the Kessel Run Falcon. FYI, Felicity Jones was signed for three films as well, so....

- - - Updated - - -

Some new images..


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Saw the latest Solo trailer along with "Infinity War" in th UK. Nobody booed, infact there was a strong surge in excited conversation. It was the first mid day 2D showing and was pretty full, mainly of the younger generation, ie students 16- 22 I'd guess, with quite a few big groups of friends. I couldn't help but hear a few comments , and was a little surprised by how positive and excited they sounded. Though I did smile when I heard one lad describe it looking better than that "last pile of bollocks".
One thing that did concern me was the trailer looked very very dark in the very literal sense you could barely make out a hell of a lot of the detail in quite a few shots. The bar scenes looked like they had been filmed in a cave with a torch. No other trailers nor IW was effected in that way. Did anybody else pick up on this?
One thing that did concern me was the trailer looked very very dark in the very literal sense you could barely make out a hell of a lot of the detail in quite a few shots. The bar scenes looked like they had been filmed in a cave with a torch. No other trailers nor IW was effected in that way. Did anybody else pick up on this?

Now that you mention it, yes, the film does look very darkly lit. It hadn't really occurred to me, because I've been so distracted by how hideously miscast Alden Ehrenreich is as the film's eponymous character.

The Wook
A friend who worked on Solo, said the cinematographer (forgotten their name) had shot scenes so dark Lucafilm needed some scenes reshot - so they may just have a penchant for a really darkly lit style.
I'm surprised that even goes on today. (Having to re-shoot for lack of light in the footage.) CGI makes it so easy to darken footage that I see no reason to ever risk going too dark during shooting.
Now that you mention it, yes, the film does look very darkly lit.

Yeah, Bradford Young was the DP on Solo, and it does look very atmospheric and moody. Go check out 'Arrival' or 'Selma' and you'll get a feel for how SW is going to be lit. I swear he underexposed 'Arrival' by a stop and a half the whole film, but it has it's own inherent beauty. The cinematography in that film is amazing.

Yeah, Bradford Young was the DP on Solo, and it does look very atmospheric and moody. Go check out 'Arrival' or 'Selma' and you'll get a feel for how SW is going to be lit. I swear he underexposed 'Arrival' by a stop and a half the whole film, but it has it's own inherent beauty. The cinematography in that film is amazing.


Don't disagree, "Arrival" was brilliantly done, BUT the mood and story of that movie is radically different to a fast paced actioner like "Solo", where the audience have very little time to pick up visual clues before the shot changes. It was very noticable in the bar scenes where aliens, certainly around the edges almost disappeared from view, like you were looking through a dirty window.
I can't recall having to squint at a cinema screen for decades but I had to watching parts of this trailer, it was as dim as a muddy hell.Bearing in mind the likely antipathy towards the film from certain quarters they might want to rethink just how grimy they make parts of it.

PS. New TV spot trailer
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Does anyone have an idea what the belt greebles are on the Q'ira costume? When you search on fuel filters and Fuel filter brackets(A friend pointed out to me it looked a bit like that) Then you do get results of parts that seem somewhat in the right direction, but after searching for hours I still don't know what they are. Anyone any Clue?
This will answer the question of is Enfys Nest male or female, spoilers if you are so inclined.

The voice they gave Enfys Nest is weak AF. It registers a big zero on the intimidation scale. The character should be male, with a menacing voice. Instead, Nest sounds just like a feminine version of Jabba's droid who says to Artoo, "You're a feisty little one.".

The more I learn of this film, the more low SWIQ evidence keeps piling up.

Good grief.

The Wook
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