Doctor Who: K-9 that tin dog build

Check the plans you found and see if there are any parts missing. The set I initially found some time ago were missing some pieces. I have all the instructions if so.
The rubber tube I am using for the neck has an outer diameter of 4-9/32 and an ID of 4". Its pretty perfect.

The plans are easy to find, I wont link to them as I dont have permission. If you can find them, they are there to download.

And yes, RebelScum, the top of the head and the side door are missing, but they are easy to build, its not hard. Theres no ears, but that didnt stop me either, all those parts are done.

Im to the point where Im filling a few seams, all the servos are done and mounted, just awaiting the fresh batteries and charger to complete the drive train.

Heres the mock up without the neck tube on. His head is at an angle, hence appearing a little big, but its correct size.

Excited to get him primed and painted this weekend.
Bah, I've not been on the RPF for ages as I'd forgotten my log in.. if I'd have remembered them a bit earlier I may have been able to help you out- I've just helped out an exhibition with Matt and he had the original prop there.






I don't know how recent you are aiming for with the look of your replica, but here's Matt pointing out the new rivets on K-9's head, he's got so fed up of the screws being obvious he decided to make it a design feature!


In addition we had two other K-9's on display, so we took a group shot after the event had finished and we were packing up! The original prop is in the middle!



I hope these are of use!
Nice to see those, thanks for posting those real dog shots. Those other model look like they have the fiberglass casts off the original. Its hard to get those bodies, I would love one, someday LOL

Never noticed the square tubing on the bottom of that one before. Most use the foam rubber pipe insulation, which mine will have.

Im not going for anything specific era wise, I just want a general K-9, altho his plans are based off the Baker Era K-9. I had to take liberties with his head some, but its not noticeable.











Ears/ear servo goes on tonight!

Almost there. I keep thinking Ill have him to paint sooner than I think, but I truly think this week he gets his paint.
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I am really impressed. I am wondering though what material you are using to make him out of. Also could you please clarify for this newby what you mean by "skinned".
Amazing job so far!

GeneralFROSTY - thanks man, that means a lot. I have been putting my heart and soul into him. He is being dedicated to a buddy of mine that is perhaps one of the best Doctor Who/David Tennant costumers/look alikes who is in the hospital fighting for his life.

Stuffj/Aaron - he is made out of mostly 3mil (1/8") styrene with some 1 & 2 mil styrene mixed in.

"Skinned" simply means after you have built a frame work, then you put a clean layer of thinner plastic or material over that frame to give it a "skin". Look at the photos at the beginning of this thread - you'll see the frame of the robots head, it now has a layer of skin on the outside to cover it all up. Make sense?
He is all painted and final assembly and the working out of kinks of the remote setup tonight and through the weekend.

Heres the head with the eyes all blazing, very happy with him at this point. More photos tomorrow.


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