Doctor Strange costume (Benedict Cumberbatch version) question

I am so happy some on has the same idea as me. I immediately thought of embossing velvet as soon as I saw the patterned pieces on the cloak. The trick will be making a template for the embossing. For some of the pieces, I may use a technique called devore, which uses acid to etch the velvet into a relief design. i did that for the trim on my All-New All-Different Doctor Strange, cloak and it turned out pretty cool. I think I will use a herringbone wool for the non-textured pieces.

I am able to do an iron pattern due to the fact that I am using velvet as my external material.
This will not be possible if you are using the heavier materials that are super accurate. (Looks like maybe a herringbone cotton or something, idk.)

The velvet ironing pretty much squashes the light material to create a different reflectiveness/shade
To do this place your velvet on a 3d design and quickly and firmly so as not to melt the fabric, iron over it.
This will squash the velvet that sits on the design and leave the gaps.
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I was thinking either linen or canvas drill for the under tunic. For a while I was convinced that the "owl" was painted on, but as I look at the more detailed pictures it looks like It is a different fabric all together. Love the clasp pieces!

Wow, calm down Rchan202, we don't check this every hour. One post is often enough.
For the robes underneath I am currently working with a quilted royal blue drill cotton that should come out ok.


If anyone is interested, My modeller has finished working on the cloak lapel pieces.
These should be available through Shapeways shortly. Currently only available in metal while we finalize design and go through testing stages.
These will be released in Nylon/Plastic later on if this model works
Left half (
Right half (
Yes I'm away these should be different for left and right, no I don't have enough time to make the necessary adjustments.
Boot images.

Does anyone have any ideas for base shoes? Maybe a link to an store that stocks similar?

Been trying to narrow those down as well since I figure if I can't even find the boot, why am I trying to do the rest lol. I first thought they were paratrooper boots with a special toe added. When I was in the service one of my co-workers was a parajumper and had style kinda close, as in the laces go closer to the toe than normal combat style boots. But then I figured the lines on the toe caused that to be an illusion.

I was praying Adidas made a boot to make this easier since the toe looks like their shoes.....of course not, too easy right? I have searched US, Russian, South American, Canadian and Chinese boots but still nothing with that toe pattern. I started again to think it was added, but then if you find just the right images, the tongue of the boot has the same lines in it. I was thinking why would they go through the trouble to add the lines to the tongue when you won't see it?

There is also the issue of the lead designer, Alexandra Byrne, who loves to custom make outfits BUT if time is an issue will buy items off the internet (her own words even) and did this for Guardians of the Galaxy. When she does this she likes to order from China and modify. I would assume the leg area if all custom, but the rest of the boot is hard to say.

I have an image that shows most of the bottom of the shoe so you can see the pattern. It is VERY similar to the classic Nike SFB, but not quite the same pattern. I figured if the sole pattern can be identified -OR- the etch mark on the outside heel, we can figure out the company that makes the boot and go from there on the rest of it. I have searched for images with the heel being clear enough to get any idea what it luck. It's small, so thought 5.11, but could not find a boot that looked like the image. I did not think of checking boot soles to see if 5.11 was similiar.....doh. Maybe I will have time tomorrow?

Anyway, sorry I can't be of much help.... still trying to work on it though when I have bad weather days I can't do much else.
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Now that the lapel clasp models have been completed we are beginning work on the Eye of Agamotto.
This will be printed in 2 halfs so that I can access the middle and possibly rig with LEDs depending on how much time I have spare when it arrives.
It will be created in Nylon/plastic and painted and sanded when it arrives.
Here are the first couple of progress pictures and a couple of HD reference pictures also.

Final model uploaded
Still needs to arrive, at which point I will be spray painting sanding, and ageing, and assessing the option of installing LEDs.


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I was going CRAZY trying to figure out where I had seen that sole pattern before!!! I used to wear nothing but asics when I was in the middle east! Great find FoamSmith!!

