Foam MCU Stormbreaker. (Thor's Infinity War hammer)

6 finger wizard

Active Member
I'm working on this for Denver Comic Con, whose prop policies get stricter every year. So the head will be built out of craft foam, the handle will be a thin dowel covered in pipe insulation, which is flexible enough to twist around the head. I'm using the toy Stormbreaker for reference, essentially doubling all its measurements which will result in a hammer about 18 inches long with a handle about 3 feet long. Here's my pattern so far.


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So everything was going great. I started out with a big 'ol foam oreo for the body of the hammer
Started thinking to myself, "Man this thing is gonna be huge!" Then I moved on to building the blade of the axe.
At which point I'm thinking "Yep this is definitively big, is it too big? It might be too big." Then I started getting the detail on the blade done.
So yeah, comparing it to the Hot Toys Thor figure I am thinking maybe I should have made the head about 4 inches smaller, but other, presumably less accurate reference makes me think its fine.
The intent was always to have a safe foam prop to conform to Denver Comic Con's policies so now I am saddled with the decision of redesigning and rebuilding or rolling with an almost comedically large hammer.
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Who likes McNuggets and is following this build? This clown right here

I dearly hope there is a Szechuan flavored Stormbreaker in the internet's future.

I decided to proceed with the build sized as it was, however if anyone does try to re-purpose the pattern I used it's on four-squares-to-an-inch graph paper and converting it square by square to five-squares-to-an-inch graph paper would result in a hammerhead 14.4 inches long, much closer to the scale of the hot toys hammer.

I noticed too late a key difference between this toy and the Hot Toy's hammer, on the Hot Toys version the groove in the side of the hammer head continues all the way through the head. I currently plan on leaving my hammer as-is, I did turn it into a giant squeak-toy after all (for safety) by placing an emoji dog toy in the head of the hammer.
I just have to finish carving in the runes then it's on to painting.
After seeing the movie (twice), I think that your sizing doesn't look too bad. The head will also seem proportioned differently once the handle is put on and I think will look more "right."
Agreed, I've come to the same conclusion. I'm currently pretty frustrated by the lack of reliable reference for the hammer, they really wanted to keep it a surprise apparently. I believe the handle is significantly less curved than the Hot Toys version and it doesn't seem to have the thinner vines wrapping it. I'll give it another look when I watch Infinity War again this weekend. The painting is in progress I'll have a pic up when that's done.
Yeah, from what I can tell, there is currently no version, whether it be Hot Toys, the action figures, Funko Pop, or play toy that has an accurate version of Stormbreaker. The handle absolutely doesn't have the small fines wrapped around it, and like you said, I don't recall the handle being very curvy except for the very bottom.
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There is a guy on YouTube by the name of Odin makes. He has made one ALL out of EVA foam and a PVC tube and rope. Maybe worth taking a look!
At this point the only thing I have left to do is paint the handle, which I made out of pipe insulation, which let me wrap the 'vines' around the head pretty convincingly.
And since I plan to make a youtube video of my own watching someone else's first might make me feel derivative. I'm a little insecure like that.
Glad I found this thread
working on a stormbreaker of my own.
Currently working on the axe blade
waiting for more reference photos.
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