Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

A clear image of Poe's extra engine on his X-Wing.


  • IMG_4848.JPG
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I wonder why they do that? The tiny engines on T70 is already looking incongruous enough and they add a 5th engine so to say Poe's T70 is just than anyone's. Ugh I hope that is not the T75.

I thought Poe's black X-Wing was supposed to be a special version in TFA so maybe it's like a super fast stealth version.
I thought Poe's black X-Wing was supposed to be a special version in TFA so maybe it's like a super fast stealth version.

It could be..., I can't remember but its just sad they simply poop a 5th engine on the T70's arse. I really don't like the design team. I wonder why not just increase the engine size instead of a 5th engine? But the ugly tandem wings will still destroy the overall design. Anyway, hope they introduce T75 with far better design.
Well I may have found out how Luke got to Ach-to and how he can leave. This is from art work supposedly appearing on a TLJ pinball machine. I don't want to post the image as some might consider it a spoiler but I can't for the life of me figure out how to put an image within the spoiler tags.
A clear image of Poe's extra engine on his X-Wing.

Yeah it looks stupid, more like a droid octopus humping its arse.. :eek You cant just glue a toilet roll nozzle on the back, the rest of the engine would be inside the main body displacing what makes the whole T-75 work in the first place hahaaaaaa. Sorry BB-8 no room for you in the back anymore your gona have to sit on Poes lap, as his fantasy octopus engine that couldnt work is way more important.. no BB-8 thats not Poes Joystick .. or is it..

Im all for 5th engines but not like this, looks a cheap mess.
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