Skullknight full costume (pic heavy)

I started to attempt to put him together on the manniquin. He looks funny to me without the arms and cape. The leg armour is drooping a little because the straps are slipping on the smooth surface of the manniquin. And he is taller than I am so imagine the ribs coming down a little. Also the shoulder pads will rest some on my physical shoulders and lift them a little and even them out. Plus the cape and kilt will tie everything together. For some reason the skull looks darker, but it's not in real life. My garage door only opens so far and there is a shadow cast towards the top.

I did all this to give me an idea what I'mlooking at and give me an idea how to mount the armour as a working costume. I still have to make the cape and kilt, position the arm armour and put the lighting in for the eyes including smoked lenses.

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Wow! Awesome job. Thanks for posting these photos. I love watching builds like this because they can be informative & Inspirational. I've recently started sculpting, so it helps to have people document there builds for us noobs in the room. Thanks again!

Well, today was the dress rehearsal before Dragon*Con. A few things to take care of. First, I dropped the chest plate and broke off one of the spikes--easy fix though. I think it's funny that it's the same spike that broke off in the manga. Had to trim the back t get it on, need tighter strapping for the legs to hold the armour up.

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EEEEEEEEPPPPPIIICCC!!!:D.. I want it! I have been following Berserk for yrs, such a great manga(gotta love the unique style). This costume looks amazing, how long has it taken so far? What clay are you using? looks like you got a hell of a lot of it

The femto helmet is just a tease:p...Any intention of making the full on Guts armour? You've got the style down to a T.
Looks great! How much movement do the shoulder pauldrons allow?

Thanks everyone for the compliments. It's been alot of fun, but the real fun will be at Dragon*Con tomorrow.

My movement is limited of course, but I can still walk, move my head and wield the sword.

I used plastalina clay from michaels, which sucks ass by the way--don't get it. I started the project way back last October sculpting here and there in front of the TV at night after the family went to bed.

I made some changes per request of the client. I died the cape black, lowered the kilt a little, but some changes will have to be done after Dragon*Con. There are lights in the eyes, but they're better seen in dim light.
Well I did the test run for "Skully" at Dragon*Con over the weekend and had a really good response. Some changes have to be made to make it more comfortable and mobile for the cosplayer. I had to search the web to find a good photo that was taken, because I make the mistake of having no handler with me:

Dragon*Con 2011 - Day 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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