GL pitched Solo's death to Ford prior to TFA..

Han should have died at the end of ESB. They have no idea what to do with him in ROTJ, so he's running around in the woods tapping troopers on the shoulder while a space battle is waged overhead
Han should have died at the end of ESB. They have no idea what to do with him in ROTJ, so he's running around in the woods tapping troopers on the shoulder while a space battle is waged overhead

How dare you, sir. He was also doing this.


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He was supposed to have died in the first act of RotJ. Luke and Leia weren't supposed to be brother and sister. His death would have made the film darker as well as resolve the triangle set up in the first film. Luke was supposed to "fail" as foretold by Yoda in ESB before he left Dagobah. This would have set up the final trilogy that GL promised way back in 1978 when he announced that there would be a follow up trilogy as well as a a trilogy of prequels.

But GL got sick of SW and decided to just wrap everything up in RotJ. Which is why it sucks so much.
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