The only replicas I've seen was about 4 years ago when someone on the RPF made absolute dead on, high quality bands and they were fantastic. The leather craftsmanship was superb. (I should know, I bought two from him.) Problem is, he only sold them for 40.00 shipped which was so good of a bargain that he ended up taking far too many orders in advance then just stopped. A few people (like me) got theirs but then a pattern developed of his shipping times getting longer and longer. He apologized and said that he was in the midst of moving to another state and when he got setteled he would resume making the bands. But when he moved, we never heard from him again, taking several members monies with him. It's been so long that I can't even remember his name now. :unsure What sucks is that I've never seen another band besides his that even came close to being a replica...and I've looked.