YODA show off thread


Well-Known Member
Well theres been so many great yodas show up lately and im sure lots more folk will have them so i thought we could have a dedicated show off thread like the vader ones and so on.

Nice to get them all in one place, i did a search and couldnt see an old one so hopefully we can build a new one up.

my yodas not ready for show off yet but heres a small test video with my Cyberman puppet head

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Here ya go - Howard Studios Yoda:



Here's a couple of pic of mine.
My body is finished, so I'll be taking some new pics soon.


My ESB Yoda, still in progress....

Here are a couple pix of my ESB Yoda. I still have weathering to do as well as a belt and pouch. Right now he's just sporting a cloth stand-in.

Dave :)




Colin Penman - that display case looks superb - can I ask where you got it from or how you made it?
i second that, outstanding case colin.. id even settle for that base as its a bit like what i have planned for my vader but ill add red perspex and light it.

some top work so far guys

anyone got a decent pattern or at least sizes for yodas costume, ive made one off the cuff but its no good
I'll be offering a limited run of super accurate robes. There is an interest thread in the JY.
ob1al: Thanks for the comment. The display was built by Jason Ehl, my partner in crime on this project. It houses the control board and sound system that operates our little friend. I'll see if he has any pics of the full base.
Hi Colin,

Could you relay any info you can give on how he built that brilliant display case and the materials used? On a practicial level, it would help to protect latex works and keep the dust down.



ob1al: Thanks for the comment. The display was built by Jason Ehl, my partner in crime on this project. It houses the control board and sound system that operates our little friend. I'll see if he has any pics of the full base.
Here's pics of mine now with a body. It's made like a puppet so it's totally posable. His limbs are kind of like kermit's. I wanted him to have as much of the look and versitility of the screen puppet but had to sacrifice a bit of functionality that the original had (no facial animation).
Still tweaking.
You can see the finished outer robe but it hasn't been weathered at all. That should be fun to do if I could only find the time.
Also, see the JY thread about anyone interested in getting one of these robes.




Great work guys, I'm hoping to start on a Yoda soon myself, Gino you can put me down for one of those super accurate robes :thumbsup , I'ld post my request in the JY, but I sut broke 20 post and I have yet to notify the Mods. C
Hopefully someday I could have one of those awesome OT Yoda's, but for now here's the final look of my Episode II/III Yoda.


Well here's my first step towards my lifesize Yoda - Cyberman's fantastic head sculpt, painted up, eyes installed and hair glued. :)


