X-Men: Days of Future Past

New trailer seems to imply that Quiksilver isn't Mag's kid, though it might be the editing. Not sure what I think about that.

From an interview with Simon Kinberg: X-Men fans know that he also has a fairly personal connection to Magneto. Reveals Kinberg, “Quicksilver is Magneto’s son in the comics and there may be an allusion to it in the movie, but it’s not something we fully explore yet.”
I hope neither of them know their relation, and the only allusion we get to it is Magneto staring at Quicksilver for a full thirty seconds before shrugging and walking away.
Seeing as how mags is in his mid-30's in the past where quicksilver is 20-ish, there might be some familial connection there, but I doubt it will be father/son.
Well, if this takes place during the Nixon administration, that means somewhere between 69 and 74. If Magneto was... let's say 10 in 1944, in 1973 that would make him 39. Since I think Quicksilver is supposed to be around 19 in this, it would be easy for him to still be his father.
I think I might be a little bit in love with Fan Bingbing.

Dude, I'm right there with you.

Blink ended up being one of my favorite characters after the original Age of Apocalypse run in the 90s. When they announced she was going to be in DoFP, I was stoked to say the least. Then once we got a shot of Bingbing in costume, I was like "Hell. Yes." The woman is beautiful to begin with, but she gives the character a charm that I can't quite explain.

...... On a different note (and sorry for repeating this if it's been mentioned already; sleep deprived at the moment and not wanting to read through 27 pages of posts): I'm excited for the film, but I'm also VERY concerned. I understand that this was going to be a used as a means to correct some of the mistakes made with the franchise, but there seem to be some very apparent continuity errors going on. Why is [young] Xavier able to walk again? Why is McCoy introduced having his human appearance? Why would the WALKING Xavier be pissed off at Magneto (who happens to be imprisoned)? Some things I'm sure can be explained, but...if First Class is to have happened, then a lot of these moments don't make sense, and that's starting to irk me.

Like I said, things hopefully get explained and these details aren't oversights/errors. But it would be a shame for this to not live up to it's potential. ESPECIALLY with the announced "X-Men: Apocalypse" to be next on the franchise's schedule.
Can't be any worse than AoS in my opinion.

I just read the article about this off Yahoo a few minutes ago myself.

Does anyone remember the lame-ass Mutant X series? (please, for the love of god, no one say "yes")

That was supposed to be Marvel's official introduction to a mutant-themed TV series. And it sucked more than Lewinsky.

Honestly, AoS is starting to finally get it's feet. For all the mistakes and treading water it's been doing, I do see the potential in it. But a series based in the X-universe spectrum of the Marvel U? I don't have much faith in that, really. Especially if it means they'd end up watering down the characters to get it done.

It's bad enough they take MAJOR creative liberties with the characters (I'm looking at you, FOX! We all know how you screwed up X-Men Origins: Wolverine). I get some things can't translate from one medium to the next, or at least not easily, but to go from the grindhouse-film version of a character to what's essentially a Saturday morning cartoon version is just disrespectful to the creators and the fans. If you're not going to do it right...please....then just don't do it.
Even if I got back my ability to walk, I'd still be pretty mad at the guy who shot me, nearly started a nuclear war, stole away my adoptive sister, and spent years of his life trying to undo the work I'd dedicated myself to.

I'm guessing that it'll be revealed in this movie that his injury wasn't as bad as it first appeared, and maybe he can walk for short distances. He certainly doesn't look too steady in what we've seen.

As for Beast: image inducer. Nightcrawler uses one all the time in the comics. Plus, we've seen Beast blue in some earlier trailers.
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From what I've read, Prof. X uses his astral projection, I think he's actually in his chair but projects to everyone that he's standing/walking. Plus he can make people think/feel anything he wants, so he shows everyone that he's pissed at Mags and make him feel like he's been punched. So basically he's using his power all day while getting used to the chair.

"I'm not X-Man, I'm princess!"
"I'm The Wolverine"

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can you guys fill me in? why do we seen young xavier with long hair in the wheel chair, and then scenes where young xavier with long hair is walking?! and why is magento prisoner? when wolverine goes back in time ( im imagining they are sending his mind back into his younger body, hence the bone claws) is he sent to a alternate universe? im just alittle lost?
We're all still not sure which method he's using to walk yet. Something occurs to put him in a state of depression (either the crippling or something else). There was mention of him spending most of his time in his mansion doing drugs during an interview. So that, combined with the decade explains the dirty hippy look.

Magneto has been imprisoned for the assisination of JFK (possibly framed). I believe this is where the magic, curving bullet comes into play. But I'm only guessing there.

And yes Wolvi's consciousness is sent back by Kitty Pryde to the 1970s.

But there's a ton of unanswered questions. Particularly about tying everything together.
can you guys fill me in? why do we seen young xavier with long hair in the wheel chair, and then scenes where young xavier with long hair is walking?! and why is magento prisoner? when wolverine goes back in time ( im imagining they are sending his mind back into his younger body, hence the bone claws) is he sent to a alternate universe? im just alittle lost?

Look 2 comments above yours...
We're all still not sure which method he's using to walk yet. Something occurs to put him in a state of depression (either the crippling or something else). There was mention of him spending most of his time in his mansion doing drugs during an interview. So that, combined with the decade explains the dirty hippy look.

Magneto has been imprisoned for the assisination of JFK (possibly framed). I believe this is where the magic, curving bullet comes into play. But I'm only guessing there.

And yes Wolvi's consciousness is sent back by Kitty Pryde to the 1970s.

But there's a ton of unanswered questions. Particularly about tying everything together.

OMG that would be amazing with the curving bullet!!!

Look 2 comments above yours...

wow could i look anymore like a jerk? i just got home at the time and instead of reading all 28 pages, which im going to do now, i asked the question before jumping in the shower, now that im all washed up i came on here to my surprise i look like a reject! lol

thanks for the info those guys!
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