Rogue One Vader costume

I now think that it was Daniel Naprous as Vader in the castle scene on Mustafar, then Spencer Wilding as Vader in the scenes on Vader's Star Destroyer The Devastator and then it was definitely Daniel as Vader during the rampage scene at the end of the movie but as far as who was in the Bacta Tank I believe that was a rubber mannequin.
Hey Rogue1lvr,

I see you've recently joined to join in on the discussion. However some of your facts are incorrect. Cause Daniel Naprous was confirmed to be the Vader in the Mustafar, Star Destroyer, and blockade runner scenes in Rogue One. There was an article that mentioned that the scenes Spencer Wilding shot did not make the final cut. Wilding had a scene that was in the trailer.

Secondly, you are also incorrect. Brian Muir while also having worked on Rogue didn't have anything to do with the Darth Vader helmet for RO.

On another note:
I read a post ont he RS forum over the weekend where someone asked two crew members about the vader helmet.
The facemask was reworked from a fan-made helmet one of the prop makers owned. Gino loaned two ANH helmets to the production. I believe they didn't end up using the domes in the end.
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Would be interesting to know what helmets exactly Gino leant to the production. His old VP/GH helmet (he once sold on ebay) or an eFX copy. He never had anything else in his collection and if he didnt show .....which is hard to imagine :D
The screen used dome has a GH look to it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was derived from it. I know where the face mask came from but I'm not sure its ok to discuss out in the open just yet. I've been away from the Rogue One discussions these past few weeks so I'm not sure what has revealed already.
The screen used dome has a GH look to it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was derived from it. I know where the face mask came from but I'm not sure its ok to discuss out in the open just yet. I've been away from the Rogue One discussions these past few weeks so I'm not sure what has revealed already.

the member on RS said that the propmakers were sure that they didn't use the dome of the helmets Gino provided. They couldn't say what dome was used all they knew was that they didn't mould the domes from Gino's helmets.
I dont know, but hilarious non the less.

And who is this guy? :lol

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Oh I know they didnt use anything from Gino. But they could have altered a GH or a 20thC Dome from someone else. The facemask came from someone that is very well known and respected here in the RPF, I'm just not sure it has been revealed yet.

the member on RS said that the propmakers were sure that they didn't use the dome of the helmets Gino provided. They couldn't say what dome was used all they knew was that they didn't mould the domes from Gino's helmets.
No the name wasn't mentioned! That's very possible. The crew members spoken to did confirm that Gino provided belt and chestbox and greeblies that they used.
I dont know, but hilarious non the less.

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Oh I know they didnt use anything from Gino. But they could have altered a GH or a 20thC Dome from someone else. The facemask came from someone that is very well known and respected here in the RPF, I'm just not sure it has been revealed yet.

If its fanmade it can only be a "Darth Ugly" facemask?
The dome is from another source from what I know.
I'm just thankful we didn't end up with the ROTS design. I do still wonder how a more "ANH accurate" Vader helmet and costume would actually look when shot in a contemporary film. It's possible they tried such a look and it didn't film well for whatever reason.
The Darth Vader suit at the end of Revenge Of The Sith is most definitely dreadful no doubt about it. They should've went with the A New Hope design and gotten a 6' 7" body builder for the role.
Like that 6'7" bodybuilder Bob Anderson was in all those duels in ESB & ROTJ...oh wait Bob was 6'1, same height same as Hayden and wasn't a bodybuilder. But seriously, as Don Bies has said in this very forum (you can search for his posts) Hayden was not just thrown into to the suit, there was a thick padded-up bodysuit underneath it, and being strapped to the gurney and wearing lifts he was on scale of how Vader would be with Palpatine standing next to him. They even reshot at least part of it at the ranch with another actor. I don't care what suit he wore in ROTS, it's proven he has different variations of the suit as show from movie to movie and sometimes from scene to scene. (I think the costume even changes partway into Vader's raid onto the Hoth base.)
Like that 6'7" bodybuilder Bob Anderson was in all those duels in ESB & ROTJ...oh wait Bob was 6'1, same height same as Hayden and wasn't a bodybuilder. But seriously, as Don Bies has said in this very forum (you can search for his posts) Hayden was not just thrown into to the suit, there was a thick padded-up bodysuit underneath it, and being strapped to the gurney and wearing lifts he was on scale of how Vader would be with Palpatine standing next to him. They even reshot at least part of it at the ranch with another actor. I don't care what suit he wore in ROTS, it's proven he has different variations of the suit as show from movie to movie and sometimes from scene to scene. (I think the costume even changes partway into Vader's raid onto the Hoth base.)