Now, as far as how to recreate it Moa Hunta....... It my be a bit hard, but not nearly as impossible as it seems. Done it before with Arrow Season 1 boots. They are on Nike Free Run shoes. I personally will do the same with this. Just have to decide if I want to make the "boot" or buy a boot I can alter if it's cheap enough. But seriously, it takes time and patience, but it's not too bad, especially if you just stay focused which this whole outfit will now require.
Starting on the rings:
--Modeling pictures added--


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With just over 2 Months till San Diego ComiCon, things are slowly beginning to come together.
I'm based in New Zealand so this is going to be a pretty big trip.
I'm contemplating ways of doing the Cloak collar, either a plastic insert or just stiff fabric.

What are my options for stiff fabrics apart from starching the hell out of it?
With just over 2 Months till San Diego ComiCon, things are slowly beginning to come together.
I'm based in New Zealand so this is going to be a pretty big trip.
I'm contemplating ways of doing the Cloak collar, either a plastic insert or just stiff fabric.

What are my options for stiff fabrics apart from starching the hell out of it?

I'd suggest interfacing, such as Pellon.
What are my options for stiff fabrics apart from starching the hell out of it?

Several layers of heavy duty fusible interfacing (probably one or two pieces of canvas in the collar with interfacing on both sides), or buckram.
I'm probably going with buckram for this.
Several layers of heavy duty fusible interfacing (probably one or two pieces of canvas in the collar with interfacing on both sides), or buckram.
I'm probably going with buckram for this.

Buckram is the white stiff canvas type stuff right?

I did a google:
I think this is what I got, it definitely looks similar.

I should have a few progress picture up over the next month for my cloak and robes.
Yes, buckram is pretty cool. I think it's super-starched canvas, generally used for hat-making. My friend impulse bought a bunch of it one day, so she's always looking for excuses to unload some of it on me haha...
Ok, rings are done, now I just have to wait for them to arrive. When they do I will probably be adding extra detailing and filing a few bits for my own peace of mind.
Prices on there include the modelling work and 3D printing in Metal.
If people want, I can get her to upload them in plastic. That way you wouldn't have to worry about the $50 an hour for modeling. :p

Also I see that Shapeways have had a couple of modellers put up new "Eye of Agamotto" models, so check it out. - These are currently about ~$40

I've also found a cheaper (plastic) 3D model has been uploaded for the lapel pins here: and here:

Which is great, but and has wonderful detail, but still has the same reflected issue as mine. (note 4 "gaps" in the bottom line as opposed to 3 on one and 4 on the other)

--Tiny bit annoying but hey, these are the perils of being the first to do something.
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Since there is so much on this thread already, I'll share what I'll be using / doing for my replica of the suit.

I believe that the tunic / Gi portion of the costume is Denim. The arms and legs appear to be a slightly darker color, so with mobility in mind I believe some sort of jersey fabric is used.

I've tried to recreate the inner part of the cape as close as possible using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I have not add the "super dark" or "super orange" smaller "patches" to the pattern. Is it screen accurate? It's pretty dang close. I converted a pretty high resolution JPG to a PNG to increase zooming without pixalating and this is as close as I could get it.

I intend on getting this printed at using Cotton Sateen, instead of the 4-6 oz Cotton they have so it has a slight sheen to it.

Right now the size is set to 56" wide by 2 yards (60"). I really can't see more being needed. The squares are 2" x 2". It is also textured to mimic weaving.

Doctor Strange Inner Cape print.jpg

Doctor Strange Inner Cape print.jpg
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Right now the size is set to 56" wide by 2 yards (60"). I really can't see more being needed. The squares are 2" x 2". It is also textured to mimic weaving.

View attachment 631331

Can I have permission to steal this image please?
Also I considered denim for the build but denim has a lighter reverse side. As the material is pleated at the bottom and you can't see this, I decided against denim.

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That's why I shared it :) If you get asked about it, just say "that dude on the RPF made it" or something, haha.

It's at full resolution (300 dpi / ppi).

I noticed the pleating too. I'm pretty sure that each "layer" is just folded on each edge and sewn in.

1. Pleating is sewn on with wrong side facing UP
2. Pleating is folded down and top stitched.
3. Shows folded over edges.

What material do you think would fit it better? It appears to wrinkle pretty easily, so I'm thinking a cotton / linen fabric.
Awesome, thank you!
I'm quilting a drill cotton at the moment. The pleated bit I was talking about was the fall running down the front right.


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