Mythos Obi Wan - Desert Nomad


Hey all. This is my first year going to Star Wars Celebration and this is also my first costume build in two years. Coupling the two together, I've been working for the past couple weeks on a costume I've wanted to do since I first saw the statue: the Mythos Obi-Wan.

I have a couple of the props in the build queue, being built in tandem. I've already knocked out Obi-Wan's saber and have started the build on both the Tusken Raider rifle and the moisture vaporator. I wanted to make sure these builds are complete so that I can verify that I build the backpack strong enough to support the weight of those heavy items before attaching the miscellaneous lighter pieces.

Came down with a killer cold last week so painting and prop making were quite literally off the table. Just painted up the moisture vaporator tonight.


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Bit of an update.

One gaffi stick down, one to go! I've picked up an Etsy kit for that second gaffi stick because, though it's a bit pricey, the head is rubber. It hasn't arrived quite yet, but it should within the next couple weeks. The paint I used for the harsh, grungy, worn splotches is "Typhus Corrosion" but Citadel Paints. This paint is easy to work with and my new favorite for aged but not rusted metal. I'm still trying to find some greebles that are close to the ones, for the rifle, on the statue. If I can't, it'll be close enough for me, until I pick up a 3D printer.

Since I haven't done leather working, and seeing as how the backpack is the crux of the costume, I commissioned someone on Etsy to build it. The bag is finished and in transit, but it should show up in the next few weeks. The only concerning matter is that USPS delivered my goggles to the wrong address and I'm currently getting that sorted out. Until then, I have all my packages on hold at the post office so that I can just pick up my backpack and second gaffi stick when they arrive.

On the docket this week:
Finish up Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber (pay no attention to the backwards top, that's since been fixed)
Build the Clone Wars armor out of foam
Possibly build some goggles if my package isn't found

Next week:
Sew the tunic
Sew the tabard
Sew the robe

In theory, everything should be finished by next week, possibly the week after if that's when my gaffi stick kit arrives. I'm cutting it close to the wire with the delivery of the backpack. That said, once it arrives, it'll just be assembly.


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@StevenBills:Yes and no. I did my best to match the statue but there were certain elements I was unsure on how to build and some pieces that just didn't turn out. So, it is my own design but out of necessity rather than intention. Unless you like it, in which case, that was 100% intentional, yessir.

Good and bad news!

Good news: I got the base of the armor done and it just needs to be coated in plasti dip and painted. My last can just sprayed in a stray, fluid line despite warming it up and shaking it up like a monkey on Ritalin. The binoculars were finally painted to a point of satisfaction. The 3D printed graflex saber was 1000 grit wet-sanded until it had a lovely smooth finish.

Bad news: My can of silver foil spray paint must be near empty because the saber now has severe orange peel. Debating whether to re-wet sand it with 1000 grit or get a new can and try and cover that layer.

So, here's the good, the bad, and the (so far) ugly.


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I would re-sand and re-spray the saber. The next layer of paint won't cover that up. It is nice and smooth so it would be a shame to not get a good paint coat. Nice work so far!
Psicorp7: Thanks for the input! I ended up wet sanding with both 600 then 1000. Cleared that right up. Downside, I can't seem to find that same spray paint anywhere else and may just need to settle for standard "chrome" paint, due to the deadline.

I had somewhere to be last night, so I had to do a literal quick and dirty, 40 minute paint job. I still have to make a neck seal but I'm happy with how it's come out so far. I know my edges are ragged - relatively dull blade - but I figure I can make that into something like built up grim or rust. Besides, first time working with EVA, so it's definitely a learning experience. Planning on doing the shoulder bells the tonight or tomorrow.

Also, thought I don't have pictures, my gaffi stick kit arrived and the rubber head is pretty hefty. I'm still, nervously, waiting on the arrival of my backpack but I hope it can hold the weight of that item, plus all the other it was designed to hold.


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The backpack arrived! I don't have any experience with leather and, though it seems to be a good leather and build quality, it's about 18lbs of weight on all of that. My fingers are crossed that it holds up. It looks gorgeous but I've had to do a few modifications to make things fit.

I had to trim down the underside of the Tusken rifle so that it fits the holster. It, unfortunately, looks a little wonky now if it's outside the holster. That prop is now officially a hanger queen, only to be seen within the context of the costume. The chest armor is going to need to be trimmed near the back of the bag so that it doesn't overlap the backpack straps. The unpainted gaffi stick seems a bit long, so in order to make everything fit well, I may have to trim that a bit too. The bed roll is a bit wide but I think just folding it over until the width looks right should work just fine.

This all said, the attached pictures are just preliminary test fits to get an idea how everything will strap together (please ignore the terrible flash). I'm still trying to get the moisture vaporator (a couple of the pieces at the top fell off, I need to repair it) to sit at the appropriate position, vertically, on the bag. Lastly, after I did my test fittings, I threw together a quick Jawa bandolier. It still needs to be weathered but it came out pretty good. The last picture attached is from this morning when I put everything on the side to see how they visually balanced out.


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Quick update.

Finished up the gaffi stick this past Saturday. As for the actual clothing, my friend - who has graciously sewn my costume - finished up the robe and is finishing up the tunic. For the under tunic, I just threw together a quick dickey that should do the trick. I'll post a picture of the costume - sans backpack - in the next couple days. Since Celebration is in 9 days, I'll have a picture of the finished costume by the end of this week.


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The tunic is sewed! The tabards are a little too wide, but I may not have time to tweak that. I still need to distress these but, overall, I'm loving the robe and tunic.


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Other than the shoulder that are currently drying, the bag is done! I'm estimating that it weighs about 22-26lbs right now. Very hefty. Starting to get nervous that this backpack will tear itself apart. Fingers crossed that the leather holds up.


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