XRobots Iron Man: Video added page 22, fours years into 4 mins

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Thanks guys, quick answers etc:

No I won't be doing any runs of these yet. I've never actually finished a costume and I also have an alien on the go (XRobots.co.uk/alien/), so I'd really like to get this done before I start doing pieces for anyone else. Also, the raw casts are fairly terrible, but still require the same effort and material cost to produce as perfect casts, so I'm not sure how I'd price it. Plus I've not even made all the moulds from all the pieces yet (thighs, shins, feet are not moulded), and some of the original pieces themselves are not yet made (neck, kidneys, hands, thigh extensions).

Yes I moulded from foam!. I think I spent less effort overall than with Pep on paper as the foam suit didn't require sanding at all. I'm sure I spent less time sanding and finishing the plastic cast parts than Pep on paper too. In the end I get two suits in total and a set of moulds that make a suit the same as the foam one.

I have the moulds from the forearms and pelvis front & back to cast from. After that I'll move on to moulding the legs, but I'll also probably recast the helmet again so I can make a version with a lift off face plate etc.
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Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Where's th' link for th' war machine by XRobots? I can't find it Awesome skillset bra!!!!
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic


this is killer man. really impressed with how its coming out, can't wait to see it painted up!!
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

We are all just chasing shapes! By any means necessary. Looks great.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Quick update for today:



Forearms next...
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

You're killin it man, I just started my first pep build last week and I am about 2/4 done with the helmet. I will start a thread once i take more pics I want to do a start to finish thread of the helmet. One question I have though is how do you make the cast for the molds you make? And for the foam build where did you get the templates for the build? Foam seems a little easier to work with than the cardstock to be honest. I am asking because I would totally do my next build out of foam if it is easier to work with.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

The templates were the pep templates, but I used foam instead of card.

The moulds were made from the foam pieces and then I cast from the moulds in plastic/casting resin - by rotating it around in the mould as it cures so it coats the inside of the mould. Post #65 shows how one of the moulds was made:

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Nice, your techniques are flawless bro. I will probably take a run at making some molds at some point. Not now as I am a noob to pep builds and just this sort of thing in general lol. Anyways good work bro keep it up
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Small update, I worked on the chest a little and mainly spent time arranging the pieces together, no progress on the forearms yet...


Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I love this project, its cool to see permanent pieces created. everytime I put my suit on I get stress cracks in certian places. Got a couple questions? do the pieces come out bigger than the originals? and are the pretty strong? Keep Building!....
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I love this project, its cool to see permanent pieces created. everytime I put my suit on I get stress cracks in certian places. Got a couple questions? do the pieces come out bigger than the originals? and are the pretty strong? Keep Building!....

No they aren't any bigger than the originals(?). They are strong enough, but it depends what you cast them in. This is Smooth-cast 65D which is a fairly high impact polyurethane plastic, but you could use fibreglass etc...
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I should do alittle more research to possibly preserve mine. Thanks James I appreciate the info. - Delray
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I mostly have the forearms done now.

The moulds made from the foam suit:


The raw casts (I stuck plastic pots in the ends of the moulds to make the casting easier):


After some clean up and primer:


One arm, although I've yet to install an actual hinge at the elbow so the pieces are balanced together for now:


I'm rebuilding the handplates from scratch next because I wasn't very happy with the foam ones.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

Can you PM me with Instructions on how to make a mold, the materials used, and what to cast it with? Thanks in Advance -Delray
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

The templates were the pep templates, but I used foam instead of card.

The moulds were made from the foam pieces and then I cast from the moulds in plastic/casting resin - by rotating it around in the mould as it cures so it coats the inside of the mould. Post #65 shows how one of the moulds was made:

Ok, I see....:thumbsup
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: sealed foam, now moulded and cast in plastic

I'm lovin th' details from th' shoulder ta th' forearm those casts look awesome!!!! Btw do ya rotate th' molds by hand or is it a automated rotocaster? I've seen some on YouTube made out of wood an a motor that rotate on all axises.
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