Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

nevermind ot(i posted that scene and ridiculous music from flashdance in response to what they were talking about a few posts back).
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

Predicting she goes with a double bladed saber (hopefully not blue) - first for the good side we'll have seen :)

Since she has and uses a staff, not a big prediction - but still :)

That was my first thought and hope too. But I'm sure she'll use the Graflex.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

One of those electrostaffs that the Magnaguards used in ROTS would be an excellent "quarterstaff" type weapon substitute for Rey. Would be a great casual weapon, but with the ability to handle lightsaber combat as well.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

Long-serving Star Wars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan, who returned for The Force Awakens, is very excited for the new direction he expects Johnson to head in.

“These movies will all be so different,” he told The LA Times earlier this month, ["Episode VIII" director] Rian Johnson is a friend of mine — he's going to make some weird thing.

“If you've seen Rian's work, you know it's not going be like anything that's ever been in Star Wars. “You couldn't have three more different people than J.J., Rian and Colin [Trevorrow, Episode IX director].”
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

One of those electrostaffs that the Magnaguards used in ROTS would be an excellent "quarterstaff" type weapon substitute for Rey. Would be a great casual weapon, but with the ability to handle lightsaber combat as well.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

These are my predictions for Episode Eight:

* Kylo Ren launches probes across the Galaxy in search for Rey and Luke.
* The First Order launches an attack on the Resistance base.
* Rey trains with Luke to be a Jedi but she flies off to help her friends Finn and Poe before her training is complete.
* The Millenium Falcon almost gets eaten by a space-monster.
* Rey and Poe fall in love.
* Poe gets frozen in Carbonite by Captain Phasma
* Captain Phasma reveals to Rey: "I am your mother".

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

These are my predictions for Episode Eight:

* Kylo Ren launches probes across the Galaxy in search for Rey and Luke.
* The First Order launches an attack on the Resistance base.
* Rey trains with Luke to be a Jedi but she flies off to help her friends Finn and Poe before her training is complete.
* The Millenium Falcon almost gets eaten by a space-monster.
* Rey and Poe fall in love.
* Poe gets frozen in Carbonite by Captain Phasma
* Captain Phasma reveals to Rey: "I am your mother".


They could call it something like, the first order strikes back.. you know since the resistance made a first strike against them..

I do think the big twist will be them being sibling though. They're pushing the hints way too hard to make it seem like she's Luke
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

Contrary to that latest article quoting Kasdan, I thought Treverrow was set to write Episode IX. It'd sure be a relief to hear Rian's really doing both of the next two!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

Contrary to that latest article quoting Kasdan, I thought Treverrow was set to write Episode IX. It'd sure be a relief to hear Rian's really doing both of the next two!
Everything I've seen has Johnson writing the next two.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

I thought I saw Treverrow at the US TFA premiere and they referred to him as the director for IX.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

Well I would've liked to have seen the interaction between old Han and old Lando...but that ship has sailed. Lol!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII


My friend sent me that image.
I see the date is old.
Sorry if it's been discussed.
I just found the fine print interesting.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII

So here are the things I'd like to see in this film:

- Some scenes that will be able to linger a bit longer
- More of Kylo struggling. We saw him delve deeper into the dark-side, but we know that's not the end of it, and villains can be redeemed.
- Some different space ships for the resistance. Now that they're the only military power left, let's hope they procure some new tech.
- I hope we get a chance to see Snoke in person (and I hope he's a semi-normal size), and get a little more of his backstory.
- A full-strength Kylo lightsaber battle.
- Luke showing off some force powers in wizard-y way. My ultimate hope for him is that he is a Yoda type character who doesn't depend on weapons. His weapon is the force.
- I'd love to see a lightsaber fight between Kylo and Rey, where she starts to get her ass kicked, and the wise old man shows up and force-slaps the **** out of Kylo.
- It would also be cool if Kylo near the end of the movie figures out "Hey, this Snoke guy is just using me to get his way, and maybe what I'm doing isn't really in the best interests for everybody" which would set the stage for him redeeming himself fairly early in the 9th film. I'd like to see another villain redemption story in Kylo's arc, but I'd like to see it take place early enough for him to fight side-by-side with Rey.

These are just my hopes for 8.