1:1 scale imperial probe droid

So exciting, looking groovy.
Have you thought about pic hosting? your images sometimes take a long long time to load. I use postimage and it's working fine so far and free :)
So exciting, looking groovy.
Have you thought about pic hosting? your images sometimes take a long long time to load. I use postimage and it's working fine so far and free :)

Images hosted on the forum have the advantage of not vanishing suddenly when some provider decides to change the rules.
kresty that is true, but seeing as you commented....
I just tried one of the pics and it took 50 seconds to load, sometimes it's worse than that? I don't know why it just seems to get worse.
People don't have the time to take pics into a program like photoshop and make them suitable for the rpf's ancient dedicated pic function.

To make them suitable they should be reduced to a megapixel size that was common way back when that part of the site was built, instead of ever increasing phone megapixel specs, and then save them in a specific way that is web friendly, then the pics are about one tenth of the size and load as was intended.

It just makes me sad knowing if I post a ref pic for GEEK1138 twice as many people will see it as his own wip pics.
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@kresty that is true, but seeing as you commented....
I just tried one of the pics and it took 50 seconds to load, sometimes it's worse than that? I don't know why it just seems to get worse.
Yea, I'm careful about sizes. 50 seconds seems extreme, wow! I'm only seeing a few seconds. And the thumbnails are all prompt (at least the thumbnails are a decent size, some forums have tiny unusable thumbnails!)
Time for some proper leg action...got the biggest one (leg 'B') mostly sorted. All complete with resin greeblies and gas struts.

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Got leg 'E' nearly done too





Should be quite quick to finish the legs. Everything is finally printed now for the droid


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Thanks for the comments guys...much appreciated.

Absolutely loving this build, but it is a MONSTER of a project...From modelling all the hundreds of parts to working on large, heavy pieces...the head/body/disc/stand and the legs. Making sure it will all fit together and be to scale etc etc. Not to mention the next phase of painting/weathering/mechanics and electronics. You have to hand it to that OT model team, they designed and built the best droids in the universe!

Anyway, so the legs are all done except for waiting on a bunch of different gas struts that are a better fit


And the body underside is fully populated with weird greeblies

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What d'you guys think about the paint job...I've read and seen a lot about brown tones/studio lights/iron coloured paint. The sideshow model is flat black and when I think of ESB it seems black to me?


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I reckon weathering Geek1138 is the key to this prop. A simple base coat is fine if you give it some life with weathering. yay I love this thread you are knocking it out amazingly quickly well done
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