Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

Thanks for the comments guys!!!
I'm glad you're still with me! :lol

So I finished another building, and this one might be my favorite, too.
This one is built mostly from computer parts: two coolers, a printer, and an old keyboard, haha!


I wanted this building to have a giant projection screen similar to the one I made last year. I should definitely make that projection test I'm always talking about..


And after primer and paint, here are the last two buildings I made, and a beauty shot!



That's it for today.. :thumbsup
Talk to you sooooooooon!

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The fun continues. Awesome building again. I see we've been having more parties!!!! ;)

Looking forward to seeing a projection of the side of that beauty too.
YO YO YO guys!!!
I'm really excited!
I finally manged to test that projector thingy that I wanted to try for so long!!!!

I borrowed some old crappy projector from a friend and I did the test tonight.


Took me some time to figure how to set it up, and how to align the projection with the miniature. Because, projector needs to be far enough so it wouldn't be in the shot - but also it needs to be close enough so the projection would not lose too much resolution. :rolleyes


But it works!!! and it's so cool when you see it animating on the building! There is some light spill around the projection, but nothing that crushing the contrast a bit can't fix!
Here's the beauty shot:


I roughly based the animation on a Syd Mead BR preproduction artwork, and I have no idea what "efna" is, if it says "efna" at all! :lol


The wonderful thing about using the real projector is that you can really feel it's pixels, and it gives it that LED panel look. I just love how it breaks over the surface of the building and mixes with it's texture. You really can't get all those wonderful "coincidences" when you do it digitally. This is magic right there!


That's all for tonight...
We are slowly initiating our "miniatures department" and soon we'll film some proper moving shots.
Czar, no release date in mind since life gets in the way all the time and we just can't be sure. But, as I said, we'll film some SFX shots soon and there could be a trailer around the corner! ;)
We are also planing a crowdfunding campaign because there's still tons of stuff to do, and we could use some help. Plus, there's all that wonderful merchandise that otherwise won't happen! :lol

Ok, I'll keep you updated, and in the meantime - drink "efna"!?
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This thread/project is something I can't wait to see updates on (right up there with new episodes of Project Binky).

Crowdfunding is a great idea. My only advice is to learn from the lesson of Axanar: Don't fly too close to the sun on wings made of money. ;)

Can't wait to see more, as always.

The simple ways in which you get the desired effect is just astounding to me. I would never have thought about that in a million years! Coupled with your fantastic post effects, this project should be a case-study for film makers. I've been showing it around to a few of my film buddies and they're just amazed. Fantastic stuff man. :D
Thanks for the comments guys!!!
I'm glad you're still with me! :lol

So I finished another building, and this one might be my favorite, too.
This one is built mostly from computer parts: two coolers, a printer, and an old keyboard, haha!

I wanted this building to have a giant projection screen similar to the one I made last year. I should definitely make that projection test I'm always talking about..

And after primer and paint, here are the last two buildings I made, and a beauty shot!

That's it for today.. :thumbsup
Talk to you sooooooooon!


DAMN!!!!! this is art to me, loving see random parts used to sculpt something so beautiful, so inspirational, I love this thread!!
This looks awesome, excellent work.

Toasts to the outstanding work you've all done there. :cheers

With regards to the projector and the model, how feasible would back projection be? Just a thought…
Over the past 2 days I've read this post from the beginning to here. I learned so much seeing 2 years of building go by in 2 days. I'm blown away by your building work on the model city and I feel super inspired for my own builds! I cant wait to see what comes from this :D
Thank you guys!!! :$
We really, really appreciate it!!

We've been trying to film some miniature shots last couple of nights after work. Typically from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.
First two tries were misses, third one was a hit! There's many things to do wrong while filming the shot in passes, so we had to figure it all out.

Here's the city up and running. Everything is on while we're setting it up, miniature lights, film lights, projection... but we film everything separately so I can have more control in the post.


We made that motion control slider as well.. It's not perfect by any means, but it'll do for now.
Here's another setup where we lifted the slider on the tripods and thus worsened the overall shakiness even more.:lol


Ok, and since all of you are so nice to us, and you really care for our film, I'll treat you with a brand-new-super-secret-ultra-bootleg miniature shot!

So, almost everything in the shot is in-camera, and all the screens were projected one by one. I did of course ad the traffic in post, and a few lights here and there, but really majority of it is real. I hope you'll like the shot!

Oh, and btw, two weeks from now I'll be taking a trip to Los Angeles :eek, visiting a friend that moved there!! So that upcoming production diary will have to wait a bit, but I'll try to post something when I can!

And, of course, if someone is in or near LA - you know what to do: message + inbox = :cheers!

See you guys!


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Absolutely stunning...... Visual eye-candy all the way, great work........ As for what to do in LA, I've been here for 37 years and still have much to see and do, you're going to have fun, just stay away from the tourist traps like Universal Studios, you won't see anything truly movie related.
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