You are correct sir, Vader is sporting an ANH facemask when he is in the rebel base.

Sure there are variations and many different actors playing him. But to be fair to the other posters as well. In all those cases ( even one of the crew that played vader in a reshoot in ROTJ ) there was nothing about the costume that made you go "That is not fit right". In the ESB and ROTJ duels I never once saw Vader's helmet swivel on his head in those scenes (RO did) I think most issues are not as much about the costume of vader, but more the way they fit it to the actor, from the weird way they seem to have attached the cape to the couple inches gap between the helmet and chestarmor.

I want to get back to something earlier: Someone ( I forgot your name sorry dude) mentioned that the helmet/facemask that was used to make the facemask for RO was a member here? Perhaps that member would like to share if he can?
Confirmed via BTS footage in the Target bonus material: when shooting the Mustafar scene, inner cloak was under the armor. So they must've fixed it in post. In BTS footage of other scenes, it is over, so they got clued in during production.

He is also indeed walking VERY fast toward Krennic in this footage, enough to give Wook a coronary. ;)

They also show several stills of the costume on set, and it looks terrible under certain lighting conditions (i.e. not yet properly lit for a take). But the originals probably did, too. Lighting is everything!
Confirmed via BTS footage in the Target bonus material: when shooting the Mustafar scene, inner cloak was under the armor. So they must've fixed it in post. In BTS footage of other scenes, it is over, so they got clued in during production.

He is also indeed walking VERY fast toward Krennic in this footage, enough to give Wook a coronary. ;)

They also show several stills of the costume on set, and it looks terrible under certain lighting conditions (i.e. not yet properly lit for a take). But the originals probably did, too. Lighting is everything!
Gareth Edwards said that they did some test shots of the Vader suit on the Starkiller base set of TFA to test how to light the Vader suit. They weren't exactly sure how to do it.

I think part of the problem is that we can see the details much more clearly in R1 than in most scenes of the OT. This makes any issues with the suit and fit much more obvious.

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Wonderful! It is almost like it was
in the good old times, Vader discussions with that extra bit of heat and passion thrown in, new members risking to be banned, some old members referring to other old members ... in jest and with the best intentions of course... how did I miss that :p

Back on topic, I really like how they portrayed Vader, but found him too skinny for a lack of better wording.
I am very excited to watch Rogue One and see Vader again. Especially after looking through this thread.

I'm about about as diehard a Vader fan as anyone, I've watched RO HD several times since it's release on iTune, and Vader is never as bad as anyone one makes it seem (you see his cod piece for like 6/10ths of a second). In fact, Vader gets better every time I see him (because I don't stare at his cod piece when he's walking at the camera). I do have one caveat. The JEJ voice has recording has changed from ANH to ESB/ROTJ to ROTS to RO. And that's being a little nit picky. As for the costume, I'm judging it against ROTS so it's all good. :lol
Wonderful! It is almost like it was
in the good old times, Vader discussions with that extra bit of heat and passion thrown in, new members risking to be banned, some old members referring to other old members ... in jest and with the best intentions of course... how did I miss that :p

Back on topic, I really like how they portrayed Vader, but found him too skinny for a lack of better wording.

I prefer a solid discussion and not so much bull**** that I must read in lots of threads since the forum is open for everyone.:lol;)
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