Doctor Who: K-9 that tin dog build

Thank you, Dave. You provided some incredible plans and the Who/K9/robotics community is better because of it!

Truth be told, I'm only running one servo on the tail lol
Bump for a great build.

I have styrene laying here on the floor just waiting till I can take my shot at Dave's plans. Dave really makes incredible guides. Thanks to Dave!
Thank you all for the nice compliments, here are some finished shots of K9 at DragonCon this past September and a few others:







How did you make your ears, coz at this point Im having a NIGHTMARE, Ive built two pairs and both looked horrible.

UPDATE: Seems maybe third times the charm......

Still working on them BUT it looks like this time I MAY have cracked it..... Wish me luck!
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Your work on this is stunning! Completely! I've just started my build with the Everett plans and am a complete newbie! Can I ask one question? I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but how do you recommend making the 45 degree chamfer on the 3mm styrene? Sandpaper? File? I have a router table with a 45 degree bit too, but wasn't sure that wouldn't tear up the styrene. Any insights would be very much appreciated!
Your work on this is stunning! Completely! I've just started my build with the Everett plans and am a complete newbie! Can I ask one question? I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere, but how do you recommend making the 45 degree chamfer on the 3mm styrene? Sandpaper? File? I have a router table with a 45 degree bit too, but wasn't sure that wouldn't tear up the styrene. Any insights would be very much appreciated!

Thanks for the kind words.

To answer your chamfer question, I used a belt sander and took my time.
Dont use a router, it will spin too fast, create too much heat and create havoc for you on the styrene.

You can do it by hand, but its going to be hard. If you have a belt sander, thats the best bet or you can you a dremel with a sanding bit, on a lower, not too low, but lower speed and take your time. Lay the plastic down on a bench (or table) and create your angle with the plastic on the edge of the bench, if that makes sense?
Beautiful. Love that dog! You guys can keep your R2 units! He's the greatest robot in history. I grabbed those plans as well as I'm getting ready to start a build for our fan series. Though the script calls for some specific 'upgrades' to him!
Hi All.

Can someone tell me how to make the raised lip / bevel that goes around K-9's video screen? I don't see an easy way to do this in styrene. The one's in the pictures don't even have a seam.

thanks in advance,


Bah, I've not been on the RPF for ages as I'd forgotten my log in.. if I'd have remembered them a bit earlier I may have been able to help you out- I've just helped out an exhibition with Matt and he had the original prop there.






I don't know how recent you are aiming for with the look of your replica, but here's Matt pointing out the new rivets on K-9's head, he's got so fed up of the screws being obvious he decided to make it a design feature!


In addition we had two other K-9's on display, so we took a group shot after the event had finished and we were packing up! The original prop is in the middle!



I hope these are of use!
All that side screen trim looks a little different on those 3 versions of K-9 in the photos above. The seams can be hidden or covered with filler, etc.

For mine and others Ive seen, its just door trim.
Thanks. I'll probably get some door trim from an auto parts store.

For the pictures with the deeper bevels, does one use a thick strip of styrene and heat it to bend it into a smooth curve for the corners... And sand the front edge a bit to give it that rounded look?
Bump for a great build.

I have styrene laying here on the floor just waiting till I can take my shot at Dave's plans. Dave really makes incredible guides. Thanks to Dave!

Thanks mate, as usual I am running behind on my schedule to get everything finished. I had December flagged to finish K-9 off so I can complete the tutorials, but I didn't receive the ear servos until a few days ago.

The gun mechanism is almost complete, I will add the tickertape tongue after everything else is finished. Then comes the control system which I want to make as simple as possible for builders.

I have also uprated the floor for the drive motors. I had not anticipated how heavy the head is and it can cause the floor to flex and over a years operation it was showing cracks. All this will be in the update tutorials.

Dave Everett
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