Did Last Jedi inspire you for a new project?

I think the new 'rangefinder' is the Bell & Howell Director Series 8mm camera, but with the 3-lens 'turret.'

The prop also looks like it's got some greeblies on the front, and a flip-up viewfinder thing on the back.


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I loved the film.

I'm working on a Resistance x-wing pilot now.

I have plans to make some of the bomber bombs with things like "hi Snoke" and "Han says hi" on them.

I also liked the slightly redesigned stormtrooper helmets and will be working on an executioner helmet for display purposes.

I'd be interested in getting Leia's ring and the Resistance ring plus the dice from the Falcon and some Canto Bight coins. Also DJ's slicing tools.

I'd love to eventually have Ben's lightsaber, some Praetorian Guard weapons, Luke's compass and the saber parts necklace.

Most of all I really, really want the Jedi books.
I was most interested in the binary tracker/beacon. Not in my skill set to create, but hopefully someone will and I can watch
Good luck! I hope we've ID'ed the right one. Wish I had more info for ya.

Looks pretty dead on to me. I think they just removed the handle on the side, painted over the writing with black paint, and attached a strap. I also got a Ukrainian surplus rifle strap on its way to me. So, I should be in good sted.
No sadly. Though it did help cement my decision to pass on several projects for my own collection. Which sounds negative but it actually frees up necessary time and space for me to work so in that regard it is actually a positive!
I think I'm going to work on building a time machine so I can go back to a time before I saw The Last Jedi. My groin still aches from being kicked there by Rian Johnson.

All kidding aside TLJ inspired me to add a Luke saber from the original trilogy to my collection. Just trying to decide which version. Leaning towards ESB.
Went to see it again yesterday (prebooked tickets so couldn't cancel them) with the brief flash of movement before the ring opens I'm more inclined to believe its whats known as a Zero Aperture Diaphragm. Looking at the tell-tale markings on this version i think it's a better shout...maybe even an exact match?



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