X-Men Movies Mystique Prosthetics Info Gathering

Too Much Garlic

Master Member
Slowly rounding up info on all the prosthetic pieces making up the Mystique "costume" from the various X-Men movies. I know there are slight variations between the different movies, but I'm just trying to find as much reference as possible and was hoping someone here would be able to help.

I know some of the "skins" have been on display, as well as a statue with the prosthetic skins attached and was wondering whether anyone knew where they were displayed and whether they'd been able to take better pictures of them than what is available through google search?


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I adore the Mystique costume and character.

That was an art exhibit in Toronto I believe. Last year I think.
X-Men Master: Gordon Smith | tiff.net

The Mystique statue was also on display at the Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy exhibit at the Met a couple years ago.

Here's everything related to Mystique from the Toronto exhibit that I've collected-
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I always find myself looking too hard when she shows up. And I mean, squinting, alternating eyes, asking people if I can borrow their glasses - that costume is a cruel tease.

Are you wearing this to Comic Con, Too Much Garlic? I'll be the Mexican kid with his face two inches from your chest.
LOL... I'm not tall enough to wear this. + I'm the wrong gender. Just gathering as much reference as I can of the prosthetic pieces to be able to potentially commission a sixth scale build.

And thanks Nick for those pictures, there were some good ones I didn't have already! :thumbsup

The main issue I've been facing is mostly the back of her legs and feet. But that statue on display has a mirror behind it, so if anyone comes by, I'd love some shots of the mirror image to get a glimpse on how those areas are glued on.
the first prosthetics made by gordon smith were of deadened platsil gel 10. they were encapsulated on one side only using the same but un softened silcone for the membrane. the backs were left as a sticky gel wich created self sticking appliances. these were a total pain to use apparently and very difficult to apply. the next version went with fully encapsulated pieces again with gel 10 as the membrane adhered with i think telesis adhesive. later new baldies / super baldies cap plastic was used as the membrane wich is much easier to blend and adhere.
Hmm, any videos of them putting the prosthetics on? Uh, it would be for learning application purposes only, honest! :devil
Thanks for those. Looking great. Doesn't appear that there are much prosthetics down by her feet, other than on the top of them. Cool. Makes things easier.
Oh bloody hell... what did that thing sell for?

Regarding the project, then it's about a $1000-$1500+ investment to even get the sculptor interested in doing it and maybe more when he realizes all the work required getting the scales and details just right - the mentioned amount may give the basic human form likeness to Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence... but the "costume" may cost on top of that + printing... and it's just something I have to save up for over a very long time... I just don't have that kind of money.
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Anyone know where the statue display seen in my first post is located? Would be cool if someone could go there and take good quality pictures of the display and the application pieces.
If I had to guess I'd say that perhaps Gordon Smith still had it. That collection of items from that exhibit looks too complete to have pieced together from disparate sources.
In related news you can see jennifer lawrence wearing her new Non-makeup based body suit. Aparanently she had an allergic reaction to the stuff in the first movie.







Looks pretty good. You can hardly make out the edges and seam lines.

This shot looks a little too god to be a fabric suit though.
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If I had to guess I'd say that perhaps Gordon Smith still had it. That collection of items from that exhibit looks too complete to have pieced together from disparate sources.

The Gordon Smith made up mannequin is different than the display piece mannequin, which seems to be on display in some sort of superhero style setting.

And yeah... noticed the new "suit". For some reason it just seems a little too... hmm... "clean" in its appearance.
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