Re: You know what? F you, Pixar
There's a lot to be said about this topic.
But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to leave your childhood games or give up your fun or give up playtime. TAKE BACK playtime. Have more fun. Work less. You know you miss those times where you'd run around outside, play with r/c cars, boomerangs, model rockets, frisbees, the three level Ghostbusters fire station with parking for Ecto 1 and holes in every floor to pour slime though, Creepy Crawlers, CCGs, Nerf guns, foam swords with collapsible targets in the hilts, hungry hungry hippos, Zaks, Legos, K'NEX, regular wood building blocks or those oversized cardboard brick ones, racing cars on electric tracks, marble rollercoaster sets, rubberband fights, kickass lunchboxes, Connect 4, Dunkaroos, tree houses with a rope ladder, exploring and finding a place you know you're not supposed to be but look around anyway, tree houses without a rope ladder, extra wide slip and slide made of industrial plastic sheets, watergun fights, trying to get a water balloon to actually break on someone, dodgeball, horse, sidewalk chalk, G.I. Joe missile guns, mini 3-in-1 pool/air-hockey/ping-pong sets, tetherball...
Whether you believe in a god or not, either way, do you really think we're supposed to be sitting in an office for 40 hours a week, half our life, behind a computer, at a desk, in meetings? If you do, is that what you think He'd want you to be doing with your life? If you don't and think we're just animals then which species is winning? Who has it better, the dolphins and monkeys who get to play all day long, or us? C'mon. How about the kids in poorer countries with less toys? Do they have less fun? Doubt it. running around, playing soccer and just all in all enjoying the outdoors. Playing in the woods and just enjoying nature. When's the last time you made a bonfire? Or touched something that was alive?
And for that matter, how much time do you spend sitting in front of a TV and not doing something interactive like genuine play time. You've got money now and you don't have to rely on your parents to buy you toys. Go and get your own. Buy a quadtrocopter. Go back outside and ride your bike. You don't need to go tot hat same bar or club you go to every other weekend. Try playing capture the flag in the woods with your friends at 11pm instead. Tell me what's more fun.
Life is what you make of it.