Event Horizon kit - At Last!

Wow that is amazingly accurate. I should know I lead the model crew that made it under David Sharpe miniature FX supervisor and Richard Yuricich VFX supervisor. Theres a lot on that model I actually built myself.

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Great to hear from someone who actually worked on the film!

You wouldn't happen to have a picture showing the nameplate on the bow of the ship?

I'd really like to make up a large version as a wall-hanger but can't find any accurate reference. :(

Regardless, great work on the model, the design and realism are what keeps me coming back to the film time and time again!

Dave sharpe has a bunch of photograph, remember back then we didn't have digital cameras. I shot a tone of 16mm film of us making it and Robin Skinner took stills. This looks remarkably accurate, I don't remember ever scanning the model on the production, it went into storage after wrap so where did he get the digital files to print this? It's a fantastic job .
Somewhere I've got the drawing done by Stuart Curns . He designed all the brass etching.

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https://youtu.be/BriEWNvasR0. Don't think I've ever posted this before
I've got lots of story's from that job . I picked which one of the concepts we made it was designed be Julian Caldo a friend of mine, if you look at it side on it's the arm of a record player. The model was also covered in Star Wars micro machines. It was a bit of a running joke.

Dude! You worked on this? Thanks for creating such a memorable ship! It's one of my favourites and I'll build one for myself one day. She has a truly menacing profile. Great work. One question, are the rumours of an even gorier edit true? Know anything about that?
Dude! You worked on this? Thanks for creating such a memorable ship! It's one of my favourites and I'll build one for myself one day. She has a truly menacing profile. Great work. One question, are the rumours of an even gorier edit true? Know anything about that?
Yes and its grows . its just the hell scenes lots and lots of naked people covered in blood with spikes and well I don't want to remember it, way over the top.
I only saw it as a ruff cut before our effect where put in, so if it ever went to final dub I don't know.
Yes and its grows . its just the hell scenes lots and lots of naked people covered in blood with spikes and well I don't want to remember it, way over the top.
I only saw it as a ruff cut before our effect where put in, so if it ever went to final dub I don't know.

Oh man. I can't believe I'm talking to one of the original creators of the Event Horizon. Wow. Thanks for responding! What happened to the ship after it went to storage? Does it still live somewhere?
the Lewis and clark is in a museum and the event horizon is in private hand I think. I was asks for digital files by someone years ago to help rebuild it but I had to enplane, back then we made it up as we went there are no digital files. ( well apparently there are now ) Just as a side note the hole model was built in 6 week including Christmas week. I was working on a film in LA when David Sharp rang and asked me to come back to England. Some of the crew he had hired where leaving to go and work on a bond film. So when I arrived it hadn't been started. Dave said "go down to the art department and pick a concept" So I pick that one because it had my friend name in the corner of the drawing. I had a reputation for being quick but six weeks was scary, the DP David Stewart said it wasn't possible which made me more determined. I split the model into 4 main parts Designing joining plate for each intersection. I then pick 3 model maker and left them in-charge of there part . wile I designed the center corridor section . 5 custom made 1" carbon fiber tubes with fast cast cladding. Stewart Kerns designed the brass etching with Dave Sharp ( it had tiny hooks all over so we could add wires easily.) Jason Reed design a huge steel rig that could lean over at 45 deg and roll around.
the corridor was lit by hundreds of grain of rice bulbs (done by Tamzin Hanks), and the rest was all fiber optics (done by Ben Hall and Ed Plant)
Dave Sharp designed the paint gob. And it was all ready to shoot in 6 weeks. leaving us to get on with larger scale sections.
Very cool to see a well done model of this ship. I'm still a little dubious on the merits of 3d printing parts for production. On the plus side, parts should be more heat and stress tolerant than urethane resin for a given thickness, and I wouldn't question it for specific thin, low detail parts which need strength within a kit, IE the skeletal corridor connecting the big pieces in this kit. It's also worth considering for lower detail parts with deep undercuts, which would otherwise need to be cut into many pieces for molding.

However, the economic and technological reality of 3d printing, as it is today, means that to make money selling big prints like the main bodies of this Event Horizon - a more economical printer than a form2 is required. So now every buyer will need days of intensive cleanup work if they want a final product you can take close photos of, and even with all that work, the sharpness of the detail will suffer. Not to say the prints aren't great for an FDM, they look very clean. But to me, it would be very preferable to have ONE master made at a very high resolution (and cost) have the extremely fiddly finishing work done once, by the kitmaker, and have hollow castings made for production. That's how I do it anyway.

Of course, it's possible the kitmaker is chiefly a digital sculptor, without a shop or manual finishing aptitude, in which case distributing a raw 3d print is a better option than nothing at all - I just wish he offered it in a higher resolution, especially considering the insane amount of detail on this ship. I really doubt it will ever be 'sold out' for good, considering production only requires a spool of filament and time to set up 5 or 6 builds!

Again, not to take away from the model itself - it looks like a very impressive kit, obviously well sculpted and priced appropriately for what it is.
My kit is presently in production and I've asked Factoria to cut the hull in as many sections as possible for interior access. Lots of fiber optics and some LEDs will grace the outer hull.
Am not a big fan of the movie's "Hell Raiser" in space, story line but the the ships and set designs are amazing!
When the kit arrives and I start work, I'll be happy to post progress if of interest.
This is my first 3D printed build so have no preconceived expectations. I based my order on the model shown at the top of this thread. Know that Oscar at F3D has already tossed a number of sections because he wasn't happy with results. Think I'm in good hands. This will certainly be one of the most costly builds I've ever done!
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I don't think this was modelled. I'd say it's from a lydar scan . I'd loved to be proved wrong because if it was modelled it's amazingly accurate and would have taken weeks . I don't remember a scan at the time but it was 22 years ago? If he did model it from scratch I'd hire him.
Believe you are correct. As to the origin of the model or scan, Oscar did not state where it came from.
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A good find, but it's not the same model as this one. It's hard to compare 100% since one has all the print line detail competing with the surfacing but these clean renders definitely have some different geometry. Look at the 'temples' to either side of the Event Horizon name plate for example.
Also the connecting framework center section is hardly beefy enough to be printed.
Agreed that the temple sections look very different than Factoria3D's offering. The center section in the F3D kit is actually made up of steel rods and 3D closely spaced framework pieces.


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its ok and admire the dedication of the modeler but that's not the model. Too much like lego. I know the real one off by heart.
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