World War Z (Post-release)

I finally got around to seeing it today and I thought it was pretty good. I really liked the whole international aspect of it and the wide variety of locations, it seemed pretty intense the whole way through. My only complaint isn't even anything to do with the film really; in the scene where Gerry's walking through the canteen in the research facility and accidentally kicks the can all I could think was "Hey we don't have cans of Mountain Dew in the UK" I mean I wish we did, I love Mountain Dew but you can only get it in bottles here :p
Well, OK. I love the book and resisted seeing the movie because...well, you know. My curiosity finally got the best of me so I watched it tonight. And I really, really enjoyed it. FWIW.
It was amazingly bland and sanitized. It took all of the gritty things that make zombie movies cool and coated them in a big warm blanket of PG-13 computer generated fluff.
i'm wondering if the unrated version is any better. Apparently scary zombies don't cut it anymore for movie theaters.
i'm wondering if the unrated version is any better. Apparently scary zombies don't cut it anymore for movie theaters.

I have it; I know the big point is supposed to be "More gore!" but to be honest, I didn't really find anything that was really noticeable as new except for one scene where Pitt smashes the head of a zombie with his boot.
I thought it was pretty good. Never read the book, don't really care to (yes, I do read a lot, just not much fiction). I'm not into zombie movies one iota, though ironically I've seen pretty much all of them at one time or another. Tried getting into The Walking Dead but gave up after about five episodes--just didn't interest me. As for most zombie movies, blood and gore just for the sake of blood and gore doesn't interest me whatsoever. So I had low expectations for this, but was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed it. Just wish it had ended better.
Watched this for the first time the other night. I understand that people familiar with the source material feel it wasn't at all faithful, which is a shame. If it hadn't been branded with World War Z, I think it would have been an okay movie. Not great, not terrible. As someone unfamiliar with the source material I just left it thinking that it would have been better if Pitt's character was given less focus and made the common link between stories centered around the other characters (The soldiers at the SK military base, then the Israeli official, then the Israeli soldier, and then the Welsh scientists).
My major problem was the raison d'etre of the "zombies." So the infection just makes them want to hurry up and infect everyone else really fast? I think Night of the Living Dead had the most sensible zombies, as they ate human flesh and organs (raw and cooked) and didn't seem to be too concerned about spreading the disease. By Dawn of the Dead, though, the zombies would eat just enough of the person to turn them (unless the plot required the person to be torn asunder for dramatic effect), so there were plenty of new, mobile zombies to go around.

Come to think of it, that's always been my issue with zombie movies: At what point do they stop eating the human?
If a zombie is dead already, why does it need to eat in the first place? Wouldn't the term 'undead' actually mean alive? not-dead?
Come to think of it, that's always been my issue with zombie movies: At what point do they stop eating the human?
IMO, when some other potential food source attracts their attention.

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If a zombie is dead already, why does it need to eat in the first place? Wouldn't the term 'undead' actually mean alive? not-dead?
It doesn't "need" to, it's compelled to, because feeding is a primal basic instinct.

And yes, for me "undead" doesn't work, exactly for the reason you stated.
Yeah, but don't they ever get full? I mean even animals don't hunt 100% of the time. Seems like a zombie would eat a brain or two, get full and maybe want to go watch tv and take a nap or something.:D

Do zombies poop after eating all these brains?
It was amazingly bland and sanitized. It took all of the gritty things that make zombie movies cool and coated them in a big warm blanket of PG-13 computer generated fluff.
Agreed. We saw WWZzzzzz this weekend and boy was it awful. Judged against the book and it fails miserably as a literary translation. Judging the film as a piece of cinema in the context of other zombie/horror films and it was just awful. Bland, sanitized, pointless, no real drama, no suspense, and cgi'd to distraction.
Apparently this is what we get when an A-List actor climbs aboard a zombie flick.

I'm sitting there watching the movie and all I could think was while Brooks was hopefully paid a good chunk of money for the property, it must hurt a bit to see your story treated so badly.
Yeah, but don't they ever get full? I mean even animals don't hunt 100% of the time. Seems like a zombie would eat a brain or two, get full and maybe want to go watch tv and take a nap or something.:D

Do zombies poop after eating all these brains?
But an animal is alive with a fully-functional central nervous system/digestive system. They eat, their brain gets the "full tummy" signal, & their bodies begin to process the nutrients/discard waste. All the zombie's brain is saying, is "feed", they never get a "full" signal.

And, 'no' on the pooping thing, obviously, referencing my first statement. Since their digestive system is non-functional:

...I can imagine Romero zombies eating until they burst.
^THIS^. Given intake of enough available food, the vast quantity of rotting flesh/developing gases would just cause their stomachs to burst, & they would continue to walk around eating everything they could find, & the new food would just work it's way down until it dropped out the now burst stomach cavity.

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