XRobots Iron Man: Video added page 22, fours years into 4 mins


Well-Known Member
I've been building a n IM MK6 costume from foam, using the Robo Pepakura files. I've completed most of the upper half so far. Note that the mannequin doesn't have very human proportions - he's stick thin, legs are too long for the body and he has moulded hair so the helmet is slightly too high:





You'll notice that the pieces don't really look like foam, and this is how I did it:

The original pieces are made from Plastazote LD45 foam and hot glue. I cut out all the Pepakura templates and simplified some into bigger pieces. Plastazote foam can be stretched and bent with heat, so most of the cuts in the original templates that make contours can be ignored. I also made some different cuts between the templates, in the chest plate for instance, to put the lines/detail in the right place:


They are then sealed with about 3-4 coats of PVA which dries clear:



PVA is also water soluble - I've done a couple of tests with 'Plastikote Super Primer' which appears to bite into the PVA and stick fast, and also remains slightly flexible. The pieces are a lot more rigid once the PVA is applied anyway - I'm almost tempted to make moulds from some of the parts and cast them in fibreglass so they can be sanded and made perfect.

More to follow as I make the pieces...
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Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

This is Increible. I've seen your other stuff on Youtube which also was awesome.

The PVA glue idea is very genius as well.
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

looks great, just one question pva glue is some kind wood glue?
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

PVA is your basic white glue! It comes in many different formulas, strengths, flexibilities, etc so it takes some experimenting to see what works best for you.

BTW this is my favorite foam build so far hands down. LOVE how smooth looking you were able to get it!! Please keep posting progress pics!
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

I've been wondering how do you use the pepakura templates and transform it to foam? This foam looks like its already plastic looks awesome..... Seems like doing it in foam is way faster than Pepakura
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

Thanks guys, the quick answers are:

The foam was from eBay in the UK, although you can buy 'Plastazote' foam in a number of places, just make sure it's not too low density.

The PVA is the cheapest I could find in my local Wickes in the UK - it was about £ 8 GBP for 5 litres/~a gallon.

Originally I cut out all the Pepakura pieces in card, then taped some together to make larger pieces, cut them about/added bits etc until I knew that I could make that large piece out of foam based on the testing with heat bending/stretching etc. The foam is very quick and easy to work with and you can stretch/squash it if the pieces don't line up perfectly too.

This is actually the second foam suit I made, the first was lower density foam that I just painted, but I may return to that and reseal it/rebuild some pieces that aren't quite right:


You can see more of that here: XRobots.co.uk - Iron Man 2, War Machine Costume
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

I have the legs done now, so most of the major parts are finished. My mannequin can't bend his ankles though so I can't get his feet through the shins to show the whole suit at once...



The next step is to sort out any imperfections around the seams / trim / reseal with PVA, and then spray it all up in primer. I'm seriously considering making moulds from the parts at that stage and casting it up in Urethane fast cast of some sort.
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

I still dot know how u reduced the pieces to so few. When I did mine I messed with disjoin join faces till pieces were larger but never this simple. I'd love to see some pics of the leg templates?
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

I'm afraid I've already cleaned up all the bits of card and off-cuts, it's been 3-4 days to do the coats of PVA and let them dry since I finished the pieces...

But basically I printed the Pep templates as they are and cut them all out, then assembled as much of it flat as possible - in some cases up to 10 pieces of card together, some overlapping or with gaps etc. Some extra bits were stuck on and new edge contours cut also, so the finished template is basically a mess of card and tape with pen drawn all over it. Of course you only need to cut two pieces out the same, one for each leg, and after that the template goes in the bin - If I want to make any more I'll just mould and cast from these...
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

I've just looked in my recycling bin, and there a few pieces left, some of them were bigger than this though:

Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

I realised that I can bend the mannequin's ankles, so here we go. Note that he's much too short for this costume, so the thighs are bunched up with the cod-piece when there should be a gap:



Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

PVA!! GENIUS!! fantastic work. this is some real inspiration, i was put off making one from foam as i didn't want the foamy look but that is just killer. great effort!
Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

Holy mother of beautiful foam construction!

That looks amazing! How long did it take you to get to that point? I keep going back and forth between wanting to do a foam build and a fiberglass build, and knowing how long this took you would help make up my mind.

And does anyone else sorta like Iron Man in black? It's a cool stealthy look, but I'm sure it'll look even cooler all painted up!

Great job, once again!

Re: XRobots foam build - sealed and shiny (IM MK6)

That's pretty well pegged the awesome meter there, XRobots! VERY well done! The sealed foam really doesn't look like foam, in your pics - it looks like a solid, smooth surface. Painting ought to come out pretty well, IMO.

Have you worn either of these suits yet?