Doctor Who: K-9 that tin dog build

That is simply amazing! I'm very envious of you now. I've always had a soft spot for this little robot.

What will you be using for the bumpers and the screen edging? Those two items are always a bain for the K9 builders so I'm told.

I already have the bumpers, they dont stump me? They are just plumbing pipe insulation tubes. You can get them in foam or foam rubber from your neighborhood big box hardware store. I choose foam rubber.

The monitor trim will probably be from an automotive store. Its just door or screen trim.
Styrene? Seriously? Incredible!

Had no idea you could build props of this size and complexity with it.

Amazing build. Really spot on.
That looks really great so far! awesome work, and awesome progress. Thanks for posting all of the photos along the way. It's been really fun to see it all coming together.
Having seen this little guy in person, I can attest to this being absolutely stellar work! CGClone has some serious skills.
He is finished! Well, except for his dog tag LOL

Heres two test videos, that is indeed him speaking. The speakers are in his head. Doctor Who playing on the monitor.

Doctor Who K9 test run 1 - YouTube

Doctor Who K9 test run 2 - YouTube




That last photo is of him in the back of my Toyota Sequoia to give you a size reference LOL
K-9 seems to be about the same size and shape as my Jack Russell Terrorist, Maximillian.
Is there any provenance as to what dog K-9 is modeled after?
K-9 seems to be about the same size and shape as my Jack Russell Terrorist, Maximillian.
Is there any provenance as to what dog K-9 is modeled after?

No, in an interview from the designer of K9 at BBC, when he did the concept sketches he was completely different looking in the first stages. If I recall correctly, that designer moved on to something else and someone different picked up the final design. He was only meant for one episode when orginally conceived.

As for his size LOL, watch this video, thats my Jack Russell at the end of the video, K9 is twice her size:

Doctor Who K9 Street test - YouTube

He is in the back of my Toyota Sequoia, one of the bigger SUVs on the market in the shot above. Dwarves a normal Jack. My Jack is a Parsons Terrier technically, which is a bigger Jack breed.

My K9 is studio scale, he wasnt small.
You have done a fantastic job with the Dave Everett styrene plans! Your K-9 looks amazing!

I noticed that you used a filler type material in a few places, or at least that's what it looks from the photos. Can I ask what you used? Styrene is notorious to putty and fill. With my K-9 styrene head, I have been priming it prior to filling at the moment, but I am hoping to find a better method. :)

I noticed in the discussion there were some questions on where to get the plans from, the good news is that is back up and running and Dave Everett is uploading the updated plans there. I also have a set that I can PM links to people.

Smiles, Izzy
A vary nice build CGClone, I have made a K9 using MDF for the bodie, vary heavy but tuff.
How did you achive the voice function, what did you use ?
You have done a fantastic job with the Dave Everett styrene plans! Your K-9 looks amazing!

I noticed that you used a filler type material in a few places, or at least that's what it looks from the photos. Can I ask what you used? Styrene is notorious to putty and fill. With my K-9 styrene head, I have been priming it prior to filling at the moment, but I am hoping to find a better method. :)

I noticed in the discussion there were some questions on where to get the plans from, the good news is that is back up and running and Dave Everett is uploading the updated plans there. I also have a set that I can PM links to people.

Smiles, Izzy

Hey Izzy,

Thanks for the kind words, K-9 was a joy to build. as for your question about the filler, its a product here in the US called Bondo Glazing putty. Its a 2 part "final step" type of filler. Very smooth and easy to use.

I would highly recommend sanding down your primer to bare plastic in the areas you want to apply filler. Filler doesnt bond well to paint and you run the risk of it chipping or falling off.

Glad to see the K9 site is up after a lonnnng oasis.

Captain Action - I used the same method that the R2 builders use in general. Its combo of a 12-volt rf transmitter/receiver and a voice box (this one supplied by ThinkGeek). Go register and become a member of the astromech builders site, its all there.
Thank you CGClone for your reply. Is Bondo Glazing putty like regular Bondo? We can't get regular Bondo here in Australia but have found an equivalent by mixing 50% polyester fibreglass resin (plus curing agent) + 50% polyester car putty/bog (plus curing agent).

I have had adhesion problems with regular car bog on bare styrene, even if the surface has been scuffed. I found better results using an etch primer, letting it dry then applying putty, however, always trying to find a better alternative. :) Sounds like Bondo Glazing is the go.

Smiles, Izzy
98% finished, here he is before adding the monitor/trim, bumpers and the metallic "K 9" to the panel side.

Looks great, very clean. I like your idea of simplifying the tail, most people are confused when they see mine moving in both directions, I may recode my controller so it only moves left and right.

Dave Everett
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