Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

YO guys!!!

Ok, so the filming of the live action parts ended, and it's been pretty hectic!
We rented two Blackmagic Ursa cameras, some lights and (VERY EXPENSIVE) Canon prime lenses for one week, so we had to film everything in just 7 days. We were filming for 13-14hrs a day, and in the evenings I was working with Stipan on the Matte paintings so I hardly got any sleep. But hey, who's complaining? WE'RE MAKING OUR MOVIE, WOHOOO!!! :D

Here's the new Production Diary No.11 which covers the filming:

You probably noticed an ATM machine. I built it for the filming, and I wanted to show you the process as usual.

I made the base from the back sides of two computer monitors, and a cardboard tube sawed in half for the sides.


I gave some texture to the sides and painted them silver. Obviously I was aiming for the VidPhon design. And the keypad is made from an old telephone, hahahah... :lol


For a moment in the film we see the insides as well, so I screwed in the parts from and old printer, and tons of random wires. I rather like it... Who knows how the insides of an ATM machine look anyway? :D


And here I did the same thing as with the Condom dispenser a few years ago. I inserted the computer monitor inside the ATM machine, and designed the footage to be played on the screen. Actually @Mike J. gave me that idea a long time ago. Thanks Mike ;)


And here it is on the set, with a couple of original Bladerunner stickers, and some inappropriate graffiti :D


Dino and me are flying to Brussels today for a week, and after that we'll get right back to the filming.
If someone's near and want's to show us a good beer place send me a PM! ;)

Thanks and see you soooooon!
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I won't be in Brussels, but you should definitely check out the Moeder Lambic and Monk bars! So many tasty beers... So little time...
Great vid and update; you guys rock:cool!!! As a Belgian/Canadian, you should go to the café "Mort Subite" in the heart of the way, "Mort Subite" means sudden death;):D but great beers to taste!
I always wonder how lighting a scene works in very small, confined spaces so I really enjoyed seeing some of your solutions here (in the video). The windshield reflections idea in particular was pretty impressive.

I also tend to think people are very funny when suffering sleep-deprived giddiness! Thanks for making your video updates both enormously informative and genuinely entertaining.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I must be "leaving in the city" soon.;)
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Helooooooooooo dear friends!!!!!!

So for the last month we've been editing the film on and off.
By now everything we filmed is thrown on the timeline and we have the rough cut (minus the sfx miniature shots of course as they are not filmed yet). So now the plan is to further polish the scenes, trim the unnecessary stuff, start working on the sound, and our composer Tim will be soon coming for preliminary music sessions.

Dino is actually editing most of the time, I find it waaaay too boring. We just consult and review what he did every few hours. And in the meantime I work on much cooler and exciting stuff!!! :cool For example:


BAM! This baby arrived a week ago! I introduce to you Ditogear Motion Control Evolution slider. It has 3 axis of movement: slide, pan and tilt, and also a separate servo that can be used for zoom or focus ( that's the one on the lens). It comes with a program through which you can control it, precisely record all movement, and it can then replay it for you as many times as you want.

Here's a test I did to find out just how precise it is and will the footage match after many passes:

I must say it works surprisingly well, and the best thing is we can now make AMAZING CAMERA MOVES like that one! This just blows my old "Redneck Motion Control" out of the water! :lol (if you spotted occasional "jumps", that's due to the wrong framerate I had on the camera, not the sliders fault)

OK, the other toy we bought is the 3d printer! Now, I was veeeery suspicious of 3d printers as the last time I checked they were all pretty expensive and the print quality was not that impressive to me. Turned out I wasn't checking them that often. The prices dropped insanely and I found the printer called Ender 3d for just 160$. That's not a bad price at all, and the print quality is actually pretty good for that price.


Since I'm going to use it to detail the miniature buildings I began to model all kinds of air conditioning units and other "rooftop" assets. Here's four different AC units I built:


No need for them to be very detailed as the printer couldn't handle the resolution at the scale I need. It's a half-inch grid behind these printed units, so you can guess the size (around 1cm):


I print them in batches to produce many of them quickly, and I vary the sizes a bit to give it some diversity. Around 1hr printing time for a batch like this:


Here's some huge fans. I actually googled building rooftops and drew inspiration from there. There's all kinds of beautiful shapes on the rooftops! :lol


And so I'm slowly building an archive of assets, and if I'll need some more during miniature making I can easily just print another batch.



So after all these years of prehistoric work conditions we finally arrived to the future, hahaha! 3d printers, motion control sliders, and oh... CNC machine is also on the way and it will help me cut millions of tiny windows on the next and final set of buildings that we'll make prior to filming.

I was thinking.. is the 3d printer kinda lazy? It it all going to just lose it's charm now??? And then, after thinking reeealy hard, I realized: WHO CARES!?! JUST GET THIS FILM OVER AND DONE WITH! :lol:lol:lol


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Aw, man! I love that motion control test footage, and I'm delighted to see that you got a 3D printer, and that you're getting good results from it right away. I love all the new, printed building details!

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you can do with all these new, wonderful [strike]toys[/strike] tools.


You didn't think I'll actually miss my holiday card, did you? :lol
It took me a while to think of something funny, but with all the Star Wars news all over the place I remembered the good old SW Holiday Special, hahhaa...

So here's to a great year, 2017! We had loads of good times working on the film, learned tons of new stuff, and had an amazing campaign!
I hope you guys had an awesome year too, and that 2018 will be even more awesome for all of us!!!



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