X-Files i want to believe


New Member
Hi where can i find a good copy of the famous I want to believe poster? I googled but i find always different versions and some not very accurate.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you.
thank you for your reply. I think the poster from play.com is slighlty different than the original one from x-files. Looks like the write is in a slightly different position, the ufo looks different and the trees too.

The original:

Looks like the original version, like the truth, is out there............ ;)
The photo I posted seems to be the correct one but the reproduction from play does differ slightly. Ive had another brief look around and couldnt find anything better. I will keep my eyes open and post here if I find anything better.
Hey! I want to suggest to use the search function - I made a paper prop in the correct print size. I used the biggest photo from the Billy Meier shot and enlarged it - changed the color the tv version.

Here the paper prop forum with the X-Files thread:

and my post of the poster: the RPF - View Single Post - X-Files Props

The second one AdamGareth posted is also screen accurate - Mulder's was burned down, and I guess Scully bought him a new poster in Season 5