Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

Dude, can you knock it off? Youre bringing down the entire thread. You need to relax. Remove the stick, and talk some Star Wars. If you wanna get crazy, go somewhere else.

I don't think I'm bringing down the entire thread, I'm not Vader like powerful compared to some members here.

But yes, I'm excited for the new film. Excited to see Rey as the new hero.
I honestly don't think they should make Luke turn to the dark side. Not only would it undermine his entire character but if he did, why wouldn't he have just joined Snoke and The First Order? Why disappear from the conflict? I'm so excited to see what they have in store for him and Rey.
I honestly don't think they should make Luke turn to the dark side. Not only would it undermine his entire character but if he did, why wouldn't he have just joined Snoke and The First Order? Why disappear from the conflict? I'm so excited to see what they have in store for him and Rey.

Luke has a background and genetic dark side built in. So for him, Snoke is a joke (sic) compared to the Emperor.

If he turns, it's for past reasons.
What's wrong about that? We have to have repeated stories of lead male characters falling from grace all the time, but god forbid we have a female character do the same for once? If you stick to the cookie-cutter predictable nature of story telling, you're not going to do anything different, unique or memorable, you're essentially wrapping yourself in pillows to keep yourself safe from any harm

^ *THIS!*
I'm a little apprehensive about the Porgs. I confess it dampened my enthusiasm a bit. Rather fearing a yub, yub moment.

I was hoping for a darker vibe. These damned things are gonna be everywhere.

Loving today's memes though!

My name is Scott, not Francis. But I do know that using this name in a derogatory way is typically meant to infer that I'm feminine or gay. ....not sure if that matters? I've been here on the RPF as long or longer as many and I do think the tone for this topic warrants my comments.

If you don't agree, noted...Rylo.
Watch "Stripes" starring Bill Murray. Your welcome in advance.

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I'm so glad I spent the day at Disneyland instead of following some of this. Star Wars is EVERYWHERE here, especially on the shirts of the guests. And yes, STAR WARS is for kids, just come to Disney and see the future of the franchise.


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And then you have Luke's appearance on the Imax graphics with BOTH the good guys and bad guys:

View attachment 765350

****'s about to get real!

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:lol Bryancd with the well timed Disney commercial.

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And maybe you have people from disney or lfl saying stick Luke everywhere you can since people were a bit pissed last time that he didn't get a single line....It doesn't have to be a hidden message.

You think they spell out the whole script for the guy making the poster?

Sure...why not;). I guess we will see.
Kylo does have his scar in that final shot where he's reaching out.

The island where they filmed was aswarm with puffins. It was easier to alter them into porgs than try to digitally remove all of them. I have less problem with either the porgs or the crystal foxes than I did with either Jar-Jar or Ewoks.

Don't put much effort into reading the Wiki page. Someone decided to go full stupid and completely screwed up the snowtrooper wiki page between the ESB and First Order one. It was accurate and full of proper information before hand and idk when the stupid guy went in and filled it with stupid.

I've thought about going in a fixing it but I can't prevent said stupid idiot from going back in and splerging his foul intellectual understanding of Snowtroopers all over it again.

I haven't been in a while. What's been done to muck up the Snowtroopers?

Kylo does have his scar in that final shot where he's reaching out.

The island where they filmed was aswarm with puffins. It was easier to alter them into porgs than try to digitally remove all of them. I have less problem with either the porgs or the crystal foxes than I did with either Jar-Jar or Ewoks.

I haven't been in a while. What's been done to muck up the Snowtroopers?


I didn't know about the porg relationship to puffins.

Porgs are puffins, puffins are porgs!

That's where you're not getting it, or the story, or the entire theme of Star Wars in general. She is the new Luke, period.

The female character lead in Star Wars seems to be a hard pill for a lot of fanboys to swallow. Boo. Hoo.

Lead female roles, like Rey, are a welcome breath of fresh air. The time for all-male leads is done. It's DONE. So, it only makes sense that if you have a character like Rey, that she is not going down a path where she will not be an inspiring character for young women. How is that so hard to comprehend? And if you don't want or welcome this....maybe new Star Wars (or sci-fi movies anywhere) are not for you.

I for one am tired of reading post after post about women in lead roles that are slammed to death, picked apart, nitpicked from every angle... that just screams misogynist rhetoric.

Rey is bad ass, she is here to stay (thank f-ing god) so some of you will need to deal with it.

1. Where did I say or in any way imply that I am not ok with the main character being female? Not once, so don't put words in my mouth and then get all self-righteous about those words that I never even said.

2. Rey turning to the dark side in no way means she must be relegated to supporting character. Leads can be bad guys too. Also, I comprehend just fine, and if they want to go that route, fine. But We already have a Luke, so why is it so hard for you to accept that Rey is allowed to be her own character and not a copy of the man who came before her.

3. I never belittled the character, never said she shouldnt be able to do this or that because she's a female, never said anything against the fact that she's a woman, so save that misogyny crap for someone else. Heaven forbid I should support taking new characters, in this case a female character, in different directions.

4. On this, we agree: Rey is a definitely a badass.
I really need to reiterate this, there is far too much capital spent on building Rey as the hero and Kylo as the villain to alter course now. From licensing to merchandising, Rey is the light and Kylo is the dark. Just as clear as the OT where Luke was the last guy and Vader the dark. Classic. Easily understood by both young and old. And fun fairy tale storytelling.
I really need to reiterate this, there is far too much capital spent on building Rey as the hero and Kylo as the villain to alter course now. From licensing to merchandising, Rey is the light and Kylo is the dark. Just as clear as the OT where Luke was the last guy and Vader the dark. Classic. Easily understood by both young and old. And fun fairy tale storytelling.
I really need to reiterate this, there is far too much capital spent on building Rey as the hero and Kylo as the villain to alter course now. From licensing to merchandising, Rey is the light and Kylo is the dark. Just as clear as the OT where Luke was the last guy and Vader the dark. Classic. Easily understood by both young and old. And fun fairy tale storytelling.
You are logically correct. That is why it would be so much fun to twist that upside down!

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Did anyone ever think that the scene with Kylo reaching out to Rey is part of Luke's plan? Maybe Luke is either trying to turn him back using Rey OR use Rey to figure out what they're up to knowing they want to turn her and will welcome her in?
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