Doctor Who: K-9 that tin dog build

I searched for "Dave Everrett Styrene plans" and found some cool looking stuff that I'd like to buy plans for, but I can't seem to find where to buy those plans. A direct like would be much appreciated. If you're not comfortable posting it here for some reason, please PM it to me. I'm very interested in the K-9 and the astromech plans.
Thanks mate, as usual I am running behind on my schedule to get everything finished. I had December flagged to finish K-9 off so I can complete the tutorials, but I didn't receive the ear servos until a few days ago.

The gun mechanism is almost complete, I will add the tickertape tongue after everything else is finished. Then comes the control system which I want to make as simple as possible for builders.

I have also uprated the floor for the drive motors. I had not anticipated how heavy the head is and it can cause the floor to flex and over a years operation it was showing cracks. All this will be in the update tutorials.

Dave Everett

Good news Dave. Still wishing to build, but not in a real hurry.

I have just got myself a static fiberglass K9 and wondered if you have still have your plans of how you put the lights in and motorised him.

Any help you could give would be great.



Nice to see those, thanks for posting those real dog shots. Those other model look like they have the fiberglass casts off the original. Its hard to get those bodies, I would love one, someday LOL

Never noticed the square tubing on the bottom of that one before. Most use the foam rubber pipe insulation, which mine will have.

Im not going for anything specific era wise, I just want a general K-9, altho his plans are based off the Baker Era K-9. I had to take liberties with his head some, but its not noticeable. Progress/073111BodyMockup2.jpg Progress/073111BodyMockup1.jpg Progress/073111HeadPlatesOff.jpg Progress/073111Head.jpg Progress/073111NoseHeadPlate.jpg Progress/073111NeckJoint1.jpg Progress/073111DriveTrainBodyOn1.jpg Progress/07311TailGasket1.jpg Progress/07311TailServoSetup.jpg Progress/07311BackTail.jpg

Ears/ear servo goes on tonight!

Almost there. I keep thinking Ill have him to paint sooner than I think, but I truly think this week he gets his paint.
Thanks for that, I can open the tail and neck sections but the rest come up with \"application/octet-stream\" and will not open as a PDF.

any ideas?

Does anyone know someone who would take my model on as a project?

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I have just checked the files in the files section, they come through okay on my machine and the one I tested on at work. I am using Firefox and Chrome. I just clicked on them and a save window come up. The files are missing the .zip extension I am pretty sure, but if you add them when they download then it should be fine. Unzip them then in each zipped folder there is a set of .pdfs, some with the instructions and the plans for that section.
I live in Brighton and there seems to be no one in the area to customise my K9 for me. (yes I have tried google)

Do any of you guys know anyone looking for a project? I am willing to travel (within reason) to try and get him sorted.

Hi John,

All up-to-date plans can be found here:

After registration, they are free to download.

Smiles, Izzy

I love K-9 and I'd love to try and build a replica myself. I'm currently looking for plans and I've tried registering for that site, but I don't get an email through to complete my registration. Is there a problem with registration at the minute and could anyone please email me a copy of those plans directly.

I have checked with the site owner and he says that in the last week he has sent off 5 registration confirmations. First check your spam folder. If it is not there, pm me with your email address and we will help sort this problem out.

Regards, Izzy

I love K-9 and I'd love to try and build a replica myself. I'm currently looking for plans and I've tried registering for that site, but I don't get an email through to complete my registration. Is there a problem with registration at the minute and could anyone please email me a copy of those plans directly.

I have checked with the site owner and he says that in the last week he has sent off 5 registration confirmations. First check your spam folder. If it is not there, pm me with your email address and we will help sort this problem out.

Regards, Izzy

Been trying to register on that site for a week. It says it's waiting on my reply, but I've received no email confirmation and it won't let me in until I do :-(
MFP, PM me your email address and the user name you used to register on the forum. Will email the site owner (I know him personally) and check with him. Do double check your spam folder, just in case.

Regards, Izzy
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