Beginning Again with a Vintage MPC AT-AT

well when you're ready to tackle the V4 x wing... let me know... I'll send you mine to practice on. I know you'll do an amazing job.

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and I'm not kidding at all...

Scott, I appreciate the confidence, and I'd love to tackle it if you can arrange to get me a month of free time. It took me 34 years to get this MPC Walker done! So, if you want to see your V4 finished before your grandchildren retire, you'll probably have to do it yourself. Which version did you buy? I went for Red 3 because I'm a glutton for punishment and I really admire the paintjob Guy Cowen did.
Here's a test of the AT-AT shot on Vista Vision :

AT-AT Vista Vison.jpg

... I thought you might appreciate that David :)

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Here's a test of the AT-AT shot on Vista Vision :


... I thought you might appreciate that David :)


Thanks, Chaim! I've never seen that image before. I know Dennis Muren chose to shoot the walkers on miniature sets in front of a painted backdrop because he was afraid of potential matte lines from the blue screen process. Obviously he made an informed decision based on tests. I would love a frame from that footage!
Almost a year later there's one last piece of news about this build for anyone who might still be hanging around. Finescale Modeler magazine chose it as one of their 12 finalists for their Star Wars Modeling Contest! Not bad considering it's the first Star Wars model I ever actually finished. Here's the cover and the page spread:

FSM Cover.JPGFSM SW Page.jpg
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