XRobots Iron Man: Video added page 22, fours years into 4 mins

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Dollar store Arc Reactor VIDEO added

Yes - that's exactly what I said in the video, I'll use a spare output on the servo controller configured as a digital out to control the lights.
ahh didnt catch that part also will you do a tutorial on it?
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Dollar store Arc Reactor VIDEO added

ahh didnt catch that part also will you do a tutorial on it?

I'm planning on servos, but you probably just need to read the documentation for which ever servo controller you use to check it has the feature...
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Dollar store Arc Reactor VIDEO added

I'm planning on servos, but you probably just need to read the documentation for which ever servo controller you use to check it has the feature...
improlly gunna use the servos and infrared controller for my mask. Ill store the controller in the raised portion of my thigh and see what i can do, i might have to use double the servos just to get it to go back down, but hell this is my first build with anything.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Dollar store Arc Reactor VIDEO added

improlly gunna use the servos and infrared controller for my mask. Ill store the controller in the raised portion of my thigh and see what i can do, i might have to use double the servos just to get it to go back down, but hell this is my first build with anything.

I'll be using Picaxe (picaxe.com) chips with mine, which will transmit and receive Sony IR codes out of the box - so you can build a custom remote into any part of the suit.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Dollar store Arc Reactor VIDEO added

A few people have asked about the electronics side of things, so I've put together a short electronics series:

XRobots.co.uk - Electronics tutorials

There are also three YouTube videos that go with this:

XRobots - How To Solder simple electronic joints, LEDs and resistors - YouTube


XRobots - How To calculate LED resistor values using Ohms Law, series and parallel wiring - YouTube


XRobots - Iron Man electronics using PICAXE micro controller, servos and LEDs - YouTube

Your a superstar for sharing these tutorials!
One question if I may, what picaxe kit would you recommend for someone looking to learn electronics and possibly run two servos maximum from?
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Awesome build and electronics guides and stuff are amazing

Quick question ,sorry if you've already answered this, approximately how much foam did it take to build?

I'm trying to make a decision between foam and paper and wondered how they stacked up cost wise

Many Thanks
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Thanks Tom, you could use a Picaxe-08 which is the one I had in the video, or you might want to look at the 18 which has more in/output pins and more coding space. There are boards for both and lots of info at picaxe.com

I used three 2x1 metre sheets of foam 10mm thick.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Nice thanks for that

Looks to be about £60 ish for the foam then so not too bad

Many Thanks

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

James, as always, your work, and especially the time you take to share your knowledge is amazing! You have inspired me to make my owns build. Thanks for everything! If I ever make it "across the pond" I'm taking you out for a beer!
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Hmmm James, is it possible you oculd post the demensions for your helmet? ive tried 5 different times and they are either to small to hold the electronics, or too big. If you could do so that would be amazing.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Hmmm James, is it possible you oculd post the demensions for your helmet? ive tried 5 different times and they are either to small to hold the electronics, or too big. If you could do so that would be amazing.

Yep - it's about 20cm wide ear to ear, about 32cm at the longest point from back to front, and about 20cm high. It fits on my head ok with all the stuff installed, and it's all in once piece (there's no section to remove at the back).

I should have an update on making the motorized helmet wireless in the next few days - so I've got batteries and everything in there too.

XRobots.co.uk - Iron Man Helmet

Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Hi James, your work on this build is phenomenal! I'm new to this forum and have only just discovered pepakura, foam builds etc and am fascinated by this forum and the talent within it. It's good to see a fellow UKer doing such great work

I am still reading up as much as possible but am hoping to get started with a build soon so may need some advice on where best / cheapest to source materials in England if that would be ok? Most of the builds I've read threads on are in the US and some of the products would be named differently so it's difficult to know what's what

Anyway, thanks for the inspiring thread and tutorials and if you ever decide to do a run of these then please give me a shout. Postage shouldn't be a problem, I'd probably come and pick it up, ha ha
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Hello James,

i am a newbie in all this amazing world of props making. I whant to congratulate you for the amazing work that you do, i viewed almost all your videos, and i am willing to try build my first ironman helmet. How mutch do you think is needed for building one? (how mutch did you spend with all the parts needed?

Tnks Great job.
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added

Hello James,

i am a newbie in all this amazing world of props making. I whant to congratulate you for the amazing work that you do, i viewed almost all your videos, and i am willing to try build my first ironman helmet. How mutch do you think is needed for building one? (how mutch did you spend with all the parts needed?

Tnks Great job.

It depends how you go about it - which process were you intending to use?
Re: XRobots Iron Man Mk6 UPDATED: Electronics tutorial series added


Really inspiring work. Love how you give step by step process, and teach us when we need it!

I used your .99 Arc Reactor video to create my own. What do you think?

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