zentai-zone TAS2 build (NOT STOLEN PATTERN)

As you can see, the webs are not black uploadfromtaptalk1409852876739.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409852880239.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409852883996.jpg
What did you do for mesh? I'm a little stumped with that

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Like I know what I want I just don't know where to look for it
It's metal mesh aluminum mesh. You can use a kitchen splatter screen because they are magnetic incase you are making a face shell, I drew around my frames and traced onto the mesh then I ayed thagt ontop of the frames and pushed it into the dome
The suit by sony as another member said, I Went to nyc about 2 weeks ago, seen some people with that suit on. There is no brick pattern, or any pattern on it whatsoever, looks a bit cheap to me the material. Beside the coloring the suit doesn't have much going for it, I don't think it has nothing going for it personally but that's just me. Maybe if someone can modify just right then it'll be better.
Hey chaotic nice TASM costume I personally liked it better than TASM2 but any way what color would you do the webbing in?
I got it off amazon by typing metal mesh it was a a pound and a quarter for a sheet but you're better off with a splatter screen cos they are just a buck and you can find em anywhere
It's metal mesh aluminum mesh. You can use a kitchen splatter screen because they are magnetic incase you are making a face shell, I drew around my frames and traced onto the mesh then I ayed thagt ontop of the frames and pushed it into the dome
I'm on budget so I'm doing the toy mask face sell idea and it works well it needs minor modding though I plan to make a face she'll specifically for me later down the road I got some cool spidey ideas I can't wait to try and like I'm 50/59 with your web argument in the actual movie the always look black
It's cos of the lighting angle they look black but I think they have one suit where it is black, you gotta cut a bit of the forehead on the mask cos it bugs you alot and don't cut the eyes bigger I made that mistake. Also, use pliers for the sticking out red bits inside and also to remove the rubber bit
It's cos of the lighting angle they look black but I think they have one suit where it is black, you gotta cut a bit of the forehead on the mask cos it bugs you alot and don't cut the eyes bigger I made that mistake. Also, use pliers for the sticking out red bits inside and also to remove the rubber bit
I've already pulled the uncomfortable parts minus the top it surprisingly has no discomfort for me when I test seared it for about 2 hours with 0 pain or discomfort

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I also think the opposite with your lighting argument I think they lighting actually makes them look grey look at the first suit photo they released the lese frames look the same exact grey that the webbing does cuz the way the light hits it but the frames are actually black
I had an issue with i can't remember what It was, I think it makes it look like it's added into my head and it's not flush so I cut it like this... Hmm I Lost it, but I cut it so it's flush with my forehead
That's the color of the webs of the movie suit. Just take matte white puff paint and add some black printer ink and shake it well until you get this color.
or use latex if you want.

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