3-foot Rodger Young?


Sr Member
Chronicle Collectibles announced some time ago they are releasing a 3-foot Rodger Young from Starship Troopers. Apparently this is out of the studio molds so it's studio scale, mastered by Fon Davis.

Previously their site or FB page (can't remember which) said something about starting pre-orders in June. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any updates since that announcement. Has anyone heard about the availability of this model?

I didn't see any mention in the above posting that this is from a studio mold. Is there any reference to a 3 footer? I know of 6", 18", 9', 18' models. I have castings of the 6" and 18" myself, plus the tiny drop ships and fighters.
Here is a post from Facebook back in September of 2014:

Chronicle would like to welcome Fon Davis to the Legacy Series. Fon is currently working on our 36" Rodger Young from Starship troopers. Fon worked on many models for Starship troopers and will be creating new Rodger Young masters from the original molds.
Talked to fon davis today at dragon con and asked him about the kit. He said with chronicles getting the terminator genisys licence that the model was pushed back but that it is still planned.
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The 3-foot Roger Young kit will be available for pre-order in about a week, according to the latest post on Facebook by Chronicle. What's not clear is what "pre-order" actually means. From what I understand, you pre-pay for the kit and it takes 4-6 weeks to make one for you. So, I guess it's really "made to order."
I'm surprised they are producing it for only $650. I worked on the patterns for this 3 foot model at ILM with Fon, and it used a LOT of resin, and there are a lot of parts. It's very labor intensive to build.
Ok, since I'm getting ready for this lovely to arrive, I have been digging through all my reference and screencaps and coming up with a "list" of all the "seen"/"official" Rodger Young Class/Type Corvettes. I'm going to share what I have as far as what I think is confirmed info by screen caps, filming photos, etc . . . as in a lot of work over a long time in the hopes that finally this info can be set and laid to rest. Anyone with ANYTHING to add is welcome.

So far, this is what I have . . .

Known ships
Name Ship ID Color Type
Frank Is Love 125 Blue? Troop
Mitchell 132 Blue
Hale 133
Denim 137 Tan Tac ?
Yamamoto 138 D Blue
Hood 156 Troop
Giap 159 D Blue Troop
Cromwell 175 TAC
Rodger Young 176 Blue Troop
Fairfield 178 Tan Special Freight (Command?)
Boxer 182 Tan TAC
Geronimo 185
Greg Jein 193
Bull Run 195 Blue Troop
198 Green Troop

Can anyone out there fill in the blanks on the color, type, or even the ship name in a couple of cases? So far I am stumped on finishing this list so any help is appreciated. And even blu ray screen caps are not enough to put this to bed so to speak.

It would be nice to nail some of these down so that proper decals could be made up . . . for the 3' and maybe even the 19".

Those are, I'm pretty positive, Lee Stringers photos which are still up on his flickr account.

Jay Adan also has a very good flickr of SST models.

Both are super helpful for the big 18' model, one of which now appears in the collection of the Callisto Exhibition Group, aka "Science Fiction Archives" in Europe.

The biggest thing I'm still looking for is some pictures of 6' and 9' models, which have disappeared as far as I can tell, probably to the trash dumpster behind SPI. I know most of those had ship names and numbers, and nailing down color and type would make it so much easier as they appeared to be much more varied than the 18' model, which had a blue and tan as far as I've been able to tell.

I would really love to nail down names types etc and then see about getting a decal sheet update together, so that for example the "named" ships like the Bull Run or Boxer could be done on the "other side" of the Rodger Young for variety. And maybe even see the sheet scaled back down for the much more common 19" models floating around. But that is going to mean something more hitting the light of day, as I've poured through everything I could find both online and in print, and then capped the blu-ray about to death trying to resolve some of the names that go with some of the just numbers above as well as type etc. And the Tan is easy to make out, but the difference between the blue and green is very slight and sometimes hard to tell in the actual screen cap. The list above is literally many hours of work digging and zooming and squinting and step forwarding to pick out names and details.

Here is to hoping that someone out there who worked on the show has a "secret" trove of production pics that even if they were not willing to share publicly for whatever reason could at least resolve this list some. At this point I think that is the only likely way that is happening.



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